City-State Era, A Hundred Times Faster

One hundred and forty-first chapter, blessing to the spiritual gain

"Treasure Map!


Xu Fei was still a little unresponsive.

"and many more!

He saw Yuan Tiangang raise the rag in his hand.

He remembered.

40 days ago, I gave him the treasure map I got from the white fox's lair.

Let him crack as soon as possible.

This time back to the city, as soon as there were too many things, I forgot about it.

Xu Fei recalled.

Yuan Tiangang said before that this treasure map was extremely complicated.

The treasure buried below is very likely to be related to golden materials or golden generals.

Compared to recruiting purple generals, this is more important.

Xu Fei hurriedly greeted Yuan Tiangang to enter the government affairs hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Mr. Yuan, please sit down." Xu Fei asked him while beckoning him to sit down.

"I don't know what secrets are hidden in this treasure after it is unlocked?"

Yuan Tiangang spread out the treasure map in his hand.

He took out another hand-painted complex drawing.

Spread him out in front of Xu Fei.

"Lord City Lord, please see, I am based on the treasure map and the location of the treasure.

"Six Nine Seven" is arranged according to Zhouyi gossip, five elements, and seven stars.

"In the beginning, the progress was smooth, but when we reached the key point, I felt that I had solved the secret, but I always felt that something was wrong. The treasure that was opened was not a real treasure, but probably a fake treasure."

"After thinking hard, I couldn't make any progress. The original budget was ten days, but it took 40 days, and it was only solved today."

"After my repeated verification, I found that to unlock this treasure map, it is necessary to gather the eighth and ninth stars of the Big Dipper with the positive and negative five elements, in order to be considered an entry."

"You have to use Hetu Luoshu, and the innate gossip can really be solved.""

"Just today, when the Lord of the City is returning to the city.

"I only really unlocked his secrets. 39

Saying that, Yuan Tiangang pointed to the twelve dots on the drawing.

"Lord City Lord, please take a look, this is what I calculated, where the real treasure is buried."

But before opening the real treasure of these 12 points, it is necessary to dig this place first. This is the triangular intersection of the positive and negative five elements and the outer auxiliary and inner hidden among the seven present and two hidden of the Big Dipper nine stars.

After opening this, you can take out the hidden treasure on the bright side.

After taking away these treasures, you need a golden general to stand here.

Then by turning the positive and negative five elements, the Big Dipper nine stars.

Each of these 12 points will pass through the location of the golden general.

Finally, a trap will appear, which will be opened by the golden generals.

This 12-point treasure will appear.

After Yuan Tiangang finished speaking, Xu Fei looked at the complicated drawing in front of him.

Some were confused.

He doesn't understand!

What innate gossip, Hetu Luoshu.

That is, I have heard the name, the positive and negative five elements, the Big Dipper nine stars!

The pros and cons of the Five Elements Knife Technique are known.

Isn't the Big Dipper Seven Stars?

So professional, with metaphysical knowledge.

He could only express that there was nothing he could do, Xu Fei interrupted Yuan Tiangang.

"Well, Mr. Yuan, you don't need to say that."

"Tell me how to dig the treasure!""

"If you want someone, I'll give it.

"If you want resources, I will pay for it!"

Yuan Tiangang laughed twice, it took him 40 days to unlock the treasure.

I also want to share it with people.

All of a sudden, I said too much. I didn't expect that the Lord of the City didn't understand anything about this.

He rearranged the language.

He removed the hand-drawn drawings and pointed to the treasure map.

"To open the treasure, I need a golden general to cooperate with me.

"There will also be 250 five-element flags built.

"450 nine-star flags."

"99 Hetu Luoshu flags."

"88 innate gossip banners.

"We also need 887 soldiers to practice the formation technique day and night until they are thoroughly proficient.

"You can go to open the treasure.

Xu Fei immediately slapped his thigh.

"no problem!"

"I'll give it, I want a golden general, right? Bai Qi can't do it! 35

Yuan Tiangang nodded sharply.

"It's enough to have Lord Wu'an!"

"You want soldiers, right? There are still some in the recruiting battalion, and 887 have no problems at all.

