City-State Era, A Hundred Times Faster

Chapter 51, Big Brother, I'll Leave My Life to You

"How much was the battle damage?"

Zhang Jin asked while looking at the battle reports that were constantly being sent.

Sun Yi on the side said quickly: "Judging from the current tentative attack, it is 3 to 1."

"We have to kill three to replace one of them.

"So high!" Zhang Jin said with a frown.

"Yes, our troops are only in the early 30s."

"In Niutou Village, the enemy's strength would be 10,000.

"At the end of the fight, wouldn't we have to carry our own knives to attack." Sun Yi was also worried.

"No, you can't fight like this!" Zhang Jin said flatly, as the city owner of a ninth-level city-state, Zhang Jin is not a fool.

He continued: "I found out who the generals guarding the city are."

"Judging from the defenders who were killed, it was the Yellow Turbans led by Zhang Jiao. 35

After a pause, Sun Yi said again: "The skills of this general, Zhang Jiao, are really too difficult to deal with.

"As long as the Yellow Turbans are not killed on the spot, they will be able to fight, and every time one dies, a Yellow Turban warrior will be born."

"Now, on their city walls, there has not yet been an army of Yellow Turban warriors. I guess the city lord of Wubei City must have saved these troops."

"I want to save it for the final battle. 99

Zhang Jin walked back and forth with his arms in his arms, his brain was running fast, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy and me.

"Five Zero Seven"

At present, it is mainly because we are in the position of attacking from the back, and the enemy can use bows and arrows to cause a lot of damage.

None of the generals under our command are good at siege. Do they have any siege equipment?

We must not use the oil-filling tactics. The more we pull with them, the more our military advantage will be weakened by one point.

If you want to use their wound-for-wound style of play, you must suppress the enemy's advantage in defending the city, give full play to your own strength, and simply press the entire army, one stud, one fierce attack!

The onslaught will definitely increase the loss of troops in a short period of time, but this is mutual, and the enemy is the same.

The most important thing is that a short period of continuous onslaught can make the enemy lose the opportunity to repair.

Even if there is an advantage in defending the city, it will be offset by this onslaught.

"Yes, just choose the onslaught." Zhang Jin quickly deployed the troops for the onslaught on the sand table.

With Bubazi, commanded by Renduo Lingding, as the forward, they are all heavily armored infantrymen with strong defense. Let them storm the gate, and then use Zhang Xiu's spearmen and the army of four purple generals to attack the front wall. These are light. Infantry, ant attached to attack the city, in order to win the crossbowmen, Daxi Changru's Eagle Shooting Army provides long-range support.

The crossbowmen have a long range and the eagles have good accuracy.

In the end, I only kept Yingqian's long sword cavalry as a maneuver.

At the same time, You Junda and his Wagangzhai thieves were sent to climb up from the back mountain of Niutouling to sneak attack on their back road and contain the army in front of them.

I guess that the fifth-level city lord in the stockade should only have a red general, and there is a high probability that he will be placed behind the mountain to guard the passage of retreat.

It happened that You Junda was a purple general, and sent long sword cavalry soldiers to force them to attack the mountain behind Niutouling. They succeeded. The backyard of Niutouling caught fire and attacked us from both sides. It's just a matter of lowering the prestige of the faction.

As long as the Zhaimen is broken, this faction reputation will be earned back sooner or later!

Zhang Jin stated his plan, while Sun Yi on the side looked at the simulated battle plan on the sand table.

He immediately said, "Okay, let's do it."

"We are dignified and upright, and we use our troops to crush people. Although his Yellow Turbans are difficult to deal with, as long as we don't entangle us, we can crush them with the strength of Mount Tai.

"The lord of Wubei City, this time I see whether you will die. 39

At the same time, Xu Fei and Zhou Shun also obtained information about the enemy from the battlefield in the Chinese army tent in Niutouling.

Zhou Shun is telling Xu Fei about the enemy's generals.

"Boss, after a day of tentative siege warfare, I now know almost the information about the enemy's generals.

"Don't call me a boss, you TM ninth-level city lord, call me a boss."

"Also, you are so good, you can actually tell who these orange generals are?" Xu Fei asked.

"Ouhuang boss is the real boss, I can only recognize some orange generals, and the other purple ones are definitely not fully recognized. Generally, city lords can buy some paid posts on the reward forum to identify orange generals. You can get the characteristics of the more common orange generals. 35 Zhou Shun pointed to the sand table and said.

"Big brother, look at the sand table, there is a square formation opposite here, a group of long sword cavalry and crossbow soldiers, the commander here should be the Warring States period, Qin Guojun Yingqian.

"I know Yingqian, a general, who is very capable of fighting in the field, but poor in siege, because the Qin army led by Yingqian was the Qin army before Shang Yang's reform, so the crossbow arrows of the Qin army were not as powerful as those of Qin Shihuang.

"The spear phalanx here should be commanded by Zhang Xiu, a military general during the Three Kingdoms period, known as the King of the Northland Spear, Zhang Xiu in the city-state world, and another nickname called the most water orange military general, only a little better than purple, four Skills are two wastes, suitable for sneak attacks, but not suitable for field operations. They are used to siege cities, and three skills are directly abandoned. 39

Zhou Shun paused and looked at the heavily armored phalanx in front, which was a heavily armored infantry of the enemy.

"This one is the enemy's best orange general, and the commander should be Renduo Lingding of Xixia. These heavy armored infantry are the famous Bubazi of Xixia.

