City-State Era, A Hundred Times Faster

Chapter 282, report, enemy attack!

Among them, the drink of burning knife is the lowest quality, only Samsung red, and all functions are not very strong.

【Name】: Burning knife

[Quality]: Samsung red

[Function]: After the city lord drinks it, he will gain a drunken buff that lasts for three hours.

Under Drunk buff, every hour, there is a one-minute sober time.

During the sober time, when recruiting generals, there is a 1% chance of recruiting the orange generals.

Not sober time, fell into a coma.

After the city-state generals drink it, the combat power will increase by 100 points, the damage caused by it will increase by 10%, and the damage tolerance will increase by 30% for a quarter of an hour.


Good rubbish feature.

Especially after the city lord finished drinking, he was actually in a coma for three hours.

This is a fake bar, and it only takes one minute to be sober, and within one minute, it only increases the probability of recruiting low-level generals by 1%. This wine is also made for generals to drink.

Xu Fei would never drink it.

Fortunately, the cost is also cheap, only 500,000 resources are needed to produce one time, and 20 bottles can be produced at one time.

It can be used as a drink for generals to drink every day.

Especially Wu Song, his skills can be doubled after drinking.

The previous thousand days of drunkenness, Xu Fei was very precious, and he was reluctant to give him a drink. Now this burning knife can be enough.

Then Xu Fei checked the second drink, the purple quality Zhuang Yuan Red.


【Name】:Zhuang Yuanhong

[Quality]: Four-star purple lower grade

[Function]: After the city lord drinks it, he will gain a buff of intelligence and agility, which lasts for a quarter of an hour.

Recruit officers during the duration of the Intelligence Agility buff.

Increases the probability of recruiting a purple mid-grade civilian and military commander by 30%.

Increases the probability of recruiting top-quality purple civil servants and generals by 20%.

Increases the probability of recruiting orange low-grade civilian officers and generals by 10%.

Increases the probability of recruiting orange mid-rank civilian officers and generals by 5%.

Increases the probability of recruiting top-quality orange civil servants and generals by 1%, up to 5 bottles in a week.

After the offensive generals drink it, the combat power will be increased by 10 points, up to 5 bottles a week, which lasts for a quarter of an hour.

After the auxiliary and buff generals drink it, the skill cd will be reduced by 5%, and there is a 0.1% chance of making a double item, which lasts for a quarter of an hour. Only five bottles will be effective, and the excess will reduce the effect.

This champion red wine is not very useful if you drink it by yourself.

It can only increase the probability by 1%. Drinking it five times means it can increase by 5%, unless it is used in conjunction with other skills.

And this wine has less improvement on offensive generals.

Only 10 points of combat power, 5 bottles is 50 points, there is no use.

On the other hand, it is auxiliary, the generals of the gain class can drink it, which can shorten the skill CD.

It's a really nice feature, but it's too short, only 5% cd in total, and 25% for 5 bottles.

As for making double items, it is only 0.5% after stacking, which is even more pitiful. Whether this effect is useful or not depends entirely on the face.

After it is built, it can be mainly supplied to the public transport class to drink.

He doesn't like the enhanced version of Golden Rooster and Bazhen Soup, so I don't believe he won't dislike this champion red.

Drinking five bottles a week should not be a problem.

He then checked the output of Zhuang Yuanhong.

It takes ten days and 1 million resources to produce one time, and it can produce 3 bottles at a time.

Almost like a thousand days of drunkenness.

Finally Xu Fei opened the peach blossom.

This is the kind of wine he is most looking forward to.

【Name】:Peach Blossom Spring Brew

[Quality]: Four-star purple best

[Function]: After the city lord drinks it, he will gain the benefit of peach blossom luck.

"Drinking a bottle can increase the probability of recruiting female generals of the highest quality purple by 10%."

"Increase the probability of recruiting female generals of low-rank orange by 5%.

"The chance of recruiting an orange mid-rank female general is 3%.

"The chance of recruiting a top-quality orange female general is 1%.""

The duration is half an hour, and a maximum of five bottles can be consumed within seven days.

