City-State Era, A Hundred Times Faster

Chapter 182, this weapon is invincible!

"Ha ha!"

With an explosion of luck, Huo Qubing was directly pulled out.

Xu Fei unfolds the drawing.

The three words Polulan appeared in front of him.

This is the name of Huo Qubing's exclusive weapon.

This golden weapon blueprint slowly unfolded in Xu Fei's hands.

When Xu Fei pulled it to the end, the drawing was actually more than ten meters long.

Xu Fei counted it, and the number of weapon processes in which the blueprints were decomposed reached as many as 360, and the number of parts and components reached an astonishing 720.

He recalled that Li Cunxiao's exclusive weapon, the King Yu Lance, was five-star orange and only had 180 parts.

Even knowing that a six-star gold weapon is more complicated to make than a five-star orange weapon.

But I didn't expect it to be so complicated.

Xu Fei then unfolded the last screenshot.

The weapon properties of Polulan were revealed.

[Weapon name]: Polu lance

[Weapon quality]: six-star gold (unique)

[Exclusive generals]: Huo Qubing

[Basic Attributes]: Combat Strength +5000, Armor Breaking +2000, All Attribute Damage +1000, Attack Speed ​​+300%, Attack Distance +300%, Skill Level +5.

[Weapon Skills]: Canonization: Canonize 500 hussars, the hussars will get the top-quality orange military commander panel, at the same time, the level will be raised to level 30, the combat power +1000, and the collective skills will be charged. Bloodthirsty.

Yanlong Slash: Prepare for an hour, gather the strength of 20,009 hussars, strike a deadly attack on the enemy, kill all generals below gold quality, kill monsters below level 10, cut through army formations below gold quality, and cut through level 9 The following city-states, animal nests, CD for two months.

Slash: For exclusive weapons below gold, the chance of severing is increased by 50%.

Quick Shadow: The speed of Huo Qubing and the hussars has been increased to 1000% for three minutes.

Breaking the army: Huo Qubing directly kills generals below the top orange level, monster leaders below level 9, and hussars attack the army below the top orange level, and the army of monsters below level 9, causing them to break the formation and defeat them.

Great Han Army Prestige: Soldiers under your command get all-terrain combat formation, army combat power +500, morale increased by 200%, all-terrain movement speed increased by 5 times, get the skill One Han as Ten Hu, the whole army is immune to negative gains below orange.

Gulu, Xu Fei was really shocked

What a magical weapon this is.

I saw Li Cunxiao's exclusive weapons before, all of them are increased combat power.

At that time, I felt that this kind of exclusive orange weapon should come to an end.

Maybe the golden generals may not be so good.

But looking at it now, Li Cunxiao's King Yu is compared to Huo Qubing's.

Immediately killed!

Bad is too big.

Not to mention anything else, just the basic attributes directly +5000 combat power.


How many heads does Li Cunxiao have to chop off to build up this fighting power?

At this moment, Xu Fei finally knows what six-star golden unique is!

With him, you will be invincible directly!

This is going to be built, let Huo Qubing hold it, and beat it?

Push it straight!

When other city lords do not have golden generals.

Just ask the world, who else can block the blow of this weapon!

Who dares to block his blow!

No matter what the best orange is, it is a knife in front of this weapon!

The Yanlong Slash charges, the Slashing Front is blessed, and the Xun Ying accelerates.

Slash anyone!

The rest of the broken army, the mighty Han army and the canonization.

The additions were all hussars under Huo Qubing's command.

Compared with Li Cunxiao, he increased himself.

The exclusive weapons of the golden generals are more comprehensive.

Not only himself, but also all the troops under his command have been strengthened.

Xu Fei gently rolled up the golden weapon blueprint.

If this is spread out, it will not be envied to death.

At the same time, a question appeared in his heart.

Is this superb weapon really used to fight other city lords?

Do they match?

Even a tenth-tier city-state can't handle it.

If it is not used to deal with the city lord.

Then the threat of this city-state world.

In addition to the other city lords, there are only monsters left!

Yes, Xu Fei woke up at this moment.

Only monsters can hold this weapon.

They have ten-level animal nests, and there are a lot of them.

It is said that there are some tenth-level beast nests hidden in the bottom of the sea.

It has existed for hundreds of years, and there are legends that any monster in these beast nests can easily kill an orange general.

There are also two lost continents.

On the South Cliff Island and the Arctic Island.

The strength of the demon beasts that occupied the continent has also reached its peak.

The army of the human city-state, even the army composed of all the best orange generals.

are vulnerable in front of them.

Only with the help of the power of the city can we barely hold it.

Xu Fei has no way to tell whether this rumor is true or false.

But from this perverted skill of the golden weapon in his hand. Powerful properties.

It seems that only monsters can carry it.

From this inference, it is really possible to deal with Warcraft.

Xu Fei shook his head, shaking off these thoughts.

No matter what you are doing, now that it is in your hands, it is the kingly way to create it quickly.

In the future, whether it is dealing with monsters or dealing with other city lords.

With this weapon, Xu Fei's safety can be guaranteed, no.

So, it's better to build the weapon first.

"Come here, order the public transport class to come to the government affairs hall.

"As ordered!" Jin Yiwei quickly left.

Not long after, the public transport class stood outside the door.

"Meet the Lord of the City!"

Xu Fei beckoned.

Handed over the golden weapon blueprint.

Gong Shuban took it with a puzzled look.

Then open.

"Oops~" let out a surprise from the depths of his soul.

"This this!

"Lord City Lord, this is a blueprint of a golden weapon!

Xu Fei nodded.

The public transport class, regardless of etiquette, cautiously threw herself on the ground and unfolded it little by little.

Xu Fei didn't rush, and waited for him to finish it.

Gongshuban raised a shocked face.

He murmured: "Although I can make golden weapon blueprints.

"But the golden weapon I made is definitely not so powerful! 55

Xu Fei made a puzzled sound of "Oh".

I only heard Gongxu Ban say: "Lord City Lord, my grade is only the best orange."

"How to figure out the world of golden generals.

"The golden weapon blueprints I made are at most 710 points higher than the attributes of General Li Cunxiao's King Yu, but they are definitely not as perverted.

"Such a weapon blueprint."

"It must be made by a golden general."

"This golden general, as my servants know, can only be made by the legendary Mozi!

Hearing Xu Fei say this, it really makes sense.

Asking an orange general to make a golden blueprint will indeed not make such an explosive property.

It seems that in the future, the drawings of several other golden generals will have to find another way.

Xu Fei went on to say, "Mr. Gongshu doesn't need to belittle himself.

"In the future, if you are promoted to gold, you may have a chance.

Gong Shuban's expression brightened after listening to it, but then it darkened immediately.

He just shook his head and said, "The old man has lost hope.

Immediately, he turned around and said to Xu Fei, "Lord City Lord, although I can't draw such a blueprint."

"But I can follow the instructions and follow the steps above. 95

"Lord City Lord, please give me this task!

Xu Fei asked him to come, that's what he planned to do.

He asked: "How long will it take you to make this weapon.

The public transport class thought about it.

"Until the end of the year! 35

"This weapon is a superb product, and it takes so much time.

Xu Fei calculated that there are still 7 months until the end of the year.

It's been fast.

He waved his hand and said, "Then leave it to Master Gongshu.

"If you're missing any materials, write me a list and I'll go buy it.

"Yes! 39

Gongshu Class bowed to Xu Fei with the blueprint and left respectfully.

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