City-State Era, A Hundred Times Faster

Chapter 11: The Accomplishments Of The Speeders

It has been upgraded to a third-level city, a third-level city in three days, and a first-level city in one day.

If other city lords knew this, they might be shocked.

Just when Xu Fei thought it was over.

The city building assistant actually started to give out prompts again.

"Ding, congratulations on your promotion to the third-level main city, you have passed the dark age, and you have been rewarded with 10,000 points of various resources and 300 basic farmers."

"Ding, you completed the construction of a third-level city within three days, breaking the historical record, and obtained the achievement of the speeder, rewards, 100,000 points of various resources, and 3,000 basic farmers."

"Ding, congratulations on the achievement of the speeder building a city, you have received a reward, a random orange soul."

"Ding, congratulations on your achievement of building a city by a speeder, and getting a talent upgrade reward. Your talent is upgraded a hundred times faster, the acceleration time is upgraded from hours to days, and the talent refresh is a hundred times faster."

"Ding, congratulations on your city building title, the construction time in the city is reduced by 5%."

The city-building assistant's beep kept ringing in Xu Fei's ears.

Xu Fei was still in shock when the last reward sound finished.

It took a full minute before his throat grunted and he swallowed.

The richness of this reward is simply beyond my imagination.

10,000 points of resources and 300 basic farmers, I can understand, I mentioned this in the school class.

This is a resource specially used for new city lords, training soldiers, and going through the novice stage of first-level beast nest siege resources.

But the achievement reward of the next speeder is too shocking.

And at school, he never knew there was such an achievement system.

Never heard of it at all.

A second ago, mice were still running in his warehouse, which was completely empty.

Now, he suddenly became a local tyrant. With 100,000 resources, how many soldiers can he make!

Just when Xu Fei was thinking about it.

The voice of the city-building assistant rang in his ears again.

"Ding, your resources have exceeded the storage capacity of the warehouse, please use or upgrade the warehouse as soon as possible, otherwise the resources will disappear after a day."

"Ding, the residents in your city exceed the maximum capacity of the dwellings, please build houses or distribute them as soon as possible, otherwise the residents will die."



This is 110,000 resources and 3,300 basic farmers!

I am only a second-level warehouse now, and I can only hold 10,000 points of various resources.

There are only twenty dwellings!

If this disappears and dies, Xu Fei will die of heartache.

Must be used immediately.

He quickly opened the city's construction panel.

After upgrading to the third-level main city, there are a lot of buildings added this time.

There are primary towers, primary schools, primary horse training farms, primary city walls, primary markets, primary diplomatic institutes, and primary workshops.

As the name implies, the sentry tower is a building that can be built in the wild and set up a post. The primary sentry tower can carry five soldiers for protection.

Junior schools are mainly aimed at ordinary basic farmers. For the training of such basic units, some resources can also be spent to send promising subordinates in, so as to obtain a knowledgeable internal affairs talent, and both martial arts and martial arts can cultivate A place for talent.

The horse training ground is a prerequisite for cultivating good horses and building cavalry. It is also very important. The cavalry can move three times faster than the infantry.

The function of the city wall is to protect the territory. Xu Fei intends to use the city wall to enclose his valley, build checkpoints on the dangerous terrain, and turn his valley territory into a fortress.

The market is even more important. It can not only build caravans, transfer basic peasants to become merchants, but also enable the trading function on the city lord's seal. It is one of the most important buildings in the early stage.

The Diplomatic Academy is a place to train diplomatic talents. A good diplomatic talent can work together and play a huge role in the development of the territory, and it can also allow him to create and join alliances. Xu Fei has no idea about joining alliances. The alliance has not been considered for the time being.

The remaining workshop is dedicated to research and construction of various war technologies. Some technologies for siege and defense must be researched in the workshop. If the city wall is to be upgraded, the research must be completed in the workshop first. Only then can.

The resources required to build these basic buildings are all 300 points of various resources.

Xu Fei directly click to upgrade.

Compared to the current resource stock of 110,000 points, these consumptions are drizzle.

The real big head is still on the buildings that were built before the upgrade.

From Level 2 to Level 3, you basically need 400 points of wood, 400 points of iron ore, 400 points of grain, and 400 points of stone.

Xu Fei chose to upgrade all the conscription camps, farmland, warehouses and other buildings at once.

There are also some first-level buildings, similar to the primary docks and primary dwellings, but they need to consume more resources to upgrade to the second-level, and all kinds of resources are the same as 800 points.

Now Xu Fei is a local tyrant and waved his hand.

"Give me a lift!"

Then there is the construction of more dwellings, and the original twenty dwellings are all being upgraded.

Now that his city has reached the third level, it has reached the end of the dark age, so the number of dwellings that can be built in the city has suddenly increased to 300!

With a big wave of Xu Fei's hand, it was directly filled up!

Population is the foundation of a city. A basic dwelling requires 50 points of various resources. Three hundred dwellings are 15,000 points of various resources.

Then Xu Fei looked at his talent.

The achievement of the speeder just now has upgraded and refreshed his talent.

Now so many buildings are being built all at once.

Just right to use it.

"Use talent to speed up a hundred times!"

"Ding, the construction of the primary sentry tower is completed."

"Ding, the construction of the elementary school is completed."

"Ding, the primary workshop is completed."


In the huge city, a burst of white light flashed.

Suddenly, a big city full of people and clean and tidy appeared in front of him.

Xu Fei clicked on his resource panel.

It shows that there are still 80,000 points of grain, 75,000 points of iron ore, 80,000 points of wood, and 71,000 points of stone.

And upgrading the fourth-level main city requires 30,000 points of various resources!

The resources are sufficient, but Xu Fei does not want to upgrade for the time being.

He needs to build an army now!

Such a big city, without a single soldier, is simply a piece of cake.

Anyone who sees it wants to take a bite.

For his own safety, Xu Fei must build a strong enough army.

He clicked on the draft.

Choose conscription.

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