"I can only roughly guess that the orange general in the last lunge phalanx seems to be a general on the grassland. It should not be a Mongolian period, but perhaps a Xianbei general in Wuhuli."

There are too many other purple generals, I can't see this one.

These four low-rank orange generals are not generals who are good at siege.

In addition, the battle loss ratio has now reached 3 to 1, the enemy is three, and we are one.

This is just the record of my Yellow Turbans.

If the enemy continues to fight with us like this, with such a high battle loss ratio, we will eventually be consumed by us!

Zhou Shun's tone was slightly relaxed, as if victory was in sight.

Xu Fei saw him finish.

Stand up and walk to the sand table.

"You said that the other side would be so stupid, knowing that we have the advantage of defending the city, and can increase the ratio of damage to the battle, and will fight with us here, consuming the strength of our subordinates in vain?

Zhou Shun was stunned, only to realize that he had underestimated the enemy.

In the secret realm, he killed 8 ninth-level city lords. To be honest, he was a little lost. After being reminded by Xu Fei, he immediately came to his senses.

"The enemy is absolutely impossible to be so stupid!"

"Knowing that the more they fight, the lower their military advantage will be by one point. 35

"It will definitely choose to overwhelm the entire army and force us to fight a decisive battle."

Zhou Shun, who had come to his senses, asked, "Big brother, if they overwhelm the entire army."

"With our current strength, can we hold on?"

Xu Fei revolved around the sand table, and after a few laps, he said, "If you play like this, the victory or defeat will be 50 to 50!

"And even if it is a victory, it is a tragic victory, and the number of enemies is still far greater than ours."

Zhou Shun was a little surprised at this time.

"Boss, can we defend until General Luo returns to help?"

After thinking about it, Xu Fei only said: "Luo Shixin is attacking Wagang Village, do you think the bandits in Wagang Village would let him come back so easily?"35

"Even if we wait until the reinforcements come back, our bodies may be cold...

As the saying goes, concern is chaos. Zhou Shun became a little restless. He passed through the secret realm four times and killed eight ninth-level city lords.

It can be said that it has gone through all kinds of difficulties and dangers.

Zhou Shun's face was a little distorted, and he said fiercely: "Even if I die, I will break a tooth on the opposite side!

"Uh, there is actually another way, I don't know if you dare to try it!" Xu Fei said suddenly and quietly.

"How? Boss, do you still have hidden troops?" Zhou Shun asked quickly with a happy expression on his face.

"Without troops, it's just a tactic, and there is a high probability that the opponent will be killed."

"However, I want you to act with me in a play. 39


"What drama?

Zhou Shun was a little puzzled.

"Of course it's to lure the enemy into it."

"Now on the battlefield, on our side, the military general that appears is Zhang Jiao, and the enemy must know about it.

'But my general Yue Fei and Beiwei Army have not appeared on the frontal battlefield so far, and the enemy knows nothing about it.

"So, I want to hide all the heavy armored infantry and cavalry, and I need your Zhang Jiao, the Yellow Turban Army and all the Yellow Turban warriors to fight to the death on the battlefield ahead.

"Until the entire army being beaten is wiped out, even Zhang Jiao must die in battle."

"I want your enemy to know that the Niutouling stockade is your last line of defense. If it is broken, it will bring you closer to a real desperate situation."

"I want the enemy to break into the cottage at the moment.

"See your desperation."

"Let them relax in the moment of victory. 35

"After you finish this scene, leave the rest to my Yue Fei and the Beiwei Army. 35

"do you dare!"

After Xu Fei finished speaking, Zhou Shun was stunned.

"Big brother, you are a bit ruthless! 99

"There is no way, let it die and then live. The enemy has more troops than us. Even if we have the advantage of defending the city, we will face this kind of offensive against the top of Mount Tai."

"Even if it's my heavy armor to help defend the city.

"Whether or not we can win in the end is a matter of fifty-fifty.

"Even if you win, you have a high probability of winning. 99

"How sure are you!" Zhou Shun asked.

"Ten percent!

"Why do I 0.4 think you are playing with me!" Zhou Shun didn't believe it, but he was also a ruthless man.

If it is not ruthless, it is impossible to kill the eight ninth-level city masters of the Assassin League.

He also knew that, as Xu Fei said, the enemy's entire army is overwhelmed, and the victory or defeat will be divided into five and five.

The final victory may also be a tragic victory. If the enemy has a backhand, he may be overturned.

It's better to use Xu Fei's strategy.

When the enemy attacked the stockade, the two city lords of the enemy had to come to the stockade in person and see themselves killed.

As long as they appeared, at this time, Yue Fei led 2,000 heavily-armored cavalry on the back, rushing out from Houzhai, and using the terrain of Niutouling Zhaizi, the heavily-armored cavalry charged, that is, diving, and could directly penetrate the enemy's formation.

With Yue Fei's force, these two city lords can be killed in one round.

Then harvest with 2000 heavy infantry.

The more Zhou Shun thought about it, the more he felt that this battle plan was reliable.

Although his Zhang Jiao and the Yellow Turbans would all die, a mere orange general was nothing at all here in Zhou Shun, if it wasn't for the fact that all five of his top orange generals were seriously injured.

He would not bring Zhang Jiao out at all.

Zhou Shun immediately made a decision.

His hands clapped heavily on the table.

To Xu Fei, he said solemnly, "Boss, I'll leave this life to you!"

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