City-State Era, A Hundred Times Faster

Chapter 111, expedition, sixth-level beast nest

"Everyone, please look at the combat sand table."

Xu Fei pointed to the sand table and began to tell the generals under his command the information.

"From the city where we are now to the gap in the coastal mountains, there is a distance of 600 kilometers."5

"This 600-kilometer march has two marching routes, one by land and the other by water.

"I'll talk about the water first.""

Xu Fei's hand tapped a few times on the map.

magnify the river.

Starting from the waterway, Zhang Shun and Ruan Xiaoer were personally tested by two generals.

It only takes three hours to arrive.

Compared with the land, it is much faster, shortening the distance of the general by 200 kilometers.

However, although the waterway is fast, it is very uncertain.

Let’s start with this waterway, which flows down from the plateau, through the forest, through the Broken Mountains, and makes a few big bends.

Passed by in our city-state.

This waterway is extremely turbulent because of the great drop.

The entire waterway that passes through the city, that is, in our city-state, the water flow is slightly gentle, and it is suitable for navigation. After the river flows out of the city for 200 kilometers, the terrain starts to descend from the mountains and hills to "663", and gradually falls to the plain terrain.

Therefore, there was a huge drop in the water flow in this section, and it began to become abnormally turbulent.

Taking a small boat is basically bound to capsize, and dozens of our fishermen have died here before.

That is to say, the 200-kilometer waterway out of the city can only be ensured by taking a big boat. In addition, there are monsters underwater, which will attack passing ships.

In turbulent waters, it is difficult for our ships to attack underwater enemies.

At present, the troop transport ships in our dock are medium-sized ships, and the drawings of large troop transport ships need to be obtained from outside, which are not available yet.

Taking a medium-sized troop transport vessel, it is difficult to guarantee that you will not be attacked by underwater monsters. Once attacked in turbulent waters, the ship will immediately be destroyed and the entire army will be wiped out.

In addition, there is a disadvantage of walking by water, that is, after arriving, we have no docks to dock.

This is the deadliest, because at 400 kilometers of water, it is very close to the sea.

There is a sandbar, and the sandbar is currently occupied by a level-4 monster beast nest.

Judging from the current information, this is a sea beast's lair, and this lair goes deep into the sea.

According to my analysis, this should be the subordinate nest of the sixth-level beast nest.

Once our boat entered the waters, there was no dock to dock.

Relying on the current medium-sized warships, it is too difficult to protect the troop transport ships and fight against demon beasts.

Now our power on the water, it is difficult to compete with the power of monsters in the water.

Therefore, it is extremely dangerous for the army to travel by water, and even if one is not careful, the entire army will be wiped out.

After Xu Fei finished speaking, he paused.

At this time, the Jinyiwei outside came to report.

"Lord City Lord, General Han Xin, and General Bai Qi have an audience. 99

Xu Fei hurriedly said, "Come in quickly."

Han Xin and Bai Qi bowed towards Xu Fei.

He motioned for the two to sit down.

Xu Fei continued: "I have just talked about the pros and cons of waterways."

"Let's start talking about the land route now. Generals Han Xin and Bai Qi can check the records of Coach Lin to learn about the situation of the water route."

Lin Chong is now in charge of recording, and he handed the copied text to Han Xin, Bai Qi.

Instead, he continued to look at the combat sand table and listened to Xu Fei's next analysis of the land march.

Marching from land is 200 kilometers longer than walking by water, but in terms of safety, there are more guarantees.

from our city-state.

After marching 100 kilometers along the road to the south, you will encounter a branching river.

There is no bridge on the river, so it is necessary to turn to the north and march 50 kilometers, which is the narrowest part of the river.

Can walk across the river.

After crossing the river, we entered the jungle. This jungle has been explored by us. There are no animal nests, and of course there are no monsters. After 150 kilometers into the jungle, we will reach the border of our city-state.

There is also one of our sentry towers here. There are 30 sentries and 10 hunters stationed in the sentry tower.

The hunters are familiar with the surrounding terrain.

After arriving, you can directly recruit hunters as a guide to lead the way.

After marching 200 kilometers further, you will encounter a river again.

There is a simple bridge on this river, which is the only crossing point on this river, and must be carefully protected.

It's just that the bridge is leaking, and it takes at least four hours to pass through tens of thousands of troops.

After crossing this bridge, we descended our alpine and hilly terrain and came to the plain area.

