City-State Era, A Hundred Times Faster

Chapter 147, I intend to go to war!

"Report, General Huo has brought troops into the city."

"Report, General Han has brought troops into the city."

"General Baoyue has brought troops into the city. 99

"Report, General Li Si has brought troops into the city.

Those who were recalled by Xu Fei were the main orange generals in the city.

The orange generals guard the foreign war, the purple generals guard the city, and the red generals guard the sentry tower.

This is the configuration of most city lords. Unlike Xu Fei, he also has golden generals in command.

In the government affairs hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

Zhuge Liang, Li Siye, and Yuan Tiangang all sat upright.

Xu Fei sat in the main seat with a calm expression on his face.

His fingers tapped on the table in front of him.

In the quiet government affairs hall, Xu Fei's finger knuckles, rhythmically percussion, accompanied by the announcement of Jinyiwei.

"Boom, boom, boom."

There was a sound from outside the door.

"General Huo is here."

"General Han is here."

"General Li is here.

"General Yue is here.

The four generals walked into the government affairs hall together.

To Xu Fei, who was in the main seat, I bowed together.

"My subordinates meet the city lord. 35

Xu Fei raised his hand.

"No need to be polite, take a seat, and have a hard time all the way, drink some tea first."

There was something wrong with the four generals seeing the atmosphere.

Guessing that something big may have happened, this time they were ordered to return.

I'm afraid it's not a small thing.

They all sat quietly beside them, quietly waiting for news.

After an hour.

Another Jin Yiwei walked into the government affairs hall.

"Report, Lord City Lord."

"General Luo returned from Wu'an City. 35

"Bring him in." Xu Fei's voice was as calm as ever, without a trace of emotion.

"As ordered."

Luo Yangxing entered the hall, not walking in, but being carried in panting.

He was sweating profusely, and knelt directly on the hall.

Breathing heavily.

Three hours ago, he took the holy hand doctor from the main city and rushed to Wu'an City, 400 kilometers away.

Wait for the holy hand doctor to save Yang Zongbao to life.

After Luo Yangxing got the information, he rushed back quickly.

This is for him, the head of Jinyiwei who is not good at fighting.

It's already the limit.

Xu Fei was not in a hurry, and waited for him to mix his breath.

He motioned to Li Si to hand over a cup of tea.

Luo Yangxing drank tea.

Bow down to Xu Fei: "Thank you city lord for the reward.

"Okay, I don't want your condescension.

"What I want is what happened to Yang Zongbao! 35

Luo Yangxing hurriedly took out a drawing from his sleeve and handed it to Xu Fei through Li Si.

Then began to tell the information.

Lord City Lord, this is General Yang Zongbao's marching route map.

He told me that as long as I go back to the city, I must first hand it over to the Lord of the City.

It records all the routes of their caravan and marching routes.

When Xu Fei received the marching map, the fog on his map, 700 kilometers from Feiye City to Longjinzhai, opened.

There are 400 kilometers of which Xu Fei has already opened.

The equivalent of only driving the last 300 kilometers.

Just after he checked it, Luo Yangxing's voice came from below.

"Lord City Lord, General Yang Zongbao said that they actually arrived at Longjinzhai 20 days ago."

"The goods that will be brought will be traded in the wild city of Longjinzhai.""

"Because there are many merchants, this transaction is also a good harvest.

"I got more than 40 pieces of Xuanjing Iron.

"Other gold wood and Yang coal have been replaced. 95

"Compared to the resources brought in, the harvest is already great."

General Yang saw that the value of the goods was already very high.

If you continue to be in the wild market, I am afraid that it will attract people with bad intentions.

He made a decisive decision, stopped the wild market transaction, packed the goods, and prepared to leave.

Just when they were about to leave.

A prairie traveling merchant brigade also arrived in Yeshi.

Among the goods brought by the traveling merchants this time, there are extremely expensive soul crystals and an unknown red treasure.

General Yang thought, since he is leaving now, he is carrying a lot of goods, and he will inevitably be targeted on the road.