"But this flag?"

Xu Fei turned and asked, "Mr. Yuan, what's the point of this flag?"

Yuan Tiangang nodded solemnly.

"Lord City Lord, the focus is on the flag."

"All that is needed is the skin of the monster with attributes. 35

"It doesn't matter what the quality of the monster's skin is, that is to say, even if it is a one-star white fur.

"However, to have an array flag, you need the skin of a magical beast with the purple fire attribute.

“It also has to be made by a tailor.”

"I know how to make it, but this tailor~"

Xu Fei waved his hand directly, no need to worry about this.

Just a few little things.

No tailor, wait for me to go to the hero altar.

We'll be recruiting you right away!

Xu Fei has 52 purple materials in his hand.

With so many purple materials, are you afraid that you won't be able to recruit a tailor?

He asked Yuan Tiangang to return to Qin Tianjian first.

Xu Fei ran to the Temple of Heaven.

Pick up the incense stick and insert it into the incense burner.

"Come on for a super buff.

"Come on a super buff.""

"Choose to pray!"

"Ding, you have obtained the orange buff to the soul.

[Blessing to the Mind]: Once used, it can consume materials, and there is a chance to recruit a designated general, consume 50 purple materials of any color, and designate to recruit an orange general. The higher the quality of the purple material, the better the quality of the recruited general.

This gain is a bit unreasonable.

This also consumes too much purple material.

I only have 52 purple materials in total. With this buff, I lost 50 all of a sudden.

Among these purple materials, there are only three high-quality purple materials, and most of them are low-quality purple materials. . . .

This uses this gain, doesn't it drain me directly.

Xu Fei was a little reluctant, but looked behind.

The better the purple material, the higher the quality of the generals, and it is not necessarily a low-quality orange or a top-quality orange.

That said, it all depends on personal luck.

Xu Fei was a little moved.

In case, this is if your luck explodes.

What if you recruit an orange superstar?

Xu Fei's heart began to stir.

He walked down the Temple of Heaven in a ghostly way.

Holding on to the soul, the hope is full of anger.

Walked to the front of the hero altar.

Open the Temple of Heaven page and find the Blessing Spirit Buff.

Choose to use.

With 52 purple materials, Xu Fei kept two purple low-grade materials.

The rest turned into an orange light.

Click on this orange light.

[Special orange material can be used to recruit generals of designated occupations. 】

Xu Fei opened the hero altar and put in this orange light.

Xu Fei chose to recruit.

Several options popped up in front of him.

1. Attack generals (5% chance to recruit).

Second, functional generals. (15% chance to get recruited)

Third, auxiliary generals. (10% chance to get recruited)

Fourth, gain generals. (Recruitment acquisition probability 0.5%)

Fifth, special and rare generals. (Recruitment acquisition probability 0.**001%)

Xu Fei sniffed, a bit pitted, the probability is too low.

Especially the last one, how many zeros does this TM come from?

I'm a little dazzled, you just say it's impossible?

It's really to your uncle!

Xu Fei wanted to recruit buffs, because he didn't have one.

But the probability is too low, only 0.5%.

The auxiliary category can be 0.6, but it is only 10%.

The probability is still too low, unstable.

There is only a 5% chance for star-raising attacks.

15% of the last functional.

With the highest probability, it is better to be stable.

And you can specify the recruitment of generals in a certain industry.

It just so happened that Xu Fei lacked a general who would be a tailor.

Tailors are functional generals.

There are so many flags to do next, and the quality of the tailors is low, and it will definitely take a lot of time.

It's better to recruit a good one, and quickly make the flag out.

Wouldn't it be fragrant to dig for treasures and directly dig out the golden generals?

Don't be entangled with these low-probability oranges.

Xu Fei made up his mind that this time he would use it to recruit functional ones and recruit tailors.

Well, choose him.

Xu Fei thought silently in his heart.

"Xuan does not change his faults, and krypton does not change his life.""

"Choose functional officers. 99

"Bring me a tailor!

"Choose to recruit!

"Ding, congratulations on recruiting the five-star orange low-ranking general Soul Huang Daopo.

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