After the generals drink it, they will get the negative buff of rushing heart. On the battlefield, the resistance to female generals will be reduced by 50%, and the damage received by female generals will be increased by 50%. The duration lasts for one hour.

"Bah!" See the negative buffs after the generals drink.

This stuff can't be used on the battlefield, you can only drink it yourself.

Looking at the output, 3 million resources produced two bottles.

It looks like it's going to be for me in the future.

Xu Fei directly clicks all to produce.

Fill the output, no matter what kind of wine, stock up.

The last thing I got from the ghost town was the sheet music.

Feng Qiuhuang shows that it has been studied.

Xu Fei also didn't have any orange-quality materials on hand.

Still have to wait until the end of the war, and then try to bless Feng Qiuhuang's buff.

Who can you recruit.

When Xu Fei was researching the drinks in the city-state.

On the front line of the battlefield in Xiliang.

Zhao Yun joined Bai Qi and Han Xin's army.

Take Zhuge Liang from the city-state, and transfer the 1000 Zhuge crossbow brigade.

At present, it has appeared outside the alliance of the Qiangwu League.

The strong martial alliance at the moment.

Inside the Union Hall.

On a huge frontline combat sandbox.

Displays the battle report near the treasure point.

This is the exclusive combat sand table of the alliance.

The above can see in real time the situation of the entire alliance army.

At this time, the battle report showed that the Qiangwu Alliance had a huge advantage.

Jiangshan, Qingyuan, and the army of the Three Alliances.

After discovering that the strong military alliance occupies a dangerous terrain.

Blocked the way to the treasure point.

After the intention to stop the Sanmeng from interfering with the frontline.

The three alliances suddenly became anxious.

It directly pressed the entire army and launched the most violent attack.

But they have no intention of calculating, and wait for them to find out.

The fortifications built by the Qiangwu League have been very stable.

This time they did not carry too many siege equipment.

Drive the big army to storm, even if their orange army is more.

In front of the Qiangwu Alliance's position, he still hit a head and bleed.

After four consecutive days of attacking, only Qianzhai was captured.

The army under his command also suffered heavy losses.

Three of the lower-rank orange generals died.

Of course, the price paid by the strong martial arts alliance is not small.

Hundreds of thousands of vanguard troops were killed in battle, and three times as many generals of the inferior orange rank died.

But even so.

In the hall of the alliance, the mature pigs of the strong martial alliance did not show the slightest frustration.

If the orange low-grade generals are gone, continue to recruit.

But this time is the best chance to crush the three leagues.

As long as the three alliances are beaten down.

Occupy the entire Xiliang land, that is what you want.

Just the loss of a few orange generals.

Still can't make it up?

Their eyelids are not so shallow.

Of course, the happiest among them belongs to Yue Qingtian.

At this time, he could be said to be in high spirits.

Pointing to the combat sand table, he said quickly: "The time is almost there.""

"The army of the three alliances has captured our former village.""

"Has entered the preset ambush trap.

"It's time for the real bayonet to see blood."

"Now, I order."

"All city lords, give orders to their troops."

"According to the established plan, we will start a counterattack against the three alliance forces.

"Before my army drew the demonic giants like a battlefield.

"Be sure to hold them back!"

The city lords of the Qiangwu Alliance heard the final order.


Out of the blue.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

After a few minutes.

Follow the orders one by one.

On the front lines of Treasure Point.

The army of the Sanmeng had just occupied the Qianzhai of the Qiangwumeng.

Corpses lay all over the ground.

They are cleaning up the battlefield.

Suddenly, a loud bang broke the silence on the battlefield.

A large number of troops from the strong martial arts alliance poured out from behind the three hills.

The crazy counterattack against the three alliance army began.

For a moment, the battlefield was quiet just now.

into the slaughter again.

And it is directly to the white-hot stage.

The leaders of the three alliances are in the chat group.

Shocked exchange: "Qiangwu League crazy?"

And in this very moment.

The hall of the Qiangwu League.

A sentry stumbled in.


"Enemy attack!

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