City-State Era, A Hundred Times Faster

Chapter 448, Wu Qi's tactical fraud!

The commander of the enchanted flying pigeon flying high in the sky.

It stopped in the air at this time.

The commander-in-chief of the magic flying pigeon looked down from above.

It is a subsidiary main city built by Wu Qi.

Now this subsidiary main city has reached level seven.

The commander-in-chief of the demonized flying pigeon lowered his head and looked at the main city on the ground.

He asked the elite guards beside him, "Where have the beasts gone?

"Go back to the Lord, the striker is still fifty kilometers away from here.""

"The army is still a hundred kilometers away from here.

"The road has never been blocked."

The magic flying pigeon lowered his head and pondered for a while.

"Isn't there any human obstruction on the way?


"The situation is not right, although our speed is fast."

"But humans have set up a large number of defensive towers in the Xiliang field. 39

"No matter how fast you act, humans can't be unaware."

"Immediately spill all the elite guards.

"Within 100 kilometers around this place.

"Low-altitude reconnaissance.

"Be sure to find out if humans have set up an ambush."

"Follow your orders!

The main city affiliated to Wu Qi.

Inside the government hall.

Wu Qi is using the City Lord's Seal (attached) to check the combat map.

At this time, the soldiers under his command ran in.

"Report, General Wu, indeed found the enemy's aerial reconnaissance monster.

"Currently near me, low-altitude reconnaissance."

Wu Qi nodded after hearing this.

Counting in Li Cunxiao.

After the monsters invaded the land of Xiliang.

He sensed something was wrong.

With his knowledge of the western frontier.

Generally speaking, these monsters are not acceptable, and they can easily hide the patrols of the entire border.

It is also possible to calculate the trajectory of General Li Cunxiao's activities so accurately.

to make accurate calculations for him.

Wu Qi carefully reviewed the entire battle.

In the end, he reasoned, if he wanted to do this.

Then there are only two possibilities.

One is the subordinate city-states on the Western Front.

There are spies in there.

After careful inference, Wu Qi felt that this possibility was unlikely.

The reason is that if these city lords become spies.

Then the World of Warcraft is impossible, just to let an elite of Warcraft come in.

With this inner response, why should a mobile nest be sent in?

Then send millions of elite monsters.

Cooperate with the main frontal attack.

Wait until the war is in full swing.

Instead, attack suddenly.

Destroy all defenses on the Western Front in one fell swoop.

Then they divided their troops and attacked the inland of Xiliang all the way.

All the way to besiege the west branch city.

And it is absolutely impossible to expose a hidden inner response, just to put in such a little monster army.

So Wu Qi directly ruled out this option.

So in addition to that, the second possibility is.

Warcraft has a very powerful reconnaissance elite.

They have penetrated into the Western Liang land.

He has even grasped the information of the Western Liang Land.

Even General Li Cunxiao's combat characteristics and personality have been mastered.

Such a terrible reconnaissance force.

Wu Qi first ruled out the ground.

Even monsters can be invisible.

It is also impossible to conduct a close-range, long-term reconnaissance of a level 60, orange top-quality combat general.

Not to mention mastering his laws of action and character traits.

Especially a top military general like Li Cunxiao.

Just enter a thousand meters around him.

You keep him under constant surveillance.

Then he must be noticed.

A general with this kind of combat power has a very strong sixth sense.

Then since the land was ruled out, Wu Qi thought of the last possibility.

Monsters in the sky!

Only the monsters in the sky can have this kind of power.

Conduct a long-term reconnaissance on an orange top-ranking general on the ground.

Warcraft at high altitude, especially reaching more than 10,000 meters.

If he monitors a general for a long time.

Even himself, a golden general.

It is also extremely difficult to detect.

This is also a huge advantage of Warcraft in the air.

It's like being in the deep sea.

Warcraft with their talent, as well as human incompetence.

They rule here.

So is the sky.

Even more powerless than the deep sea.

After all, there are ships in the deep sea.

Enter the 10,000-meter altitude.

Even the strongest crossbow bolts, trebuchets can't hit there.

Most of the time, humans face monsters in the sky.

Often powerless.

Of course, Warcraft doesn't do whatever he wants in the sky.

Above 10,000 meters, they can conduct high-altitude reconnaissance.

The information obtained by high-altitude reconnaissance, unless it is those flying monsters with extraordinary talents.

Ordinary flying beast elite, the information they get in high altitude is often inaccurate.

To get accurate information, you must descend.

This naturally increases the probability of being discovered.

Among the human generals, some are good at archery.

They can be shot with a single arrow.

If these high-altitude monsters want to attack humans in the air.

Infused throwing boulders.

That would have to go down to a thousand meters.

If it is too high, it will be inaccurate to cast, and it is also physically exhausting. It will not work after a few rounds.

Accuracy can only be guaranteed to 1000 meters.

But at this distance, as long as the human city-state reaches the eighth level, it can already be hit with equipment.

Therefore, although the high-altitude Warcraft is powerful.

But it is not without weaknesses.

After Wu Qi knew about them.

Instead, don't worry about them.

Know that there are high-altitude monsters to help.

Wu Qi decided to abandon the original plan of Yue Fei's army to intercept.

Instead, use your own capital city to set up a trap.

lure these monsters to come.

Under the main city, at the same time destroy the monsters that came in and the flying monsters in the sky.

So Wu Qi took the initiative to withdraw most of the soldiers in the tower.

The patrolling team was returned to each stronghold.

A road leading directly to his main city was vacated.

And Yue Fei and his Beiwei Army were hiding in their main city at this time.

Waiting for the arrival of monsters.

Together, there are 500 military soldiers equipped with enchanted golden eagle wings.

They will conduct close combat against flying monsters.

The purpose is to stop them from escaping.

In order to achieve the purpose of allowing Warcraft to take the initiative to attack his city-state.

Wu Qi had already made the layout.

He directed the various sub-cities to send messengers to him.

They continue to transport all kinds of food and grass from the main city to the front line.

Each patrolling cavalry must enter his main city to report.

Each of these arrangements, the purpose is one.

Let Warcraft think that his subordinate main city is the command center of the entire Xiliang land.

At the same time, a large number of city defenses were demolished.

It is assumed that this is a low-level main city.

The city defense is not strict posture.

And sent a large number of basic farmers.

Continue to build in the city-state.

As a result, the demon (Zhao Zhaohao) beast mistakenly thought that his main city was moved here because of its relocation.

Entire city-state facilities were damaged.

Now it is working overtime to repair the city defense.

Rebuild the main city.

It turns out.

Wu Qi's tactical deception was not in vain.

Commander of the enchanted flying pigeon at his head.

See this behind the scenes.

Received a report from the surrounding subordinates.

No enemy army was found in ambush.

The commander-in-chief of the demonized flying pigeon made a decisive decision and judged that this main city.

It is the central building of these sub-city in Xiliang.

Because of the relocation of the city, the city-state level has declined.

Rebuilding now.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Just grab it.

Destroy the main city.

Then their army of monsters.

Must be able to drive straight in!

The commander-in-chief of the enchanted flying pigeon immediately ordered the elite guards.

66 `|| Send the elite demon beasts on the ground.

'Accelerate immediately and march at full speed.

"After arriving, immediately launch an attack on the main human city!

"Follow your orders!

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