City-State Era, A Hundred Times Faster

Chapter 2, Building A City With Chaos In The Sea Of ​​Stars

When choosing where to build the city, Xu Fei already has his own plans in mind.

Central Chizhou and Dongjizhou, he would not choose either. There are many people and few resources. To develop, he can only be a dog in those big cities.

Their dead city lord this time is even more cannon fodder.

Beijiaozhou, Nanyazhou, Xiluzhou, among these three continents, Beijiao and Nanya no longer have humans to build cities.

During the time when the world was changing, these two places have been breached by monsters and ruled by monsters.

Xiluzhou is in the extreme west. It is the smallest of several continents. The city owner in this continent is extremely xenophobic.

Any new city-state, once the novice stage has passed, will be attacked by a four-star alliance called Xingyun.

This alliance actually controls Xiluzhou, and there is no way to go there.

Excluding these continents, the only options left are the Chaos Xinghai and the Storm Islands.

Chaoxinghai is a huge island in the south of East Antarctica.

The Storm Islands was on the back of the West Antarctica. It was originally a continent, but it was shattered by a huge force and became the current Storm Islands.

Hundreds of thousands of islands large and small.

In these two maps, Chaoxinghai is a large island, and there are some small islands on the periphery. The Storm Islands are purely islands.

Choose here, the main threat is the monsters from the bottom of the sea.

To obtain resources, the Storm Islands is to have a strong enough navy to hunt down monsters at the bottom of the sea. It is basically difficult to get powerful army units in the Storm Islands.

And the worst part of the Storm Islands is that the island to which it is teleported may be surrounded by high-level monster dens.

This kind of thing is called in the book as entering the dead end, unable to obtain resources, and waiting for the protection period to expire, that is, waiting to die.

Compared to the Storm Islands, Chaos Xinghai is much better.

There is a main island in Chaoxinghai, which is only a little smaller than Xiluzhou, and there are tens of thousands of large and small islands around it.

Chaoxinghai has both army and navy arms.

The city-states inside were not as brutal as those of Xiluzhou.

It's just that every ten years in the Chaos Xinghai, there is a huge tsunami. Along with the tsunami, the monsters on the seabed will go ashore and attack the city.

In addition to the monsters on its own land, the two attacked, so the chaos of Xinghai has not been able to develop.

Last year, the 10-year wave of Warcraft in Chaos Xinghai just passed.

That's why Xu Fei finally set his sights here.

He came to the place where he chose the birthplace of the city.

There has been a long queue here, and one by one adult students are entering the map of their choice through the school's teleportation array.

On both sides of the long queue, there are long dragons spliced ​​together with tables.

Behind the desk are outreach holding flyers inviting students to join their league.

Xu Fei saw Wang Pan not far away and was making a recommendation.

When he was in line, the two just looked at each other, and he turned his head.

Although the relationship is usually OK, but now, Xu Fei refused his invitation.

The relationship between the two has come to an end. Wang Pan is a very pragmatic person. If there is no useful friend, can he still be a friend?

But when Xu Fei chose to enter the teleportation formation, Xu Fei still turned his head and glanced.

Seeing the choice to go to Chaos Xinghai.


"It's really self-defeating. The 10-year tide of Chaos Xinghai has just passed, and now there are residual sea beast nests everywhere on the island. Now choosing to go to Chaos Xinghai is really stupid."

"It's in vain that I have been friends with you for so long at school. If I knew you were an idiot, I wouldn't have to waste my time."

The school that trains various city masters is in a strange sub-space.

The teleportation array is transmitted to various islands, which can be said to be a space crossing.

Xu Fei only felt a blur in front of him, and felt a huge force.

Before he could taste it, his eyes lit up.

He appeared on a field full of green vegetation.

He looked up at the sky.

The sun was high, and it was early morning.

There was a salty smell of seawater in the air.

The turf on the soles of the feet can press out a lot of seawater with a single step.

Xu Fei raised his arm and lightly wiped it on the City Lord's seal.

A transparent virtual light curtain appears.

Xu Fei tapped the light curtain a few times, and a map appeared in front of him.

This is the map function that comes with the City Lord's Seal, which can search for nearby addresses suitable for building a city.

In this neighborhood, there are three suitable addresses for building a city.

The closest one to him, just three kilometers away, is just close to the ocean.

The Chaos Xinghai has just encountered a tide, and there must be a large number of high-level Warcraft nests left near the ocean.

Definitely not suitable to visit.

The other one is 60 kilometers away. Looking at the terrain, it is an open area with no mountains or forests, and it is relatively far from the sea.

This is suitable for building large-scale sub-city in the later stage. Forget it in the early stage, it is too difficult to obtain resources.

The last remaining city is even further away, three hundred kilometers away.

Looking at the terrain, it is in a river valley.

A river passes by, high mountains to the east, and forests outside the valley.

Down the river, it can directly enter the sea.

The geology of the city is again on a plane higher than the river valley.

According to the book, this terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is the most suitable place for building a city.

"There is still such a superb address left?"

It stands to reason that the city lords of human beings do not know how many, and these top-quality city building addresses should have been divided up long ago.

How could there be any residue.

Xu Fei secretly speculated that it might be a city that was breached by the tide.

No matter what, choose him.

After selecting the building address, on the virtual panel, set the end point and click to go.

A mysterious force lifted his body up.


Turn on sonic mode and fly to your destination.

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