City-State Era, A Hundred Times Faster

Chapter 35, The Process Of Resource Autonomy Must Be Accelerated

1,500 trade gold coins arrived, which is a resource of 1.5 million.

Xu Fei was overjoyed, and he quickly exchanged them all for resources.

"Ding, your resources have exceeded the storage capacity of the warehouse, please use them as soon as possible, otherwise the resources will disappear automatically after three days."

First, the warehouse is only level three, and the resources that can be stored are limited.

It's just that these resources look a lot, but they are really used very quickly.

He first took out 120,000 resources, chose the Zhuge Crossbow Barracks, and chose to build 300 Zhuge Crossbow soldiers.

This is the source of his own fortune, and he cannot be left behind.

Then there is the sub-city. To study and build a sub-city, the amount of resources that needs to be consumed is 300,000 points.

Choose to study!

Adding the two together, a full 420,000 resources are missing, leaving 1.08 million.

in building mode.

It shows that it will take three months to complete the research in the branch city, that is, 90 days.

Not too long.

As long as you wait until tomorrow, Xu Fei can complete it with a hundred times acceleration.

In the construction mode of the sub-city, after the research is completed, you only need to select the address to complete the placement. It can be said that it is quite simple.

And where the address of the sub-city is placed on the White Deer Hills, you need to send someone to find and measure the map of the entire White Deer Hills.

After he had a discussion with Zhuge Liang, the unanimous point of view was to find a dangerous position.

In the future, the branch city will not only assume the role of guarding the resource points of Bailu Hills.

It is even more necessary to undertake the defense to the north of Feiye City.

That is to say, this sub-city is the barrier behind him. If the sub-city is not broken, his Feiye City will not be attacked.

Therefore, site selection is very important, and specialized skilled workers are needed to conduct exploration and investigation.

In his city, all kinds of skilled workers, through the dwellings, have already produced very complete.

Any talent you want can be found.

This kind of thing doesn't need Xu Fei to worry about.

After he appointed Zhuge Liang as the fortification officer, he brought basic peasants, skilled workers, and 3,000 soldiers of the Eight Arrays under his command.

Go to the Bailu Hills to find the address of the city, and at the same time undertake the construction of the Bailu Hills resource point, as well as build a road that leads directly to Feiye City.

After dealing with the White Deer Hills.

The following is the construction of Huo Qubing's military town.

Originally, when Huo Qubing built a military town, Xu Fei's city did not need resources.

It is completely possible to rely on him to go out and loot to obtain resources for building a military town.

It is only built by looting, and the speed is very slow. Unless an enemy city is broken, it is possible to speed up.

Now the construction of the military town is to guard the safety of the northwest of Feiye City. Naturally, the sooner it is built, the better.

Compared with researching sub-city, the construction of military town is much simpler and consumes much less resources.

As long as Xu Fei allocates resources to Huo Qubing.

He found a place to place the military town, and he could build it immediately.

The initial resource consumption of a military town is 100,000 points.

A long time ago, the hussars were near Yuanliang City and found a place with a dangerous location and excellent concealment.

After obtaining Xu Fei's resources, Huo Qubing immediately led the 4,000 hussars under his command to set off to build a military town.

After the military town is built, it will appear on Xu Fei's build panel.

This means that the internal buildings can be upgraded and the scale of the military town can be increased.

His future plan is to rely on the military town and the old site of Yuanliang City in the northwest direction.

Relying on them, build a horn defense line.

Specially used to defend against enemies from the northwest.

As long as this line of defense is completed, plus the sub-city to the north, he will gain a huge strategic leap.

With Huo Qubing, Zhuge Liang left.

Now there is only general Yue Fei left in the city.

His subordinates are also full, a full 3,000 puppet troops.

1500 heavy infantry, 1500 heavy cavalry.

Temporarily serve as the defender of the city, wait for the sub-city to be built, and then go to serve as the city lord.

Yue Fei is now leading a patrol to review the city defense.

Together with Liao Hua.

By checking the battle report, Xu Fei knew that Liao Hua was fighting in the White Deer Hills and desperately defended the back line.

Yesterday, I restored a battlefield with three generals.

They all agreed that if Liao Hua hadn't dragged the enemy back.

Move the 5,000-strong Snakeman elite to the rear.

I'm afraid that the deaths of Yue Fei and Zhuge Liang's soldiers will be doubled.

Xu Fei after Liao Hua returned to the city.

Directly appointing him as the general guard of the city, Liao Hua rose to level 8 through the war, and his men could command 800 vanguard cavalry.

Xu Fei also filled him all at once.

It's also an award.

Seeing that everything had been arranged, Xu Fei opened the building template.

