City-State Era, A Hundred Times Faster

Chapter 471, half of the wealth as a reward!

If someone asks, in the map of the entire Chaos Xinghai.

Which place is the safest!

Ask 100 people, and 99 will answer the West Coast Plain.

in the West Coast Plain.

80% of the lords are merchant lords.

The remaining 20% ​​of the city lords are responsible for protecting the merchant city lords.

These merchant city lords all belong to the same alliance.

Cohesion is quite strong.

With 80% of the merchant city lord, 20% of the force raised.

Even if it is to call the Caiyi League, one of the top ten powerful alliances in the city-state world.

Not necessarily sure to attack.

This is not unfounded.

From this one hundred years.

Every time the West Coast Plain resists monsters, it can be easily seen.

Not to say far.

Let's just say that the year before, the sea beasts unique to the Chaos Xinghai attacked the city.

These armies of monsters came ashore using the tsunami.

Leng did not even break a city.

Not only that, but he was also killed.

Seven or eight high-level monster dens were destroyed.

In the West Coast Plain, relying on the powerful banknote capacity.

In the previous invasions of monsters, they all survived steadily.

So, in the minds of all West Coast Plains lords.

Banknote ability is their most powerful reliance on "Seven Nine Zeros".

As long as you have the resources at hand.

In this world, there is nothing you can't buy!


They never expected it.

one day!

This is what they see as the golden rule.

would actually fail.

This is from a few days ago.

At that time, the city owners of the West Coast Plain were immersed in joy.


Because they added an elder to the world business alliance.

It has been expanded from ten elders to eleven.

This is decades since the establishment of the alliance!

Increase the number of elders for the first time.

Within the business alliance, there was news.

This new elder has the talent to bring their entire alliance into a new glory.

All the city lords of the business alliance firmly believed in this.

immersed in great joy.

The merchants' city owners are in the chat group every day, imagining what the future will be like.

But just a day later.

A group of ferocious monsters appeared!

They emerged from the steepest mountain range to the east.

This sudden appearance of monsters caught everyone off guard!


The defense in the east near the Hengduan Mountains has always been relatively sparse.

More troops were concentrated in the west, north and south.

Because all the time!

Threats to the West Coast Plain come from the sea to the west and the mountains to the north.

On the south side, the defense came from the robber city lord with bad intentions from the Xinghai Plain.

Therefore, in these three directions, heavy troops were deployed!

And to the east, start with the construction of the first city!

There has never been a monster.

Therefore, in the east, in addition to the passage to Xiliangdi, some sub-city.

In the rest of the place, only sentry towers and walls were built.

Arranged for one or two eighth-level cities to guard.

Not much defense at all.

On the contrary, a large number of merchants and city lords felt that it was safe to be close to the Hengduan Mountains.

Choose to move your main city here.

Building your main city against a mountain can not only keep you away from the west coast, which is often attacked by monsters.

The main city can also be turned into an open city-state.

The so-called open city-state means that apart from building the city lord's mansion within the city walls.

The rest of the buildings were all chosen to be built outside the city walls.

This way of building is unique to the entire continent, that is, the West Coast Plain.

After all, there are too few city lords like them.

The open city-state, on the west coast plain, is also called the garden city-state.

These merchant city lords also imagined that they built themselves and the city-states of their companions together.

Thus expanding into a large urban agglomeration.

And their main city is the center of the urban agglomeration.

Until then, they enjoy the best protection.

Naturally, it didn't feel too dangerous.

But when the real danger comes.

This so-called city garden.

Didn't hold back for even a second.

Was easily captured by monsters.

Warcraft doesn't care what kind of businessman, let alone how much resources you can give.

They only care about killing people!

In just one day, it swept all the city-states near the east.

You must know that the city-state in the east occupies 30% of the merchant city lords of the entire world business alliance.

It also includes the main city of 3 elders.

The three elders were very lucky.

They happened to be in the Great Hall of the World Business Alliance at that time.

Luckily escaped the ruined city.

Then the main city was rebuilt in a short period of time using the resources funded by the alliance.

Although they saved their lives, the huge resources in their main city were completely given to Warcraft.

Even with the huge financial resources of the World Business Alliance, facing this kind of loss, it is still painful.

Because according to their system.

The wealth of the World Business Alliance is divided into ten parts.

