City-State Era, A Hundred Times Faster

Chapter 269, Lord City Lord! Great joy!!!

Xu Fei handed the two pieces of information in his hand to Zhuge Liang.

At the same time, he asked: "What do you think?"

Zhuge Liang read it carefully.

Take out the information on Huo Qubing.

Said towards Xu Fei: "Lord City Lord.

"Great joy!!!"


"Where does the joy come from?" Xu Fei was thinking about Bai Qi and Han Xin's war.

Zhuge Liang's congratulations made him a little surprised.

He looked at Zhuge Liang suspiciously.

Zhuge Liang saw Xu Fei's puzzled look.

With a slight smile, he said, "Sir City Lord, you will be able to obtain a treasure from the Five-Star Alliance right away.

"Shouldn't we say congratulations? 35

Xu Fei only reacted when he heard this.

It turned out that what Zhuge Liang said was in Huo Qubing's information.

Records about treasures.

In the last hundred years, the warehouse of the Five-Star Alliance.

The treasures here are indeed huge.

However, judging from the information from Huo Qubing.

Now on the land of Xiliang, two forces are fighting for the treasure.

Millions of troops have been invested.

And all are elite.

Once this number is said to have reached the million level.

Even Huo Qubing was invincible as a hussar, but even a million pigs would stand there and kill him.

It can also kill the hussars softly.

Moreover, this is still two million elite soldiers.

There are also orange generals.

The army 743 under the command of Huo Qubing was compared with them.

The disparity is huge.

This treasure was originally in Xu Fei's heart and must be won.

According to the established plan, it should have been a confrontation between the two sides competing for the treasure.

Then Han Xinbai attacked the Qiangwu League.

The army of the Qiangwu League returned to the rescue.

The three alliance forces blocked.

The two sides fought and suffered losses to each other, and the Qiangwu Alliance forcibly broke through the siege and returned to the alliance for support.

On the way, he was blocked by Yue Fei's heavily armored cavalry.

completely annihilated.

Yue Fei's heavy-armoured cavalry marched westward, while Huo Qubing's hussars went eastward.

Flanking from front and back, annihilated the remnants of the Sanmeng and Qiangwumeng.

Then Huo Qubing and Yue Fei joined the teacher.

Xu Fei used the waste sealing skills to suppress the tenth-level monster lair.

Huo Qubing, Yue Fei attacked the beast's lair and seized the treasure.

Then cooperate with Bai Qi Han Xin's army.

Swept across the heavily damaged Xiliang land.

Capture this treasure in one fell swoop.

But now something unexpected happened.

On Bai Qi's side, he was suddenly attacked by a tenth-level monster.

And it's not even an army of tenth-level monsters.

But three, and five large armies of the ninth-level monster lair participated in the siege.

Bai Qi's striker was suddenly attacked.

The two sides fought a battle.

Bai Qi's Yusheng Army is sharp in the world.

Hit more with less.

Not only killed the opponent's striker.

He also beheaded an orange monster.

But immediately, hundreds of thousands of monsters rushed over.

And the number of backs continues to increase.

Bai Qi and Han Xin were discussing with the two golden generals.

Immediately decided to avoid its edge.

Then send the cannon fodder to break the post.

The army returned to Qifen City.

Relying on the ruined Seven Points City, he fought a tie with Warcraft again.

Han Xin, Bai Qi's army had nothing to lose.

That's 300,000 cannon fodder.

There are less than 10,000 dead left.

Of the 24 cannon fodder city masters, there are only 8 left.

Outside Qifen City, Bai Qi reported the number of monsters.

has exceeded a million.

Compared to Han Xin's white army.

The difference is too great.

Therefore, the war was at a stalemate for a while.

Although there are many monsters.

But there are seven points of the ruins of the city wall. Han Xin's army of equipment uses equipment.

Directly suppress the army of monsters and dare not approach the city wall.

At the same time, the Bai Sheng Army made several raids.

Although it can easily kill these monsters.

However, the number is too large to kill very much.

So I can only ask Xu Fei for help.

This is why Xu Fei is puzzled by what Zhuge Liang said about He Xi.

Bai Qi was suppressed by monsters here.

