City-State Era, A Hundred Times Faster

The two hundred and twenty one, Yue Fei's exclusive weapon, the Liquan Spear!

After setting out for the army, after stacking up various buffs, he left the city-state and headed for the southwest branch city.

According to the marching speed, in the afternoon of the day after tomorrow, they can start to attack the guard's nest.

After laying it down, it will be able to attack the peak lair of the ninth-level beast in the day after tomorrow.

Xu Fei counted the time, and he only had three days left to raise the main city to level 9.

After solving the beast nest crisis outside the southwest branch city, the main city officially rose to the ninth level.

Come to a double happiness.

Because Zhuge Liang was temporarily dispatched to the southwest branch city to preside over the southwest defense.

Therefore, the construction of the entire city-state has temporarily fallen to Xu Fei.

He opens the building template.

In the northwest direction, before sending Huo Qubing to find a military town address.

It's done now.

The general's palace in the military town has been built.

Xu Fei easily upgraded the buildings inside.

Because of Zhuge Liang's Marquis skills, all buildings within 30 days were completed in seconds.

As long as the resources are sufficient, you only need to click and upgrade the "727" line.

It has been promoted to the fourth-level military town, and the time has exceeded 30 days, and it has begun to rise.

Xu Fei opened the map and found the location of the military town, which was about 300 kilometers away from the military town in charge of Yue Fei.

on another mountain.

After building here, add some towers on the side.

A 500-kilometer mountain basin can be controlled.

At the same time, it formed an horn with the military town where Yue Fei was stationed.

In the middle of the two is a road that leads directly to Xu Fei city-state.

As long as Xu Fei is on this main road, build a branch city.

Then in the northwest direction.

It can form two military towns and a triangular defense point that divides the city.

Between the three, the two military towns protrude forward according to the terrain, forming two fangs.

The military town is facing outward, and the terrain is dangerous.

The sub-city is concave, covering the rear of the military town.

Even if there are enemies, they can go around hundreds of kilometers.

Reaching the back of the military town, it will also be blocked by the sub-city.

At present, the sub-city address is still in the research stage of site selection.

When Xu Fei is in the building template tomorrow, he will complete the research on the city.

He can directly choose the location to place it and build it.

Complete the defense to the northwest.

However, the generals in Xinjun Town in the northwest have not yet been found.

The generals of this kind of military town should at least be orange.

Now in his city-state, Li Cunxiao is the most suitable orange military commander.

However, he is more suitable for attacking, let him guard the stockade, and he will not be able to exert his combat effectiveness.

On the other hand, Yang Zongbao and Mu Guiying are the two husbands and wives, and the orange low grade is suitable.

Although Yang Zongbao came up from purple, Mu Guiying cooperated.

Together, the two can fully undertake the task of guarding the stockade.

It is now that the two have followed to attack the ninth-level monster lair.

Have to wait until they come back to make arrangements.

For the time being, just send a few purple generals.

It happened that Yang Zhi and Chen Sheng in his city were both there.

They have also risen to level 30, and they can still do it if they go to temporarily guard a stockade.

Besides, Yue Fei was sitting there.

Thinking of Yue Fei, Xu Fei thought of his exclusive weapon.

It's been almost three days now.

The public transport class should have made Yue Fei's Liquan Spear.

This time, he deliberately did not send Yue Fei to attack the ninth-level monster's lair.

It's because of the exclusive weapon.

Of course, it was also in the northwest direction, and besides him, there was no general in charge.

Letting him leave, Xu Fei is also not at ease.

In his defense design plan, the future northwest branch city will be Yue Fei's seat.

In the two military towns, one side was Mu Guiying and his wife, and the other side was Wang Ping leading Liao Hua and Zhang Ren temporarily.

If a good one is recruited in the future, it will be replaced.

Thinking of Yue Fei's exclusive weapon, Xu Fei called Jin Yiwei in.

"Go, ask Master Gongshu Class, when will General Yue Fei's Liquan Spear be ready.

Not long after, Jin Yiwei ran in.

"Go back to the city master, the master of the Gongshu class has just finished it.

Xu Fei looked happy, he gave Jinyiwei Xiali.

Hurry up and recall General Yue Fei.

Then he walked quickly to the forging factory.

He also went to see Yue Fei's Liquan Spear and how his attributes were.