Each of the ten elders holds one copy and stores them in their own warehouses in the main city.

I lost 3/10 all of a sudden, and everyone feels distressed.

In fact, for them, the problem of wealth loss is not too big, after all, it is not difficult for them to make money.

The key is that those city lords in the east are carefully selected by the world's business alliance, and their talents are suitable for business.

So much has died at once, and it is difficult to make up for it in a short time later.

As for monsters?

In the eyes of the elders of the World Business Alliance, it is precisely the least worry.

They have confidence!

Within two days, these monsters will be wiped out!

After all, the glorious record before, the war props piled up in the warehouse, and the war city-state armed to the teeth.

Let them have proud capital!

Therefore, the matter of the invasion of monsters, they directly handed it over to the nine elders.

He is the only tenth-level city lord among the ten elders, and he is also the elder who is in charge of the war city lord of the World Business Alliance.

At the elders meeting, the nine elders confidently assured the other elders.

Within two days, the war will surely end and he will return in triumph.

Then opens the arsenal that drives everyone crazy.

With a large number of war props and millions of orange elites, they went to the east to prepare to destroy the invading monsters.

The remaining nine city lords continued to meet and began to discuss how to restore the strength of the business alliance as soon as possible.

They had just had a morning meeting.

The elders are not over yet.

News came from the front.

It is a pity that it is not a victory, but a defeat!

The army of the World Business Alliance is the vanguard of five top-quality orange generals equipped with exclusive weapons. …

They are Ma Chao, Zhang Fei, Xiahou Yuan, Cao Ren, and Ao Bai.

The combat power of each one is extremely fierce, and with the exclusive weapon, it is even more powerful.

Behind him are 500,000 orange elite elites.

The purpose of sending troops like this is to do everything in one battle!

But the fact is~


He was actually caught in the trick of monsters to lure the enemy, and was blocked in a depression by several times of monsters.

In just one morning, the entire army of these five top-ranked orange generals was wiped out.

Even the team that was sent to the rescue was also surrounded by magical beasts to help them, and the casualties were heavy.

One morning, the strength of the West Coast Plains for protection.

1/3 is gone.

Immediately afterwards, they also discovered that the demon beasts appeared in the mountains to the east.

Not only is it cunning and unusual, but it is also extremely resistant to war props.

Ordinary orange middle-grade war props, hit them, not even a bit of skin will be broken.

That is, the best orange war props have a role.

But in the face of this army of hundreds of thousands.

Their orange best props, not Chinese cabbage, can't be used at all.

On the battlefield, basically as soon as the best orange war props are used up.

Their army began to lose.

There was no resistance at all.

Fighting in the wild is basically death.

To preserve strength.

Had to retreat to the main city, instead of defense.

At this time, the ten elders of the World Business Alliance began to realize that the beasts of this attack were not simple.

In order to save lives, the world began to collect orange top-quality props.

Takeover slogan.

"The price is free! 99

But this time, it was the monsters attacking the city.

The top-quality orange props are extremely precious life-saving props for any city lord.

The city lord who wants money and doesn't want to die can't sell the guy who saves his life at this time.

On the bounty forum, there is also a lot of excitement.

They collect props all over the sky, with little effect.

Seeing that the city-state was attacked by monsters one after another by 0.6.

At this time, they turned to seek support.

All the tenth-level and ninth-level city lords in Chaos Xinghai sent messages asking for help.

As long as you are willing to send troops to rescue, I will give you resources, treasures, whatever you want!

Unfortunately, this time many people saw it.

In the chat group of the tenth-level main city, ten people chatted privately.

Nine were rejected.

After all, everyone can't take care of themselves at this time.

However, there are exceptions.

The emperor pays off!

Finally, a tenth-level city lord replied.

And this city lord is still very close to their west coast plains!

The mayor of this news!

Of course it is Xu Fei.

The moment you see the other person asking for the price.

The ten elders of the World Business Alliance who are experiencing torture.

Almost didn't kneel down.

Soon, in the hall of the World Business Alliance.

in the witness of all the elders.

The nine elders responded quickly.

"As long as you send troops to the rescue. 35

"We're willing to pay half of the league's wealth!35

After sending out.

The hearts of the ten elders began to thump up.

He was anxiously waiting for a reply from the other side.

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