It's also time to upgrade the buildings in the city.

There are still 980,000 resources on hand.

Open the upgrade of the main city first, the main city is everything, and the upgrade of the main city is higher, so that higher-level buildings can be built.

Now he is a fourth-level city, and he is going to be promoted to fifth-level.

It is shown on the building panel that it will consume 600,000 resources!

And the upgrade time is more, it is three years!

If Xu Fei didn't have Zhuge Nubing, a lucrative pastry.

He will definitely not upgrade the main city immediately.

Although the main city is everything, it is not enough to have the main city alone. It needs various supporting military facilities in the city to have a defensive power.

But it's different now. In the Zhuge Crossbow Barracks, 300 crossbowmen are still being produced, and by tomorrow, there will be 1.5 million resources.

Naturally, the sooner the main city is upgraded, the better.

He pressed upgrade without hesitation.

There are only 380,000 resources left.

These resources, Xu Fei originally wanted to use all of them to upgrade the buildings in the city.

However, the 8,000 reserve soldiers that had just been recruited were distributed to the three generals under him.

The number of reserve troops in his city was again insufficient.

Only less than 500 are left.

Be prepared for danger in times of peace, forget the war will be in danger.

The number of reserve soldiers must be kept at 2000!

Open the conscription office, and recruit another 1,500 soldiers, consuming 75,000 resources.

There are more than 300,000 resources.

There will also be some resources left to recruit generals.

This time, in the White Deer Hills expedition, 20 first-class beast nests, 6 second-class beast nests, and 4 first-class beast nests were eliminated.

Got 20 materials for recruiting one-star generals.

6 materials for recruiting two-star blue generals.

4 materials for recruiting three-star red generals.

Through this war, Xu Fei found that the combat effectiveness of the white generals was too poor, and it was basically useless in the later stage.

Even if it is vigorously cultivated, it consumes a lot of resources and materials.

Therefore, he did not plan to recruit white generals this time, only two-star blue generals and three-star red generals.

For these ten recruits, he estimates that the resources needed are around 15,000.

Leaving these resources, there are 290,000 left, and these resources are used to upgrade the buildings in the city.

The first thing Xu Fei clicked to upgrade was the city wall.

The third-level city wall was upgraded to the fourth-level, and the resources needed surprised him.

A full 45,000, while upgrading the warriors of the city wall, Xu Fei clicked on the research of horse face technology, observatory technology, and parapet technology.

These three technologies together consume 5000 resources.

The small fifty thousand resources are gone again.

The next warehouse upgrade consumes 20,000 resources. After upgrading to the fourth-level warehouse, the resources that can be stored in it have expanded to 1 million points and must be upgraded.

Upgrade to the fourth-level dwelling, a dwelling, consumes 2000 points, he has a full 300 dwellings, 60,000 resources are gone.

A fourth-level dwelling can produce 20 basic peasants and 5 skilled workers a day, and there is also a small probability of obtaining a resident with a military commander panel.

Having a military commander panel is not equivalent to a one-star white military commander.

It's a great deal!

There are only 160,000 resources left, and then the sentry tower was upgraded from level three to level four and became a beacon tower. The towers he built were upgraded together, consuming 50,000 resources.

The recruiting battalion has been upgraded, and the maximum number of recruits has been expanded from 10,000 to 20,000. This must be upgraded and consumes 20,000 resources.

The dock was upgraded, and it was upgraded to a shipyard. It was 20,000. The technology dock in the research was 10,000, and the inland warship was researched at 10,000.

There are only 50,000 points left.

Farmland upgrade, lumber farm upgrade, blacksmith shop upgrade, medical hall upgrade, martial arts hall upgrade.

The last fifty thousand were spent.

There are also schools that have not been upgraded, the Diplomatic Academy has not been upgraded, the markets have not been upgraded, and so on.

There is a lot of technology to upgrade inside.

Xu Fei estimates that 300,000 resources will be needed to complete the project.

He sipped his teeth and said, "It's no wonder that the third-tier city is a novice city."

"The fourth-level city is the beginning of the city-state era."

"Just collecting so many resources will require the city owner to work hard."

"If I didn't have Zhuge Nubing, a tool for making money."

"By fighting alone, now we can only go to the fourth-level beast nest!"

But Xu Fei thought about it, and now he seems to be able to try to open up the fourth-level beast nest in the wasteland.

With such a large consumption of resources, if Zhuge Nubing was slow to sell in the trading system, wouldn't his own development be stagnant.

Thinking of danger in times of safety, Xu Fei suddenly felt a crisis in his heart.

You must speed up the process of resource autonomy!

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