Gong Shuban was in the forging factory, holding a piece of purple fur, stained with the blood of the demon beast, and wiping the Liquan spear.

Seeing Xu Fei coming, he quickly stood up.

"I have seen Lord City Lord."

Xu Fei waved his hand and said, "Come on, show me what attributes this gun has and what skills it has. 35

The public transport class quickly sent a few people to carry it over.

Xu Fei opens Liquan Gun's properties panel.

[Weapon Name]: Liquan Gun

[Weapon quality]: Five-star orange top quality

[Exclusive generals]: Yue Fei

[Basic Attributes]: Combat Strength +1000, Armor Breaking +700, Water Elemental Damage +800, Attack Speed ​​+100%, Attack Distance +100%, Skill Level +3.

[Weapon Skill]: Jagged Dust: Triggered when the heavy cavalry charge is turned on, the heavy armored cavalry under his command will increase 300 water element damage, increase 100 armor breaking, increase 30% ignore resistance damage, increase movement speed by 100%, obtain the charge skill, and go forward , Causes a beheading effect on enemy units below the orange top quality.

Heavy Armor Without Frontier: Heavy Armor moves in formation, triggers 50% of all damage reduction, gains a 50% chance of being immune to negative gains below orange, and triggers the Unmoving Skill, every 100 times you are attacked, triggers Unmoving as a Mountain Skill, immune to all attacks for 5 seconds.

Long River Sunset: Active skill, after use, can gather the strength of the heavy armored cavalry under his command, launch a large-scale attack on the enemy, kill units with a combat power below 500 points, and cause 3 Double the water attribute damage, and at the same time add a long river negative orange buff. After being hit, any unit water attribute damage will cause triple damage and a critical strike, and to units with the same combat power, it will cause 3 times physical damage, plus the sunset negative buff, any The unit's physical attack, causing triple damage to it, crit 0...

Desert Lonely Smoke: Active skill, after use, gather the strength of the heavy armored infantry under your command, prop up a huge water attribute shield, the shield is immune to any attack of units lower than your own combat power, and weakens the attack of units equal to your own combat power. 80% of the attack, at the same time, the self and the soldiers are blessed with desert buffs, and the defense of all elements is +50%. For the attacks from higher than one's own combat power, the shield is weakened by 50% of the attack. The physical damage defense of the troops under your command increases by 50%.

Chaotian Que: Active skill, after use, gather the strength of heavy armored cavalry and heavy armored infantry, cut out twelve attacks, ignore the enemy's armor, ignore the enemy's element defense, and cause fifty times the damage.

Yue Fei's exclusive weapon skills.

Completely different from Li Cunxiao.

Li Cunxiao increased his fighting power.

Yue Fei's skills were all gathered from the Wei army under his command.

Both Jagged Zhengchen and Heavy Armor Wufeng are passive triggers, and they are buffs to the two heavy armored cavalry.

Among them, Heavy Armor Wufeng also has an invincible skill.

Be attacked 100 times, trigger a five-second invincibility, and have no CD.

This NM is used to siege the city, to smash the door with a shield.

That invincible is not always bright.

Unless there are generals who can directly drop heavy armored infantry in seconds.

Otherwise, you won't die at all by hitting 0.6.

The next three skills, Long River Sunset, Desert Lonely Smoke, Chaotian Que.

The three are the attack skills of the assembled cavalry.

Assemble the infantry's shield skills.

Assemble the damage skills of cavalry infantry.

It is not difficult for Xu Fei to guess that the more soldiers Yue Fei leads, the stronger he will be.

Then these skills will also be stronger.

He is a general who relies on soldiers to deal super high damage.

It is different from a single combat general like Li Cunxiao.

Li Cunxiao is suitable for beheading generals and capturing the flag.

And Yue Fei is suitable for dignified formation to defeat the enemy.

Xu Fei saw that Yue Fei's exclusive weapon was so powerful.

He really wanted to know how strong it was to put him on the battlefield.

It happened that Yue Fei was in charge of the defense in the northwest direction.

Wait until Li Si brings back the news of the Broken Dream Alliance.

It is absolutely possible for Yue Fei to bring the Back Wei Army to destroy this Broken Dream Alliance.

Yue Fei, who has the exclusive weapon Liquan Gun.

Completely have this strength!.

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