City-State Era, A Hundred Times Faster

Chapter two hundred and ten, building a navy is really expensive

Xu Fei took advantage of the army's return to the city.

Looking at the hundred times acceleration talent has cooled down.

He suddenly remembered that he had recruited Zheng Chenggong, and there was new technology for sea ships in the dock.

There seems to be no research.

He quickly docked everyone.

Click on the Dock Tech Tree. .

With Zheng Chenggong, a new branch appeared on the tech tree.

Added sea ship technology.

Open the dock and select technology.

Navigation technology, nautical compass, nautical astrology, nautical sails and so on – technology.

About thirty or so marine technologies, click one million, and all of a sudden three to ten million are gone.

He looks at the resources needed to advance to the second level.

Navigation technology level 2, 5 million.

Nautical compass level 2, 3 million a second.

These more than 30 technologies, the minimum is 2.5 million, and the more Fengfan technology, the iron anchor technology, the second level requires a full 8 million resources.

Xu Fei took a deep breath.

It is said that ten years in the army and one hundred years in the navy.

The resource consumption of training the navy is really terrifying.

No wonder in the city-state world, those who can train and dare to train naval arms are those big alliances.

Smaller, less than five-star alliances, dare not touch them.

This kind of resource consumption, without any strength to build a navy, is simply digging one's own grave.

This is only the second level, if it reaches the third level, the fourth level, or even a higher level.

Going down with billions of resources, it's not the same as playing.

If only I could make money now.

Xu Fei did not dare to study.

He went on to open research on new types of ships.

There are more options for sea boats.

They are all ship drawings brought by Zheng Chenggong's skills.

It doesn't take much resources to study these ship blueprints.

A thousand-material treasure ship, a blessing ship, a bird ship, and these blueprints added up to less than eight million.

The study of the ship's drawings is completed.

Xu Fei was about to quit.

In the river boat drawings, Xu Fei saw a dragon boat technology.

After opening it, he remembered.

This seems to be a reward for Yang Guang's canal digging achievement.

After being away for so long, this achievement is almost complete.

The blueprint of the dragon boat seems to be in hand.

Xu Fei clicked on Dragon Boat Technology, and chose to research, which consumed 1 million resources.

These new technologies have been studied.

Next, Xu Fei opened the City Lord's Sigil.

Choose talent, choose to use 100 times acceleration.

"Ding, the production of 700 Zhuge crossbowmen has been completed. 99

"Ding, the production of 800,000 soldiers in the conscription battalion has been completed.

"Ding, the dragon boat blueprint has been developed.

"Ding, the Fuchuan blueprint has been developed."

"Ding, your navigation technology has been upgraded to one level.

Complete with the beep.

The first thing Xu Fei opened was the main city, and he had already used the 100-fold speedup twice.

There are still four days left, four hundred times the acceleration, and his main city will be able to reach the ninth level.

I have been stuck here for a few months in the eighth-level city.

Finally see the hope of upgrading.

He closed the main city panel and opened the dock technology panel.

Clicked on all sea ship techs.

I chose to upgrade to level 2, and finally looked at it, consuming 90 million resources.

It's okay, okay, I can afford it myself.

The next step is to open the dock and choose to build a new ship that has been researched.

Xu Fei was about to choose to build it, and it turned out that it was an inland shipping dock.

You can't build sea ships, you need a dock near the harbor.

Harbour Dock, Xu Fei also has it, right in Champion City.

He opens the dock in the Champion City.

Check out the panels for these new boats.

【Vessel Name】: Bird Boat

[Ship Quality]: Purple Low Grade

[Ship Combat Strength]: 1500.

【Ship speed】: 9 knots.

[Ship Skill]: Sail Acceleration: Active skill, after use, the speed is increased by three times.

Bow Crash: Use the steel bow to ram the enemy, causing triple damage, and causing tear damage to ships and monsters below purple.

Rocket salvo: After loading 100 long-range shooting soldiers, you can add a soldier skill, rocket salvo, increase fire element damage, double the attack distance, and increase piercing damage.

"It's just a low-grade purple vessel. 99

Xu Fei thought that the three ships were all orange, and was a little disappointed.

The three skills, in his opinion, don't seem to be very good.

It feels very ordinary.

Xu Fei did not know that if other city lords saw this, they would be jealous to death.

It is good to have a sea boat, but it is so demanding.

I don't know how many ships built by city lords don't have a single skill, and most of the main ships are only blue and purple ships. In many alliances with navies, they are main battleships!

