City-State Era, A Hundred Times Faster

Chapter 197, the enemy without the head is the good enemy

the north bank of the great river.

The land in the fork of the Wujin River.

This is less than 2000 square meters of land.

It was overwhelming, crowded with the soldiers of the Eight Banners of Houjin in armor.

"Go away, go away!"

"I am the servant of Poirot Belle, who has an emergency military situation."

"Go away all.

A Jia La pushed the surrounding Eight Banner soldiers away.

Squeeze into a slightly roomier enemy.

Here, a white flag Baylor with a broken arm is bandaging the wound.

He is Boluo, the commander-in-chief of the 38,000 standard soldiers.

He was ordered by Dorgon to take the army to Jiangyin City to support Liu Liangzuo.

Originally according to the planned time, at their speed, they should now start to cross the river.

The army of 38,000 banners arrived at Jiangyin City.

But who knows, the army marched to this Wujin fork mouth.

Suddenly, they were attacked by an army from nowhere.

His 38,000 flag cavalry, if talking about the strength of field combat, in today's world, no one can match.

In particular, it also brought 5,000 Laodi 09 sons of the Eight Banners of Jianzhou.

The combat power in Houjin is top notch.

But the result is.

Crash at a touch!

There was no power to fight back.

So that in less than half an hour, the 30,000 army was defeated like a mountain.

The murdered people turned their backs, and Bo Luo himself thought it was just a morale problem.

Lead the attack with the guards.

But the result was that, as soon as he appeared, before the knife was cut out, the red-armored cavalry on the opposite side, with a knife, chopped up his bodyguard and took off half of his arm.

If it weren't for the fact that his prince directly took his life to block the knife and rescued him, he would have been a corpse by now.

After being rescued, Boluo counted his own guards, 1,000 of his own wrapped minions.

There are less than 50 left now, and the others were hacked to save him.

Bo Luo recalled these red-armored cavalry in his mind, with indifferent and murderous eyes.

Unnaturally shivered.

Where did these red armored soldiers come from?

Killing people is like killing chickens, and he is not afraid of attack at all. He saw with his own eyes that long arrows were shot on their armors, and knives slashed at them, and the opposite side was not injured at all.

With a backhand, he cut off the head of his Eight Banners soldiers.

Facing these strange and terrifying red armored soldiers.

These elite Eight Banners cavalry galloping all over the world, like a flock of sheep, turned and fled in horror. In an instant, the enemy was driven away like a flock of sheep.

Driven to the mouth of this small fork.

Now there are rivers on both sides.

The front is blocked by the enemy, and the rear is attacked by the enemy.

It is impossible to advance, and not to retreat.

It's dead.

In addition, the place was small, so many people were crowded together, and the Eight Banners soldiers kept rolling down into the river.

In Jiangnan, all the rivers in the rainy season are full of water.

Originally, the two rivers were only half a person high and three or four meters wide. Now, the river water can cover the top of the two people's heads, and the width has doubled. .

Plus the bottom is full of mud.

No matter how many people you fill in, it will not be enough to cross the river.

Even if the water is good, there are constant cavalry patrols on the opposite bank.

Specifically staring at the killer who jumped into the river.

The arrows of these cavalrymen were surprisingly accurate. Anyone who jumped into the river and stuck his head out would be shot through the head with one arrow.

This made the soldiers of the Eight Banners crowded in the river no longer dare to rely on water to escape by jumping into the river.

Boluo's heart was full of bitterness at this time.

He has fought hundreds of battles, big and small.

I have never encountered such a powerful and ferocious army before.

If there is no way forward.

Boluo glanced at the Eight Banners soldiers who kept pushing in behind him.

If there is no way out, the enemy does not need to take action, and his own people will squeeze each other to death.

Now his only hope was pinned on Nikan.

He was another commander of the 30,000 cavalry, and Nikan was leading the vanguard.

The 5,000 old slaves who built the state are all brought by him, and they are the most powerful troops here.

Sudden attack before.

The entire army was in chaos, and Bo Luo didn't know what happened to him there.

I hope to be able to open the road ahead.

Otherwise, the whole army will be wiped out.

At this time, a Jiala shouted across the crowd.



"I got the latest news.

Bollo looked up.

Seeing this Jiala, it is his own coat slave.

He nodded to the guard beside him.

Let this slave in.

After Jiala entered, he immediately fell to his knees.

He whispered: "Master, Nikan Belle died in battle.

"The 5,000 Jia Lae is really dead.

"The corpses blocked the exit.

"It's being beheaded right now."

When Bo Luo heard this, a surge of qi and blood surged up.

Grab the collar of the coat minion with his only remaining hand.

asked in disbelief.

"You're farting!"

"Who in this world can kill these 5,000 guards.

"This is a veteran of Liaodong!"

"A serious Eight Banners old foundation!"

The wrapped servant hurriedly said: "Master is true.

"I saw with my own eyes that Lord Nikan's head is now hanging at the intersection."

"The people in the vanguard battalion are all dead, and the enemy has already pressed up!"

"" Bo Luo did not say a complete sentence.

A gust of sweetness crept up his throat.

Immediately after.

"Pfft~", he vomited blood and passed out.

All I heard was the coat minions.

The cry of "Master".

When Bo Luo woke up leisurely.

He felt a sharp pain in his forehead.

He struggled to get up.

Support your upper body with one hand.

Look up and look around.

"I only saw soldiers in red armor holding swords and shields. 99

"One by one, they chopped off the heads of corpses on the ground.

And the corpse on the ground was his Eight Banners elite.

"Hey, 710 found a live one here."

Bo Luo followed the voice and saw a sturdy soldier with a long knife full of blood coming over.

Boluo suddenly woke up.

This sentence says to find a living one, which refers to oneself.

Boluo spoke hastily.

"I'm Houjin's Baylor, don't kill me, take me to see you..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a blood-stained long knife slashed over.

Boluo did not expect that the other party completely ignored his identity.

He watched helplessly as the long knife slid across his neck.

Then lost consciousness.

moments before death.

He seemed to hear the soldier's whisper.

"The Lord of the City said that on the battlefield, only enemies whose heads have been chopped off are good enemies, especially those with braids.

At the moment when the head hits the ground.

Boluo's mind was still thinking.

"Who is the Lord of the City?

"Report to General Han!"

"The enemies of the Wujinchazihe have been cleaned up. 55

Han Xin nodded and said, "Then it's Kong Youde's turn. 99

"They're just a battalion of machines, they don't need too many soldiers.

"Notify the cavalry, set off immediately, and take the initiative to find Kong Youde's equipment camp.

"Active attack!"

"Be sure to annihilate them all tonight."

"Return to the north bank of the Great River and prepare to cross the river. 99

"Order all spears, swords, shields, equipment, and archers to start crossing the river, and as agreed, go outside Jiangyin City and join the city master."

"Follow your orders!

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