On the battlefield, the demonized giant elephant appeared.

The moment to sweep the battlefield.

Qingyuan, Jiangshan, and Injustice are three alliances.

Staring blankly at the combat sand table.

Just now.

on the sand table.

The blue dots representing their side.

Obviously, he has completely mastered the battlefield.

Take the initiative on the battlefield.

The most valiant Shi Wei army in the Qiangwu League was directly beaten by the serial horses and annihilated the entire army.

Even Yelu Abaojidu, the top-notch orange general.

They all drink hatred under the impact of the serial horse.

It can be said that at this time, all the reserves of the Qiangwu Alliance are gone.

The elite has been completely exhausted.

Even if he has the ability to reach the sky.

It was also exhausting.

The battle is won and lost.

The city owners of the three alliances have already begun to celebrate their victory.

Even in the chat group of the three leaders.

It was also a message of congratulations to each other.

a second ago.

The leader of the Qingyuan Alliance also said: "This time there will be a huge celebration. 35

"Bring out the treasured daughter's red wine to celebrate."

The leader of the Jiangshan alliance also made jokes.

"Let the Qingyuan League send a few beautiful female city masters, and "Seven Four Three" will accompany everyone happily. 39

Even the previous Injustice leader with a serious face.

All said.

The battle will be celebrated by the whole alliance.

Just one second after the news of the Injustice Lord was sent.

Just one second.

The situation on the battlefield took a turn for the worse.

The army of the three alliances that was chasing the north just now.

All of a sudden, the armor and armor were thrown away, and the army was broken.

In just a short moment, the entire right wing of the hundreds of thousands of troops suddenly suffered a huge rout.

This sudden turnaround.

Catch everyone by surprise.

The Injustice Leader turned pale.

Because in the right wing, there are his most elite orange top-grade heavy armored cavalry, iron armored serial horses!

And he has just received the system's prompt tone.

His top-ranked orange generals, together with iron armored chain horses, annihilated the entire army.

Crucially, this isn't the worst news yet.

Immediately afterwards, the city lords received a prompt.

Their main elites were defeated one after another, and the whole army was wiped out.

On the battle sand table of the alliance.

It was dense.

The blue dots representing the three alliance armies.

At this time, it suddenly sparsed a lot.

Most just disappear.

The Injustice Lord is furious.

It was almost an explosive roar.

He shouted fiercely: "Open the battle report!"

The city lord in charge of the operation shuddered when he heard this.

But the hand did not dare to slow down.

In a hurry, I clicked the battle report.

Only see the battle report displayed.

"The elite of the tenth-level Warcraft Demonized Giant Elephant joins the battlefield.

"The demonized giant elephant attacked the main force of the Non-Justice League, and the Non-Justice League suffered a defeat and killed 30,000."

There are dozens of battle reports.

All of the alliance troops were attacked by the demonized giant elephant.

After seeing the prompt, the city lord present was stunned.

The Unrighteous Alliance Lord, at this moment, his mind was in a flash.

Become extremely awake.

He is a heroic city lord.

At this moment, seeing the tenth-level demon beasts, all the demonized giant elephants of the highest quality in orange were sent to attack their army after the news.

The Master of the Injustice knew that this matter could no longer be undone.

The army that went abroad this time.

Basically the whole army was wiped out.

What should be done now is the next aftermath!

as a hero.

Injustice leader, the keenest is from the combat sand table.

I saw the red dot representing the strong martial alliance.

This is also disappearing fast.

And disappear faster than theirs.

This means that.

The demonized giant is attacking indiscriminately.

This time their three alliances and the more than two million troops of the Qiangwu Alliance.

It's just a total annihilation of the whole army!

This may be the only good news among all misfortunes.

Looking at the clamorous and noisy city lords in the main hall of the Union Association.

The Injustice leader hurriedly said, "Shut up for me!

"What's the use of arguing?"

"The quarrel can make the army withdraw? 35

“The situation is not at its worst yet. 55

"The demonized giant will take the initiative to attack us."

"It's something that no one thought of.""

"It's an unexpected disaster!

"What you should do now is try your best!

"Let's take a little less damage.

"Now, each city lord directly commands the army under his command.

"Get out of the battlefield with all your might.

"Don't worry about anything!"

The order of the Injustice leader made everyone have a backbone.

Started orderly command, on the battlefield, the remaining army quickly left the battlefield.

At the same time, he typed these words into the chat group of Sanmeng.