And can recruit Zheng Chenggong, get three kinds of ship blueprints of the city lord.

No matter which alliance you go to, it is the key training target, directly entering the five-star alliance and being the deputy leader.

The fleet under his command is definitely the main force in the main force.

If those African city lords heard that Xu Fei complained about bird boats like this, I don't know what the acid would be like.

Holding the mood that the bird boat is garbage, Xu Fei opened the panel of the second type of sea boat.

【Vessel Name】: Fuchuan

[Ship quality]: Purple mid-grade

[Ship Combat Strength]: 2500.

【Ship speed】: 18 knots.

[Ship Skill]: Spinnaker: Increase the initial sailing speed of the ship by 50%.

Ploughing: Active skill, after use, causes a negative buff of 50% deceleration to surrounding ships, and slowed ships take 50% more damage.

Hull Crash: Directly sink ships with a combat power of less than 1000, and cause cabin rupture damage to ships with a combat power of less than 500.

Anchoring: Active skill, after use, lock the enemy ship, the blessing ship increases its speed by 50%, when it gets close to the enemy ship, it causes the ship lock effect, both sides cannot move, open the crew boarding mode, until one side is completely attacked Shen.

Compared with the bird ship, the combat power of the Fukufun has increased a lot, and it has also increased depending on the type of the ship.

In terms of skills, there is an additional deceleration skill. When fighting at sea, it can reduce the speed of enemy ships, which is really fierce.

And the skill of collision, with more combat effectiveness judgment, is completely bullying the small!

However, naval battles are indeed like this. The big ship beats the small ship, and the tailwind beats the headwind.

And anchoring skills, used on the same ship, are basically immortal.

0......... ask for flowers0

When used on large ships, it depends on whose sailors are powerful.

Used on a small boat, it is a direct second, and the rear row killer.

It can also be used in chasing enemy ships. The usage of this skill depends on how the battle situation develops.

In general, the Fu Ship is a melee ship with basically no long-range skills.

Plus it has thick skin.

The meat shield assassin is more apt to describe.

Xu Fei looked at the last type of boat.

Treasure Ship.

【Vessel Name】: Thousand-Material Treasure Ship

[Ship Quality]: Orange Low Grade

[Ship Combat Strength]: 3000.

【Ship speed】: 30 knots.

[Ship Skill]: Command: As a command ship, increase the sailing speed of the ships under your command by 50%, increase the combat power by 300 points, increase the ship's defense strength by 200 points, increase the ship's element resistance by 200 points, and reduce the ship's damage by 20%.

Hard Sail: Twelve hard sails, when used, increase the speed of the boat by 300%.

Shaking: Headwind sailing speed +100%, immune to slowing skills of ships below purple.

Interference: Active skills, after use, cause negative gain to nearby enemy ships, monsters, silence, so that nearby enemies cannot use any active skills, the duration lasts for five minutes, and the CD time is one hour.

Finally came an orange vessel.

Zheng Chenggong is also a top-quality orange general. If there is no orange ship, how would he say the past.

Even though it's just a low-quality orange, it's better than nothing.

Xu Fei was content for the time being, the skills of this thousand-material treasure ship, at least for now, were sufficient.

Skills are also very strong.

Command is similar to a, area of ​​​​aura skill.

And hard sail, and swaying are speed skills, which ensures that no matter what time he is, his speed will not be too low, and he is immune to the deceleration of low-level ships, and will not be besieged.

On the battlefield of naval battles, there are two types of ships with and without command ships.

And the last skill, the interference is even more powerful, the skill of directly silencing the enemy, almost a strategic skill.

At a critical moment, an interruption.

It can turn the whole situation around.

After all, a ship without skills is like a tiger without teeth.

Check out the three naval battle ships.

Xu Fei started production.

Bird boats are small boats, fast, flexible in combat, and can be built more.

Open Build and select Bird Ship.

"Um" a bird ship with 6 million resources.

What a fool.

It's obviously just a purple ship, but it's so expensive!

How mass production is this!

Damn, Zhuge Liang's skills don't work on sea ships again.

Poverty made Xu Fei only dare to build 20 ships.

More than a billion is gone.

Then there is the lucky boat, a fleet of ten million yuan.

Xu Fei was numb.

Ten ships, make up 100 million.

The last thousand-material treasure ship, a 30 million.


Damn, I knew I wouldn't spend 500 million to repair the back garden.

Poverty made Xu Fei shed tears of remorse.

The billions of resources are almost exhausted.

Xu Fei looked at the last 300 million resources in the warehouse.

Distressed and unable to breathe.

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