City-State Era, A Hundred Times Faster

Chapter 37, The News Of The Secret Realm

Rising Star Secret Realm?

What is this, Xu Fei saw it for the first time.

He opened the post.

After turning a few pages, I realized that it was specially used to upgrade the generals with stars and improve the quality of the generals.

In the post, the post owner described that this item in his hand can upgrade a one-star general to two-star blue.

It's been ten days since I read the post.

From the content of the post below.

The city owner who replied, generally believed that the price was too high.

Ten trade gold coins are 10,000 resources.

Using 10,000 resources to upgrade a one-star white general is obviously the behavior of a prodigal.

In the trading market, a material used to recruit a one-star white general can be exchanged for only 1000 resources.

No wonder this bounty has been hanging for so long.

In the content of the reply below, there are also a lot of persuasion for the owner to reduce the price.

Among them, the highest asking price is only 500 resources, not even a single trade gold coin.

Although the secret realm items are relatively rare, his level is too low, and he can also upgrade the one-star white general.

Those high-level city lords wouldn't use it at all, and the new city lord wanted it, but he couldn't afford it.

Ten thousand resources is enough to upgrade several buildings in the early stage, and there is no need to waste resources on a white secret item.

Perhaps the post owner also felt that his bid was too high.

After that, he replied again.

An additional message can be provided.

But the price did not drop a single trade coin.

After reading the post, Xu Fei thought, the owner of this post is also a very special person.

His hand tapped twice on the table in front of him.

Xu Fei was actually a bit tempted by this item.

The Liao Hua in his hand has risen to level 8, and he is also a white general at the peak of one star.

Especially in this battle in the White Deer Hills.

It can quickly detect the enemy's situation, make the correct decision, and fight to the death.

These advantages all show that Liao Hua is a military general worthy of training.

Even as a reward, Xu Fei felt that Liao Hua should be given a boost.

Besides, it is also the first time that I have come into contact with an item in the Mysterious Realm of Rising Stars.

It is also a good choice to buy a low-level test water first.

It's just that Xu Fei doesn't have so many trade gold coins on him now.

The resources in the warehouse are reserved for recruiting generals.

Now that the hand is empty, the items that can be exchanged for trade gold coins are left with 20 one-star white recruitment materials.

Xu Fei is about to sell them.

Click on the transaction function and choose to sell one-star white materials.

Market price, one gold coin per material.

Now is the time when the new city masters have upgraded the city to the third level.

If they want to defend the city, they need military generals. The channel to obtain military generals in the early stage is from the trade function in the city master's seal.

Moreover, many alliances will also issue these one-star white materials as benefits to these newly joined city lords.

In the market, at this stage, the demand for one-star white recruiting materials is the greatest.

Because I just found out that I was offered a reward, this time Xu Fei chose to sell it anonymously.

As soon as Xu Fei's material was hung up, he received a prompt.

"***Purchased your one-star white material and you got 20 gold coins."

As soon as the gold coins arrived, Xu Fei immediately opened a post on the bounty forum.

Receive bounty is selected.

Then three more prompts popped up for Xu Fei to choose.

Use anonymity to communicate.

Use your real name to communicate.

Spend a gold coin to communicate after purchasing a mask.

Using anonymity means that the two sides cannot communicate and communicate. As long as Xu Fei pays ten gold coins, he can get this white secret item.

Using the real name means that the two parties will disclose the name of their own city to each other, and then they will be transferred to a chat interface for face-to-face communication.

The last one who spends money buys a mask and communicates after masking the real name. The two parties do not know each other's real name.

Xu Fei is really poor now, if it wasn't for the other party's post saying that if he wanted to provide a message, he would definitely choose the first one.

For this news, he gritted his teeth, spent one gold coin to buy a mask, and another ten gold coins to receive the reward.

Soon, a dialog box pops up.

[Enthusiasm like fire]: "A local tyrant, to spend so much money to buy a white secret realm, I thought it would not be able to sell?"

When Xu Fei saw this text, he felt like he was slaughtered.

[I am your father]: "What about the news?"

This is Xu Fei's name after using the mask.

[Enthusiasm like fire]: "..., take your name, local tyrant father, I have two secret realm items upgraded by blue generals here, you can think about it, the price is not expensive, package, 100 trade gold coins. "

Xu Fei felt that this guy on the other side really made a lot of money on the spot.

[I am your father]: "Stop talking nonsense, and hurry up and give me the news."

[Enthusiasm like fire]: "Okay, don't worry, local tyrant dad, I'll give it to you."

"The news is about the secret realm. I don't know where it came from recently. As long as you attack the fourth-level beast nest, you will have the opportunity to get a key to enter the medium-sized secret realm."

"This medium-sized secret realm at the lowest level can also make purple generals upgrade to orange, and there is a chance to recruit new generals from the secret realm. The lowest quality of the military generals is also purple."

{Enthusiasm like fire}: "How about it, boss, is this news worth 10 gold coins?"

Xu Fei frowned, there are so many levels in the secret realm?

[I am your father]: "Isn't the secret realm used to raise stars? How can you still recruit generals? What is the real function of the secret realm?"

[Enthusiasm like fire]: "It seems that the local tyrant's father is a newcomer. He has collected so much money from you, and the news will be given to you by me."

"The so-called secret realm is formed by intercepting a piece of history from our human history. Human history is very long, so the secret realm is also full of strange, strange Lu Li."

"The secret realm is divided into small, medium and large."

"Small secret realms are generally ascension secret realms. There are many secret realms. The content of small secret realms is the most complex of all secret realms. They are generally divided into white, blue, red, purple, and orange, corresponding to various quality generals. He can only be used to upgrade the quality of generals, and only one city lord is allowed to enter."

"The medium-sized secret realm is generally called the secret realm of war. After entering the secret realm, generally speaking, you have to enter a war in human history. These wars are large and small, offensive and defensive. Which side to choose in the war is to take refuge in. , or dominate the side by yourself, completely look at yourself, medium-sized secret realm, it is allowed to bring your own generals and soldiers in, you can enter three city lords at one time, the city lords can also cooperate after entering, or they can be hostile to each other, but I have bad news for you , in the medium-sized secret territory, never trust your teammates, those who backstab you are usually your so-called teammates."

"In the medium-sized secret realm, you can recruit generals and soldiers in the secret realm through war. The generals can be upgraded and promoted. Everything you get in the secret realm can be brought out at the end of the secret realm time."

"Getting an item from an intermediate-level secret realm, as long as you survive, the harvest is no less than attacking five fifth-level beast nests."

Passionately paused, then typed.

"As for the last large-scale secret realm, it has only appeared once in history, but all the city lords who entered it died in battle, and none of the living ones came out. All of them are also called death secret realms."

[Enthusiasm like fire]: "The local tyrant dad, how about it, is there any value for money!!!"

"For the sake of my enthusiasm, do you want to buy two blue secret realm items together."

In response to this blatant behavior, Xu Fei chose to block it.

Enthusiastic just finished typing these words, clicked send, and a red exclamation mark appeared.

The other party closed the conversation.

"Bah, big money!"

"I've given you a lot of news this time, and I'll slaughter you next time!" He scolded with enthusiasm and hatred, and in a blink of an eye, he put two blue materials on the reward forum, priced at 100 trade gold coins.

Celebrating the 7-day National Day holiday and reading books! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediately rush to recharge (event time: October 1st to October 7th)

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