Compared with the Injustice Lord, he can make the most favorable judgment so quickly.

The other two leaders were much worse than him.

The leader of the Jiangshan Alliance was ambitious and sparse, and in a panic, he gave orders indiscriminately.

Say let this cover, say let that run.

All messed up.

Wait to see the news of the Injustice Lord.

It stabilized a little bit.

Re-planned, let the army retreat quickly.

And the Qingyuan Alliance Leader is even more unbearable.

Looking at this combat sand table, I was stunned.

Because in the Qingyuan Alliance, most of them are female city owners.

Even more sobbing.

Accompanied by cries, this is the ups and downs.

"Woooooo, my Yan Qing is going to die!"

"My Ximen Qing is also dead."

"What are you guys, I sent both Pan An and Song Yu out this time.

Compared with the group of female city lords under his command, the leader of the Qingyuan Alliance.

He is the only one who is normal.

But he was also full of sadness and didn't know what to do.

Until I got the message from Injustice.

That's how I woke up.

It's a pity, even if he wants to give orders to go on.

He couldn't even command these female city lords.

Instead, it ignited the anger in his heart.

The leader of the Qingyuan Alliance, swallowed by anger.

Immediately lost his mind.

In the chat group, began to curse the Injustice.

Accused him of improper command and killed the army of the three alliances.

He also said that he would bring the Qingyuan League to join the Qiangwu League.

Injustice Lord is not a good person either..

He saw the content in the chat group.

Hehe smiled, and then said to the city lords who suffered heavy losses and their faces were blue: "We still have some troops in the city now.

"The Qingyuan League rebelled, everyone ordered their troops and horses."

"Follow me and destroy him. 99

"This battle will not seal the sword, and all the looted property will be owned by the city lords and will not enter the alliance warehouse.

Immediately, a thunderous applause sounded in the hall of the alliance.

It happened that they had nowhere to scatter their anger, and they suffered heavy losses.

It is better to strengthen the weakest Qingyuan League and supplement their respective strengths.

At the same time, it can also improve the cohesion of the alliance.

Just within the three alliances, when they were busy fighting with each other.

At this time, the treasure point is on the battlefield.

Huo Qubing, Yue Fei, and Li Cunxiao received information.

The army he immediately led marched toward the battlefield.

At this point, it has reached the edge of the battlefield.

Li Si conducts surveillance here.

When I saw Huo Qubing, the hussars appeared in person.

He ran forward.

"Meet General Huo. 99

Huo Qubing asked, "Li Si, what's the situation on the battlefield now?

Li Si quickly said: "General Huo, the demonized giant elephant has completely destroyed the resistance of the Sanmeng and Qiangwumeng.

"Now the three alliances seem to intend to withdraw their troops."

"But it was held back by the strong martial arts alliance."

"They are going to drag each other and die together. 35

"The demonized giant has also stopped charging, and is focusing on cleaning up the surviving human generals."

"it is good!"

"Li Si, your information is very accurate. 39

"Now is the time for us to join the battlefield.

"All troops obey orders!"

Seeing Huo Qubing, Li Si ordered an attack.

He hurriedly said again: "General Huo, wait."

"I have already sent a message with the falcon, asking the Lord of the City to use the waste sealing skills."

"Wait a minute.

As soon as he finished speaking, a golden light exploded in mid-air above the battlefield.

under the watchful eyes of all.


The golden light turned into a golden slip in the air.

The bamboo slips immediately evolved into golden characters.

"The decree, within the four seas, is the king's land."

"Waste packaging! 99

"Town! 35

The large golden characters pressed down towards the battlefield and the tenth-level monster lair.

Only listen to the "bang rumbling" loud noise.

The golden letters disappeared.

Immediately, there was the cry of the demonized colossus.

Huo Qubing was overjoyed, this is the waste separation skill in Feiye City.

to order an attack.

Suddenly, a purple streak crossed the sky.

Purple light turned into a long sword in the sky.

The long sword pointed at the battlefield.

"Edict, Zhang Lingjian!""

Immediately, purple rain fell.

The purple light disappeared.

This miraculous scene shocked the battlefield.

Especially those monsters in the tenth-level beast nest.

They really felt the impact of this golden and purple on them.

Just when the leader of the demonized giant elephant was about to give an order to withdraw all troops.

There was a thunderous sound from the ground.

They looked up.

on the skyline.

Countless cavalry, surging.

It came in like a tide.

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