City-State Era, A Hundred Times Faster

Chapter 23, Attack On The Beast's Nest In The White Deer Hills

"Two generals, please take a look, the closest beast nest to our city is located in the north of the city, a mountain called Bailu Hills."

"There are thirty beast nests here, of which the highest level, the largest has reached the third level."

"From the current information, there are four third-level animal nests, six second-level animal nests, and twenty first-level animal nests."

"If the two generals have any good suggestions, please say them."

After Xu Fei introduced them, he looked at Yue Fei and Huo Qubing.

The information he just said came from the seal of the city lord.

After he knocked down the seven beast dens of the siege.

On the map of the war sand table, the location information of the nearest beast nest will appear.

These animal nests that appeared were something that Xu Fei had to destroy. If these animal nests were left alone, every ten days would pass.

These beast nests will send troops to attack his territory.

Calculated from now, that is, in nine days, these beast nests will send troops to attack their city-states.

If you don't take advantage of this time, destroy the troops in these beast nests.

At that time, when their army assembles, tens of thousands of monsters assemble to attack themselves.

At that time, the resource points built outside the city will definitely be captured by these monsters, and the buildings built with huge resources will be vanished.

Xu Fei will never allow this to happen.

When I was in school, the teacher specially taught this course, and also taught how to deal with it.

Generally speaking, the most mainstream method is to continuously send troops to harass the beast's nest and weaken the strength of the beast's nest little by little.

At the same time, improve the skills of your generals. In the early stage, you only need to grab the low-level beast nest of monsters and attack.

After playing for ten days, when the level of his generals has been improved, and then relying on the buildings of the city defense, he can block the attack of the army of monsters.

But the problem is, when the teacher is lecturing, he said that the number of such monster nests is five at most.

The highest level is two levels, and there is at most one.

But it didn't say that there would be a full thirty beast nests!

There are so many third-level beast nests inside.

Xu Fei didn't know what went wrong. Could it be that he was too strong?

But thinking about it, I think it is definitely not. The location of the beast's nest is generally fixed. Although there are many beasts' nests, the migratory nests are generally only in areas such as the sea, grasslands, and deserts.

In the mountains and hills, once the beast nest is established, the location is fixed, he will expand the sphere of influence, but will never move his position.

So this option is ruled out.

In addition to this guess, Xu Fei also thought of another, that is, here in Chaos Xinghai, the tsunami once every ten years has just passed.

The chaos of sea beasts brought by the tide has left behind a large number of deep-sea beasts.

These monsters can't go back to the ocean, and instead build their homes on land.

He pondered for a while, and then contacted Huo Qubing to destroy the sea beasts in the forest.

I think that's how it should be.

Just as Xu Fei was pondering, the two generals in front of him checked the projected war sand table.

Learn about the information about the monster's lair.

Huo Qubing is a young man with a very keen sense of war.

Immediately understand the balance of power between the two sides on the battlefield.

I just heard him start analyzing.

"Lord City Lord, judging from the current strength comparison between the enemy and the enemy, the demon beast side is obviously stronger. The third is a beast's nest, and there is a third level. The troops that can be dispatched are at least 20,000."

"And in our Feiye City, now I have reached the second level, and the number of hussars that can be commanded has reached 2,000. Yue Fei and Zhuge are only first-level, and they have only 1,700 troops in command."

"Although the troops under our command are all high-level soldiers, if we use it to confront the enemy head-on, it will only waste our vitality in vain."

"But if you only carry out some sneak attacks on the enemy, piecemeal, the effect will not be too great in the face of such a large number of magical beasts."

"So I think that different tactics should be used for different levels of beast nests."

"Let's talk about the first-level beast nests. They are the weakest. No matter it is any of our three troops, they can easily capture them."

"So to deal with the first-level beast nests, we should take the policy of annihilating them all, and eliminate these first-level beast nests to the greatest extent possible."

"Next is the second-level beast nest. There are 6 nests at this level. I think that these second-level beast nests should be carried out guerrilla tactics, piecemeal, to eliminate their living forces, and then wait for the opportunity to gather teams to break through the beast nests and completely eliminate them. The monster inside!"