It is equivalent to coming to the edge of the coastal plain.

The terrain here is open and there are no huge trees to block it, so be very careful when marching. We have found monster spies here.

After entering this plain, march 50 km on the edge of this coastal plain and encounter a river again.

Now is not the time when the river is rising, so the river level here is gentle, the river is not deep, and the army can easily cross on foot.

After crossing the river and continuing to march for 50 kilometers, we will reach our goal, the gap in the Coastal Mountains.

That is, a small mountain with very low undulations.

This mountain range is currently occupied by the sixth-level enchanted electric eel beast nest.

This sixth-level magic electric eel's lair, his location is not on the south side of the small mountain.

He is on the north side, the side close to the sea.

Near the south side is a fifth-level animal nest, which is the first goal of the army.

Just need to capture this fifth-level beast nest.

I immediately built the sub-city and used the sub-city to plug the gap in the Coastal Mountains.

Then it will be us who will occupy the land.

Jin can cross the Coastal Mountains and attack the monsters on the side of the coastal plain, the main nest of level 6 monsters.

The retreat can hold the sub-city and block the siege of the monsters from the coastal plain.

Xu Fei finished his opinion in one breath.

Look at the generals present.

Zhuge Liang looked at the battle sand table and pondered for a moment.

"Lord City Lord, three rivers must be crossed by land marching, and two rivers must be crossed on foot..

"The rivers within our territory are not of concern. 35

"It's the one on the coastal plain, if the monsters bury their soldiers in ambush.

"Suddenly attacked while we were crossing the river.

"I'm afraid the loss will not be small.

Xu Fei nodded.

"I also considered what you said.

"Because the river is exactly 550 kilometers away. 35

Exactly divided by, the main mainstream, within the influence radiation range of the fourth-level beast nest on the sandbar.

So my plan this time is to prepare both hands.

At the same time, the land and water troops were dispatched.

When the army marched across the river by land, the warships of the waterway launched a fierce attack on the fourth-level beast nest.

contain their forces.

Guarantee our army to cross the river.

Although there are currently medium-sized ships, the water warfare technology has reached level 7.

Just attack at any cost.

The fourth-level beast nest can only defend with all its strength.

At this time, Huo Qubing said, "Lord City Lord, crossing the river is not difficult for the hussars."

"My opinion is for the first 200 kilometers, send troop transports to transport infantry.

"That way you can avoid the first river, where the infantry crosses on foot and slows down the march."

"Wait at 200 kilometers, and the troop carrier will drop the infantry."

"The army will join forces and move on."

"Wait until the second and third rivers are crossed.

"My hussars traveled 150 kilometers forward, taking advantage of the cavalry's advantage in crossing the river, and crossing the river now.

"While testing the hydrological conditions, it serves as a vigilance and pioneer."

"Wait until it's safe. More

"If the army crosses the river again, plus the diversion of the navy, it will be more foolproof. 99

Not waiting for Xu Fei to agree.

Yue Fei, Han Xin, and Bai Qi on the side all agreed.

Han Xin also suggested that the army should march in three parts.

General Huo Qubing was the vanguard.

0.6 He and Yue Fei, and Lin Chong are in the army.

Bai Qi, Zhuge Liang was the rear army.

The three-way army was separated by 100 kilometers and moved forward covertly.

Xu Fei agreed immediately.

At the same time, Li Si, Zhang Ren, Liao Hua, Ruan Xiaoer, and Zhang Shun were dispatched by the dispatch and were incorporated into the battle sequence together.

Xu Fei asked Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi to give the generals the benefit of Feng Jinsong.

Let the two sisters of the Zhao family re-buff the army, this time with Zhao Hede, the gain has doubled directly.

He took out the marching scorpion from the warehouse and gave it to Han Xin of the Central Army. The marching speed of the whole army increased again.

Coupled with the unparalleled gain of the generals, the combat power is directly on the table.

It's a pity that Thousand Days Drunken Wine is still being researched, otherwise, with the five stacks of Thousand Days Drunken, the combat power of the generals can still be doubled.

Xu Fei sees that the army has been adjusted to the best state.

personally send the army to the city gate.

"Open the city gate!" Xinchengmen ordered Shen Pei to open the city gate in person.

As the marching battle unfolded, the desolate horn of the expedition sounded in the city.

Xu Fei gave the order.

"Let's go~"

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