City-State Era, A Hundred Times Faster

One hundred and thirty-fifth, those who block the sword of heir industry will be broken!

Ziyad, the military commander of the city of Samarkand.

He is also the most skilled general in the Central Asian region.

in the mouths of small countries in Central Asia.

Ziard is synonymous with invincibility.

He also lives up to that reputation.

Debuted for many years, never failed.

This made him develop a proud character, even when he heard that this time he was facing the Eastern Kingdom, the most powerful country in the world, the Tang Dynasty.

He was also dismissive.

When the army is drawn out.

Ziard said.

"Tang people?"

"They are just a bunch of cowards hiding behind the Pamirs.

"Wait until our black-clothed big-food heavenly soldiers come.

"That would break the lie that they are the most powerful nation.""

"I will slaughter these Tang people like slaughtering lambs."

"Relegated their people to slavery."

"Take their women and kill their officers.

"Turn Datang into a governor's district for our black clothes and food.

"And I Ziard will be their first governor!"

His blind self-confidence spread to the 100,000 elites under his command.

Everyone felt that the Tang people were vulnerable.

Just like the Sogdian rebels who had just been defeated by them.

Only need to send a charge of cavalry, it will obediently lie on the ground.

Let them be slaughtered.

It is also the case that the 6,000-strong army of Ben Haas will lead the way.

He was rounded up by Xu Fei's hussars, and not a single one was killed.

The heads were piled up as high as a hill.

So when these black-clothed and big food legions entered the battlefield and saw the piles of heads.

They thought it was Benhas who defeated the enemy and cut it down.

Didn't pay much attention.

But when they couldn't find Benhas' striker cavalry.

The moment when a black-clad soldier found his own brother in this group of heads.

The whole battlefield was boiling.

The warriors in black clothes roared around Jingguan.

There was nowhere to vent the anger.

Ziyad stood in front of this Jingguan.

Shame, shame, anger, hatred filled his body.

In his entire life, when did he face such an insult!!!


"Kill the enemy.

"Cut off their heads."

At this moment, these thoughts kept flooding his mind.

On the battlefield, among these black-clad warriors.

A "revenge!" sounded.

After a while, all over the battlefield, the 100,000 black-clothed Caliphate soldiers roared these two words.

At this moment, they turned their attention to the battlefield, the only camp with the banner of the Tang Army flying.

Ziard personally crossed the Jingguan in the center of the battlefield.

Pick up the bloodstained banner from the ground.

Violently erected, pointing towards the river bank camp.

Behind him is the warrior in black.

Roaring, roaring, like a tiger rushing up from the mountain.

An army of 100,000 people.

All overwhelmed by hatred.

They are out of formation.

Without the formation, everyone just wanted to rush up.


Kill the enemy!

Blood for blood!

On the Hengros city wall, Gao Xianzhi supported the city wall and looked towards the battlefield.

He saw the reinforcements of 100,000 soldiers in black clothes.

First of all, my heart is tight.

These reinforcements are neat and tidy, not like the underdogs.

Can General Xu really be resisted by the less than 6,000 soldiers in the camp?

What if it fails.

The remaining soldiers in the city must be ready to rescue them in time.

This battle plan is too risky.

If he fails, he is afraid that he is really sitting in a lonely city.

At that time, not only will the meritoriousness of attacking and destroying the Shi Kingdom be gone, I am afraid that it is still unknown whether he will be able to return alive.

This made Gao Xianzhi's face show some haze.

But what happened next made Gao Xianzhi almost jump up.

The reinforcements of the big food in black, after seeing the Jingguan in the center of the battlefield.

Actually regardless.

The whole army squeezed towards the camp.

Their formation was all messed up.

Morale appeared to be high on the battlefield.

But these 100,000 people are crowded into this battlefield.

As long as the rear is blocked, the front attack will be frustrated!

The whole army was wiped out, I am afraid it will be an instant.

Gao Xianzhi slapped his hand heavily on the city wall, and muttered in his mouth: "Now we will see if General Xu can rely on less than 6,000 soldiers to block the siege of this hundred thousand army!

Camp on the banks of the Hengros River.

Xu Fei personally took off Li Siye's Mo knife and handed it to him.

"General Li, the success or failure of this battle is up to you!"

"Only need to block the first three waves of the black-clothed food.""

"Their morale must have been demoralized."

"Wait until they want to reorganize the team."

"When my hussars attacked from the rear!

Li Siye received a huge Mo Dao from Xu Fei.

Said to Xu Fei: "General, look good.

"The cavalry in this world that can break through my Modao army head-on has not yet been born.

"I see these black-clad cavalrymen, most of them are in leather armor, chain armor, and even fighting naked, and rarely have heavy armor.

"Hehe, these light-armored cavalry, before I Mo Dao."

"It's just a turkey dog.

"With one slash, all men and horses will be shattered!

"General, just take good care of it, not to mention three waves of attacks!"

"30 waves, I can block it too! 35

After speaking, he turned around and walked out of the camp gate with Mo Dao.

In front of the main gate of the camp, 3,000 Modao soldiers had already lined up the Modao army.

This is also the first time Xu Fei has seen this kind of Mo Dao Formation specially aimed at cavalry.

Each of these soldiers holding a Mo Dao is tall, and the minimum is 1.9 meters.

The tall one is more than two meters tall.

And they all have big shoulders and round waists.

He was wearing a special Mingguang heavy armor, and the whole body was covered in thick armor.

One stop there, it is like a mountain of steel.

The Mo Dao they held in their hands was almost as long as their height.