"In the last third-level beast nest, the power of the monsters in it has already reached a certain scale, and its strength has also increased. The key is that the third-level beast nest already has city defense buildings. If there is no siege weapon, rashly attacking the third-level beast nest will inevitably lost heavily."

"So, to deal with the third-level beast nest, we should lure them out and fight in the wild. Even if they come out of the nest, go outside and lose the fortifications, I have the confidence to use the hussars to annihilate them!"

Huo Qubing finished his battle plan in one breath, and Xu Fei nodded repeatedly.

Champion Hou's combat strategy has no defense at all, it's all offense.

Offense is the best defense.

This is also in line with Xu Fei's mind. As the saying goes, if you stay for a long time, you will lose. You can only push the battlefield to the enemy's territory.

You can take control of the battlefield yourself.

However, at the stage of formulating the battle plan, it should be clear that Yue Fei is still bowing his head in contemplation.

It seems that there are different views on this battle plan.

Xu Fei looked at Yue Fei and motioned him to express his opinion.

After pondering for a while, Yue Fei said, "I completely agree with the plan proposed by the champion. Only by attacking can we take the initiative in the battlefield."

"It's just that I have a few doubts."

"The first is when we attack the first-level beast nests, will the other second-level and third-level beast nests send troops to support them?"

"If they send troops to support, how do we need to formulate a plan."

"How can we ensure that we will not fall into the traps of these monsters when attacking the second-level monster's lair, which will cause the entire army to be surrounded."

"If the third-level beast's nest is not in the plan and does not send troops out to fight, but just defends the city, or if they send troops, it is also a big army to act together, what should we do."

Hearing the question raised by Yue Fei, Xu Fei thought to himself that the two generals had different styles of commanding the army.

Huo Qubing has an unrestrained, genius-like sense of the battlefield. Before the war, he only made rough battle plans.

On the contrary, on the battlefield, it is good at capturing the dynamics of the battlefield, and can play a fairy-like attack, making the enemy elusive.

On the other hand, Yue Fei was different. He was better at making battle plans and rehearsing all possible situations.

Make as few mistakes as possible.

It is impossible to say which of the two is superior and who is inferior. It can only be said that the dynasty in which the champion is a prosperous dynasty with confidence, what the Huns are, just barbarians.

Yue Fei was in an era when the capital was invaded by foreign tribes and almost changed the dynasty. Even the Song Dynasty was suppressed and beaten by the Khitan, so he was more conservative in his combat strategy.

From the two fighting methods, Huo Qubing's fighting method can't be copied without a doubt, and only the war genius of his champion Hou can be used.

And Yue Fei's can be copied, no matter what kind of aptitude generals can use, just use it, it depends on who uses it well and makes fewer mistakes.

So Champion Hou frowned slightly after hearing Yue Fei's questions.

But immediately he had the answers to Yue Fei's questions in his mind.

The champion Hou said immediately: "What General Yue Fei said is not a big problem."

"If the enemy forces support us, we will encircle them for reinforcements."

"If the enemy can't hold on, we will concentrate on destroying these first- and second-level beast nests."

"If the enemy army is in a group, our army will fight mobile warfare, taking advantage of the cavalry and eating them bit by bit during the movement."

Yue Fei lowered his head and pondered for a while, then said, "I respectfully follow the orders of the champions."

Xu Fei clapped his hands and stood up.

He arranged for the two of them to come here, also to determine the issue of who is the commander except for the commander-in-chief.

Now that Yue Fei is willing to follow Huo Qubing's battle plan.

Naturally, Huo Qubing was the coach.

I only heard Xu Fei say: "Huo Qubing, Yue Fei obeys."

"Subordinates are here."

"I order you to be the forward general, Yue Fei to be the former general, and Zhuge Liang to be the rear general."

"Lead 3,700 sergeants to destroy these thirty beast nests within ten days, so that he cannot attack my Feiye City."


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