City-State Era, A Hundred Times Faster

Chapter five hundred and ten, human beings must be defeated!

The monsters at this time, although they have occupied all the fields in the Western Liang Land.

However, their command center was not located in Xiliang.

In the Xiliang field, they only have a remote fake command organization.

The real command organization, the Warcraft was shrewdly placed in the lair of the demonized ten-eyed spider in the northern jungle.

It's close to the northern border.

Relying on the demonized flying pigeons and the special elite demonized flying tigers of the Ghost Tiger clan, they are enough to complete the remote command of the demonic beasts in Xiliang.

And they took a small number of guards and hid in the huge cave dug out by the demonized ten-eyed spider.

Even when attacked by humans.

You can also block humans with the help of terrain.

It can be said to be an excellent command place, plus they have reinforced the defenses on the basin.

Another camouflage command structure was established.

With the addition of the Xiliang land, it can be said to be the three caves of the cunning rabbit.

In a cave north of the ground.

This is the command room of the three beast clan chiefs.

In addition to the three of them, the patriarch of the demonized nine-section insect was also there.

At this time, he could no longer be compared with the three giants.

He was called here mainly because he had some knowledge of the information about the human beings in the Western Liang Land.

Let him make a war sand table.

Using his own skills, the Demonized Nine-Section Zerg Patriarch marked the entire Xiliang Land's terrain, human resource points, city-states, and strongholds within a few minutes.

Then, according to the war information that was continuously sent.

Mark the power of the Warcraft side.

In this way, the three patriarchs can clearly understand the strength of the two sides and the current battle situation with just one glance.

With the demonized nine-section Zerg chief, he put down another mark representing the power of beasts.

All resource points on the entire Xiliang land were completely occupied by them.

The Guihu Patriarch stepped forward, looked at the sand table and said, "Now the human army is either annihilated by us, or withdrawn into the city.

"The Plain of Xiliang has completely fallen into our hands.

"It's time for the next step.

With that said, the patriarch of the Ghost Tiger waved his claws.

The symbol representing the elite of Warcraft was placed under Wu Qi's main city.

Then he quickly said: "According to the current news, this is the main city of human beings in Xiliang.

"News from the Plains of Demonic Beasts.

"The main city of humans has migrated from other places.

"Moving the city has caused his city-state rank to drop."

"From the previous tenth level, it fell directly to the current eighth level! 35

"It's just an eighth-level main city.""

"For our main force.

"Breaking it is a piece of cake!

On the plain of Xiliang, the offensive was like a broken bamboo.

Let this always cautious Guihu Patriarch be full of confidence.

The demonized red bear on the side looked at the sand table where the situation was good.

Suddenly said: "Why is there a human city-state on this border. 99

The head of the nine-section Zerg clan took a closer look, and sure enough, a small human city-state was still standing there strong.

At this time, the Guihu Patriarch spoke up to explain.

"I know this, it's a small town on the northern line of defense of mankind.

"I don't know what props I used to raise my city-state defense to level nine.

"In addition to the city-state, his own defense is not weak."

"The main force of our siege has been transferred to the hinterland, and only some elites of the eighth level are left to besiege with ordinary monsters."5

"That's what allowed him to survive tenaciously."

"This city-state is not high-level, and it is actually a sixth-level city."

"Wait until the effect of his props wears off."

"Breaking the city is a matter of time.

"No need to take it too seriously."9

"Our focus now should be on breaking the main city of mankind and capturing the city lord of mankind."

"Just finish this step!"

"Other sub-cities of humanity have lost their lords.""

"It will become a mess of sand.

"The entire Xiliang land will be truly occupied by us."

"At the same time, we can open the ruins in the mountains and get the original blood!"

There was excitement in the voice of the Guihu Patriarch.

As if the primordial blood was in sight, the hundred-year-old ancestor's lair dream would soon be realized.

At this moment, the Fire Ape Patriarch, who had never spoken, suddenly made a sound.

"When will the support on the Plain of Warcraft be in place?

"I looked at the defense line in the west, and it was not penetrated at all. 99

"Humans are still firmly occupied here.

"Even the monsters we sent to attack the human defense line.

"You can't even get within 50 kilometers of this line of defense. 35

"You say this is because human beings are too powerful.

"Or are the allies in the Plain of Warcraft sabotage again?"

"Attempting to borrow human hands and drain our forces. 99

The Guihu Patriarch looked at the sign of the power of monsters near the West Mirror City.

Although the resource points are occupied.

But none of them can get close to the western defense line of human beings.

It doesn't look normal.

He lowered his head and pondered for a while, then said: "The strength of the western defense line of mankind is obvious to all.

"It is understandable that it is difficult to break through for a while.

"However, delaying it for too long will indeed affect our follow-up plans."

"I will send a magical flying pigeon to urge."

Immediately, he thought about it, and looked at the other two patriarchs with a strange expression.

"It's actually a good thing for us if we change our minds.99


"Beast Plains helped us contain the army of their western defense line.

"And the main city of humans is now only level eight."

"If we capture the main city of mankind during this time period!"5

"Then it's reasonable for the three of us to share the relics.

"That's less than a dozen competitors.

The other patriarchs listened.

Immediately, there was light in the glasses.

The red bear patriarch showed a naive look and said: "Humans said that Tianyu would not take the blame.

"I didn't expect the destiny to be in my northern mountains this time.

"This is the best chance God has given us.

"I agree with Guihu Patriarch's suggestion.

"Mobilize the army and attack the main city of mankind!"

"In the shortest time, take down the core city-state of mankind and capture their city lord."

"Open the ruins with his blood. 35


At this time, the Demonized Fire Ape Patriarch also agreed.

After all, this opportunity is too rare.

Just when the three patriarchs were about to join forces to issue an order.

The head of the demonized nine-section insect clan suddenly said: "I suggest that a part of the troops be allocated as an ambush.

"From what I know about humans."

"Once the main city is attacked."

"They will certainly order all sub-cities to support at all costs.

"We set aside a portion of our troops and ambushed.

"Wait until the human reinforcements leave the city and cut them off. 99

"Send the elite to attack from both sides. 99

"Destroy these reinforcements first.

"Concentrate on attacking the city with all your strength!

"Humanity must fail."

When the three patriarchs summed it up, this was a good strategy.

The battle plan was immediately redrawn.

It was sent to the puppet command center in Xiliang.

Soon, each branch city discovered that outside their own city, the beasts that were originally surrounded by water were unable to get through, and they didn't arrive in an afternoon.

Just left a large part, leaving some low-level Warcraft to monitor.

And Wu Qi had already conveyed to all the generals through the City Lord's Seal that the beasts were gathered outside his city.

The news of preparation for siege.

at this time!

In Baishui City.

Xiang Yu stepped onto the Wuxian horse.

Behind him was the regrouped army, this time all with cavalry.

The purpose is to use the speed to strike the enemy.

He said to Zhai Huang behind him: "General Huo, the defense of Baishui City is left to you. 99

"Remember, if you can't hold on, ask the city lord for technical support.

Zhai Huang Yi surrendered: "I wish General Xiang a triumph! 99

Xiang Yu nodded.

Then the giant blade in his hand pointed towards the city gate.

"Open the door!

"Cavalry out of the city! Six.

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