It is better to replace it with soul crystals that are extremely valuable and easy to carry, which is both safe and lightweight.

So he stayed in the wild city for a few more days and traded the goods in his hand again.

In the end, I got a soul crystal in the hands of the travel merchant.

When preparing to leave this time, the travel merchant told General Yang.

This red treasure will be auctioned tomorrow.

General Yang intended to leave.

But You Shang said that this treasure is related to the military commander's exclusive weapon blueprint.

There is a clue to an exclusive weapon blueprint hidden inside.

General Yang said he was moved.

Because the traveling merchants also leave tomorrow, which is the last day.

Right now, in the wild city of Longjinzhai, there is only their city owner caravan.

That is to say, tomorrow the tourist business will auction the red treasure.

It is very likely that only his family is bidding.

Without the participation of other caravans, using a soul crystal, the probability of winning the red treasure is at least 90%.

Because traveling merchants auction goods, there is a rule, that is, as long as the items are released for auction.

No matter what the final price is, they will choose to sell it and will never keep it in their hands.

So General Yang Zongbao stayed for another day.

On the second day, it was as General Yang expected.

Only his family participated in the auction, and in the end, he was the one who won the red treasure that contained clues to the military commander's exclusive weapon blueprint.

The price is only one soul crystal.

After General Yang got the treasure, he didn't stop at Noichi.

Take the caravan directly and leave quickly.

General Yang said that he had just left the 50-kilometer area of ​​Yeshi with his caravan.

I felt someone following behind me.

Taking advantage of the night, he dispatched Shiqian and secretly left in the dark, wanting him to go to the main city to ask for reinforcements.

But until dawn, the head of Commander Shi Qian hung on the road they had to go through.

This time, General Yang was completely sure that he was being followed.

without knowing the strength of the enemy.

General Yang did not choose to go straight back to the main city.

He was afraid that the enemy would be strong and let them discover the location of Lord City Lord's main city.

So I chose a remote path and made a big circle in the grassland.

Directly to the side of the grassland by the sea.

They were nocturnal, under the cover of some jungle by the sea.

I want to climb over grassland and forest mountains.

Back to the main city.

But the enemy is like the toe of the tarsus, following closely.

And these enemies are increasingly blatant, attacking them even during the day.

Forcing them to go off course.

Finally came to a powerful city-state called Golden Sword City.

697 when they reach the Golden Knife City.

General Yang Zongbao knew that there was no way out.

Fear that the caravan and soldiers will be deceived by the other side after being captured.

Thereby obtaining the position of the city-state of the city master.

He personally took action to kill all the remaining caravans, soldiers, and generals.

Then he was surrounded by a group of machete cavalry.

General Yang Zongbao was about to commit suicide.

The enemy's machete cavalry underestimated the enemy and came up to stop it.

General Yang took the opportunity to kill the enemy, mounted his horse, and ran into the grassland alone.

He was chased by the enemy on the grassland for more than 20 days.

He was seriously injured, and finally the hunter found him in a grass nest 360 kilometers away from Wu'an City.

Only then did General Yang be rescued.

Otherwise, General Yang would probably have died in the grass nest.

Because when he found General Yang, more than ten long arrows were inserted behind him.

He vomited blood and fell into a severe coma.

After Xu Fei listened.

Reopen the map of the Sigil of the Lord.

The Golden Sword City mentioned by Yang Zongbao above, and the coastal jungle he walked through.

All appeared on his map.

In particular, the Golden Knife City is only 400 kilometers away from Wu'an City.

Now, the coordinates of the main city and the sub-city are all on his map.

Xu Fei zooms in on the map.

Judging from the size of his main city and the number of sub-cities, Xu Fei judged that the city-state was at least level 8.

It's also possible to get to level 9, but not level 10.

He said to the generals present.

"Everyone, the caravan was robbed, and the enemy has appeared.

"I want to go to war!"

"Now ask the generals to make a battle plan!"

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