Huo Qubing faced two forces alone.

An army of more than 2 million people.

It is difficult to make progress at all.

The battle plan formulated before has been directly abolished.

Now in Xu Fei's mind, he has already begun to redraw the battle plan.

At this time, Zhuge Liang said quickly.

"Lord City Lord!"

"Please also open the combat map.

After Xu Fei heard the words, he asked with some doubts: "Zhuge strategist has already thought of a plan to defeat the enemy?

Zhuge Liang shook the feather fan in his hand.

"Lord City Lord, Liang has a plan.

Xu Fei quickly opened the map.

Zhuge Liang quickly circled the treasure in the west.


"Without Han Xin, General Bai Qi's siege threat. (ajag)"

"Judging from the current situation, the Qiangwu League will definitely not retreat. 99

"Around the treasure point."

"There is bound to be a war between the two sides.

"This battle is fierce enough to wipe out the entire army of one million troops!""

"If General Huo Qubing's hussars continue to stay here.

"It's of little use."

"It is impossible for him to have the opportunity to capture the tenth-level beast under the eyes of both parties.""

"It is also impossible to intervene in the battlefield lightly.

"If you continue to stay here, you will waste your time."

"The same is true of General Yue Fei. 39

"Near the Treasure Point, the battle between the Qiangwu Alliance and the Three Alliances has not yet been decided.

"It is absolutely impossible for the strong Wumeng army to be in a short period of time.

"Withdraw from near the treasure point!

"So it is unrealistic for General Yue Fei's Beiwei Army to continue to block."5

"That's why I think it's better to take General Huo's hussars and General Yue's Beiwei Army."

"Withdraw from the front together! 35

"From the territory of the Qiangwu Alliance!

"Push straight into the back of the monster! 35

"Let's gather the army and eat this unprovoked monster first!!!"

"After you win."

"Gather the light soldiers again, and go forward to the treasure point. 35

"At this time, the forces of the two sides must have already been fighting against each other, with one dead and one injured."5

"At this time, my army is waiting for work."

"Whether it is to strike its idleness and return!

"Or just rush into the formation, slash the general and capture the flag, and you can defeat him in one fell swoop! 35

"At that time, the two forces, the victorious army, will definitely carry treasures.

"It just so happens that we kill two birds with one stone."

"It can destroy this remnant army and get the treasure.

"You don't need to lose your troops and break the generals to attack the tenth-level monster's lair.

Xu Fei listened to Zhuge Liang's analysis.

"Teng" stood up.

Excitedly, he said "Yeah!""

"Why didn't I think of that!

"Zhuge military division is worthy of being Zhuge military division."

"Return the army of General Huo and Yue."

"And then there is the cooperation of the three generals Han, Bai, and Li. 95

"Plus my waste sorting skills."

"How strong is this inexplicable monster!

"Can he be stronger than me?"

"It's not even a minute to kill.

"At that time, I will send Li Cunxiao and Huo Qubing as pioneers to take the treasure directly.

"With Han Xin, Bai Qi, and General Yue Fei as the main force. Capture the stronghold of the Qiangwu Alliance.

"In this way, the land of Xiliang can come down at night!

The suddenly enlightened Xu Fei.

Holding Zhuge Liang's hand, he said excitedly, "The strategist is really a god!"

"I will order it! 99

"Come on!"

Jin Yiwei rushed in.

"Subordinates are here.

"Urgent order!

"Huo Qubing led the hussars, concealed their whereabouts, and immediately moved westward to transfer the army to.

"Let Yue Fei command the Beiwei Army, abandon the original plan, move quickly, join the hussars, and move to a distance of 200 kilometers from the west wall of Qifen City!

"Tell the two generals to be careful when marching."

"If there are any obstacles along the way."5

"Kill without mercy!"

"Encounter with an enemy who may leak information.

"Kill without mercy! 35

"Quickly go to the summons. 39

"Follow your orders!

Xu Fei looked at Zhuge Liang who was beside him.

He said softly: "Everything is ready, only the east wind is due.

"Just wait for the two generals to arrive at the designated positions.

"Battle to capture the land of Xiliang!"

"It's about to start in full!!!"

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