Can only lean on the ground.

The position of the Mo Dao soldiers also seems to be very particular.

They are scattered, and the intervals between each Modao soldier are very wide.

With such a wide distance, it seemed that it was easy for cavalry to charge in.

If you are not familiar with Mo Dao's army, you will definitely think that this is a huge loophole.

But after careful observation, Xu Fei found that these distances should be the attack distances of Mo Dao.

Pulling such a large distance, it should be to avoid being injured by the Mo Dao of other people in the army.

At the same time, it also leaves a forward attack distance for the Mo Dao soldiers behind.

Xu Fei saw Li Siye go out of the camp.

He stood directly at the front of the Mo Dao Array.

Tall figure, under the sunlight.

Leaves a long shadow.

In the shadow of the Mo Dao Array.

500 crossbowmen squat here.

Their task was to quickly retreat into the camp after shooting three crossbow arrows.

These three rounds of crossbow shooting were enough to slow down the pace of the enemy's cavalry.

Xu Fei's eyes turned to the center of the battlefield.

A bearded man in gorgeous armor picked up the flag on the ground and pointed in the direction of his camp.

I saw the black-clothed cavalry cavalry behind him, pounced like a mad dog.

In just a short while, Xu Fei could see their hideous faces clearly.

Heard the barking of wild dogs.

His face twitched.

Outside the camp, the crossbowmen in the Mo Dao Army formation followed a command.

500 crossbow arrows are fired like locusts.

Because of these black-clad cavalry, there was no formation when charging.

Was shot down on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, the 500 crossbowmen fired twice in succession.

To these cavalry who have been carried away by hatred, wake up.

Let them know what a ranged strike is.

After three rounds of shooting, the crossbowmen immediately withdrew from the Mo Dao formation.

Back into the camp.

And these cavalry also just rushed to the 200-step position of Mo Dao Array.

 …・・・ Flowers・・・

The army in black clothes also has long-range attack methods.

They prefer javelins and slings to bows and arrows.

At a distance of 200 steps, a piece of javelin was thrown from the hands of these black-clothed cavalrymen.

These javelins fell into the Mo Dao army formation.

Because the position of Mo Dao Array is loose, most of them fall in the empty space.

A small number of them pierced into Mo Daobing's body and were easily avoided.

Some even if they hit someone, they can't break the defense of enlightened light armor at all.

Li Siye, who was in the eye position, looked at the cavalry that entered in front of him.

Suddenly burst into a drink.

"Raise the knife!

On the battlefield, there was a screeching sound.

Followed by a "drink" sound.

The three thousand Mo swordsmen responded in unison.

Li Siye and the Mo Dao Army in the first row stepped forward.

A "Cut!"

Above the battlefield, a white sword light fell.

The cavalry that had just rushed in was divided into two by the light of the sword.

The Mo Dao Army in the first row of Li Siye had just dropped his sword.

Ten steps forward in the second row behind.

In the second "cut".

Under the command of Mo Dao, the cavalry in black clothes were all torn apart.

Then the third row, the fourth row, the fifth row!!!

Mo Daobing shouted loudly and chopped the words.

The enemy's cavalry only saw the light of the sword advancing like a wall.


Every time the knife light falls.

All accompanied by the cavalry rushing in front, the men and horses were all torn apart.

This killing lasted a full half an hour.

On the battlefield, in front of Li Siye's Mo Dao formation, corpses piled up like a mountain.

Every Mo Dao soldier is covered in blood!

Bright red eye-catching.

In the tent, Xu Fei was also stunned by the power of Mo Daobing.

He muttered something.

"Those who block the sword of the heir industry will be crushed! 39

"In the history books, behind these short nine words, is the pile of corpses in the sea of ​​blood!

Xu Fei is still like this, these cavalry in black clothes are even more unbearable!

These black-clothed cavalrymen who had just been dazzled by hatred and inspired courage by hatred.

At this moment, their courage was shattered by this wall-like sword light.

They were afraid.

They had never seen such a terrible scene.

Never seen such a terrifying weapon.

Such an efficient killing scene.

At this moment, a question appeared in the hearts of the cavalry in the black clothes.

What kind of army is this.

Are they devils from hell?

"No, we can't beat them! 99

"Run, run back!

One, two, three, and then countless cavalry turned and fled.

The reinforcements of the big food in black, the morale is avalanche!

Inside the defeated army.

An army of 100,000 people began to trample on each other and crowded into the small battlefield on the river bank.

As the leader of this army, Ziard did not expect that the enemy would be so powerful.

You will lose so fast.

He yelled at the soldiers: "No chaos, no chaos! 35

"They are few in number, and the army in the back becomes the army in the front!

"Retreat back and regroup!!!""

Ziard knew that he had an army of 100,000 people, although the attack was blocked just now.

Not even 10,000 died, but the soldiers were terrified of being killed by the enemy.

As long as the army can be regrouped.

Instead of rushing forward in a swarm, they used the advantage of numbers to conduct wheel battles.

There are few enemy soldiers, and if you charge repeatedly, you will definitely win in the end.

Ziard can react quickly.

Also have to say he is a veteran of the battlefield.

Although defeated.

If his opponent was another army, he might be able to make a comeback.

Unfortunately, his opponent is Xu Fei.

From the moment he stepped back.

He has no chance to turn around.

When Ziard commanded the chaotic army to retreat.

Suddenly, a red armored soldier was rushing towards them at an unparalleled speed.

Ziard opened his mouth wide and pointed at Huo Qubing, who was headed by him.

A breath did not come up.

Just fainted for the past six.

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