City-State Era, A Hundred Times Faster

Chapter 75, the caravan was killed by the rebels

"Time shift?"

Xu Fei suddenly recalled, this is not the caravan sent out before!

Their destination is Lianyun Village.

It will come so soon.

He turned around quickly and said to Tian Heng: "Just move alone, do you have any companions?

"Report to the city lord, there is no follower."

"Bring it in quickly.

"As ordered." As Tian Heng turned around and left.

Xu Fei also understood in his heart.

It is very likely that my own caravan has encountered an accident.

When you think about it, it makes sense that a caravan, albeit with only 1000 units of -resources.

The armed forces that can protect the caravan are only a team of 100 people led by a white general.

Just like being unguarded.

Being killed in the wild is completely reasonable.

To be able to walk so far in the wild and stay so long before being killed.

Also ran back a time shift, at least they brought back the map they went out.

That's enough.

I just don't know where they went, where they were, and who killed them.

Or wait for the time to move, and then ask carefully.

"Lord City Lord, brought it here in time.

"No need to be polite, come in quickly.

Outside the door, Shi Qian entered the government affairs hall, and immediately fell to his knees on the ground.

"When the time moved to the death penalty, the caravan was lost, and there was only one body left to return. I am ashamed of the city lord.""

Xu Fei stepped forward to help him up.

"It's not your fault, stand up and say. 35

He looked at Shi Qian, and there were wounds all over his body.

Especially in the back, there is a crossbow arrow, which is deeply nailed to the back.

It seems to have escaped from the dead.

Xu Fei called a medical officer and gave him some treatment.

The time-shifted state is restored.

Begin to tell the story of the caravan.

With the narrative of the passage of time, in the map of Xu Fei City Lord's seal.

An inch of fog was opened.

From his city-state to the northwest, the fog of war for a full 700 kilometers was opened.

It turned out that Shi Qian and the others left Feiye City.

Along the way, although there were constant adventures, I encountered bandits and monsters again.

Even met two city-states with city lords.

But they all escaped.

This tallest general is just a one-star white caravan.

Just relying on unparalleled luck.

Walking to Lianyun Village, 700 kilometers away, I have to say that this is a miracle.

Xu Fei's original plan was that if they could walk 300 kilometers and find out the 300-kilometer map, it would be a huge gain.

Even walking a hundred kilometers and being killed on the road is acceptable.

It's just that they never imagined that they would be able to accomplish such a big task.

Telling through time.

They were able to walk to Lianyun Village thanks to a traveling merchant brigade in the wild.

The Touring Merchant Brigade is a neutral force in the wild.

They mainly carry out trade in the wild markets established by various bandits.

The composition of these wandering merchants comes from those city-states that have been breached.

After the city-state was breached and the city owner died, some caravans suddenly lost their power outside.

It becomes a travel merchant, and these travel merchants generally have some resources on their hands.

Build a neutral force through resources.

They don't take part in wars or join cities, they just trade between the various wild cities.

They also have armed forces themselves, guards hired from various bandit forces.

In the wild, if the caravan meets the upstream merchant brigade, it can apply to join it.

Also get protection.

Relying on the bonus of the marching speed of the traveling merchant brigade in the field.

Shiqian, a small caravan, was able to reach Lianyun Village so quickly and safely.

Shi Qian's caravan arrived at Lianyun Village.

With 1000 resources, he entered the wild market to trade.

Relying on the businessman's ability to flip the hair and sell it.

From the initial 1,000 points of resources, in just five days, it has grown to 100,000 points of resources.

Seeing that they have made enough money, if they go further, they are afraid they will be targeted. When the generals moved, Yuan Shang's caution, they gave up the trade and prepared to leave.

With so many resources, their caravan could not hold it, and they exchanged them for items of higher value in Lianyun Village.

The material specially used to forge the exclusive weapons of military generals, mysterious iron.

When forging the exclusive weapons of generals, the mysterious iron is a very common material, and it consumes a lot of money.

100,000 resources, only 2 pieces were exchanged.

After loading the Xuanjing iron into the truck, the Shiqian caravan left Lianyun Village.

This time, there was no protection from the Traveling Merchant Brigade in the wild.

They walked more than ten times slower.

Relying on their prudence, the caravan traveled 400 kilometers.

It is located 300 kilometers away from Xu Fei city-state.

Luck ran out.

He was attacked by a riotous army.

Yuan Shang led 100 soldiers to resist desperately.

0......... ask for flowers0.....

It's a pity that the disparity in power is too great, and Yuan Shang was beheaded in one round.

Along the way, the merchants in the caravan were killed.

Only Shi Qian was left. Relying on his ability to fly over the eaves and walls, he escaped from the dead and escaped back to Feiye City.

After Xu Fei listened.

His fingers tapped the table regularly.

It took a long time to say two words.

"An army of chaos?

Shi Qian immediately lowered his head and replied.

"Yes, Lord City Lord, it is the chaotic army."

"The chaotic army is the army that remains after the cities of other city lords have been breached.

“They go into the wild, and if they build a cottage, they become bandits in the wild. 35

"If you are wandering around, you are a rogue, a chaotic army!

"The chaotic army has no fixed station, and they will run around everywhere."9

"How strong are they?" Xu Fei asked aloud.

This time, Shi Qian started to talk after recalling it for a while.

"There are only 500 troops to kill our rebels, and the leader is only a blue general. 55

"But when the subordinates were hiding, they heard the chaos of the army talking.

"They are just a small force, behind them, there is a force of as many as 8,000, with several red generals in command."

After a pause, Xu Fei put his hand on his forehead.

"Red generals, a team of 8,000. 35

"A battle to destroy the city will allow several red generals to survive and bring out an army of 8,000.""

"That is to say, these red generals are not the main force of the city-state.

"This war to destroy the city, I am afraid that the intensity is not small, and it may involve the alliance."

"However, the mere faction of red generals dares to move my caravan."

"I just don't know how to live or die!"

"How long has it been since the caravan was killed by the rebel army?" Xu Fei's voice was calm, without any emotional fluctuations.

But Tian Heng, who was outside, knew that this just showed that the Lord of the City was full of anger.

"Five days!"

"In five days, they shouldn't go far!"

"Call Huo Qu Bing!"

"As ordered!"

"Huo Qubing meets the city lord!

Xu Fei quickly recounted what happened to Shi Qian.

After the narration, he said: "General Huo, you will command the army and set off immediately!

"Be sure to take down this chaotic army that dared to intercept the caravan of our city!

"Order!" Six.

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