City-State Era, A Hundred Times Faster

Chapter 83, The Last Stand!

Han Xin's insight into the battlefield is rare in the world.

After he discovered the flaws in his army.

Remedy was immediate.

Hand over the command of the equipment unit to Zhuge Liang.

He personally led 2000 golden spearmen and 200 Zhuge crossbowmen forward.

Form a circular formation, blocking the way of the demonized octopus attack.

Instead of retreating, they took the initiative to attack the enchanted octopus that climbed ashore.

With the powerful firepower of Zhuge Crossbowmen.

For a while, the enchanted octopus could not climb ashore.

Zhuge Liang, who had taken over the army of equipment, did not panic at all.

On the contrary, the more unfavorable the situation is, the more the abilities of these top generals can be brought into play.

Zhuge Liang ordered all the trebuchets to stay put and readjust their shooting distances.

The trebuchet's range was too far to support Han Xin.

Simply change the shooting target from attacking the nest to supporting Yue Fei and Lin Chong.

At the same time, all the bed crossbows and ballistas were gathered up.

Rearranged into three teams.

It shelters a backer, and there is no seawater left channel.

This is the channel reserved by Zhuge Liang to support the hussars, and it is also a retreat channel.

Huo Qubing's hussars are already on their way to support.

Zhuge Liang personally led the equipment and soldiers to guard this place, so as not to be attacked by sea beasts and cut off this life channel.

Subsequently, Zhuge Liang began to command ballistas and crossbows to support Han Xin's infantry.

Take advantage of the powerful range and power of both weapons.

Hit hard to kill the elites in the enemy faction.

The front of Han Xin.

2,000 golden spear infantry, 200 Zhuge crossbow soldiers, at this time have been surrounded by demonized octopus swarming ashore.

There were too many beasts, and there were only 200 Zhuge crossbowmen, which could only delay their landing time.

The leader of the demonized octopus appeared on the shore, and he personally directed the giant shield octopus to attack Han Xin.

Han Xin formed a circular formation with 2,000 pike infantry.

He led 200 Zhuge crossbow soldiers in the center.

Although the attack of the demonized octopus was fierce, it even used its life to pave an offensive path.

But what they faced were the six-star golden pike soldiers under Han Xin's command, and all of them were elites who had experienced the war.

If it wasn't for the magic giant shield octopus to withstand the damage, it wasn't for the siege with several times the number of troops.

They couldn't even go ashore, let alone be surrounded.

But even if they surrounded Han Xin now, they couldn't break through this circle.

Han Xin, who was in the center of the circle, constantly commanded the Zhuge crossbowmen, pouring arrows at the encircling demonized octopus.

These Zhuge crossbowmen's crossbow arrow attacks have their own armor-piercing function, and in addition, there are hundreds of them at a time.

The firepower is extremely strong and continuous.

In less than five minutes, the blood of the enchanted octopus actually dyed the entire sea water blue.

The demonized octopus leader watched as thousands of his subordinates died in his beast nest, but he couldn't shake Han Xin's great formation.

With a wave of his tentacles, he conveyed an order behind him.

"Tune the black mist octopus to come to help"!"

The black mist sprayed by the black mist octopus can block the vision of the enemy, and the black mist itself contains paralyzing toxins.

Excessive inhalation in a short period of time can result in general paralysis or death on the spot.

These are the most powerful means of defending the city of the fifth-level beast nest.

If you don't use it now, you won't be able to break through the enemy's formation at all.

Han Xin, who was in the circle, noticed that the attack of the demonized octopus began to weaken.

The main force of the demonized octopus did not lose 1/3, and its own reinforcements did not arrive. At this time, the attack weakened.

There is only one answer, the enemy is definitely going to come up with a trump card.

Before the expedition, Xu Fei had already found out the special arms of the fifth-level beast nest.

Han Xin naturally knew that the enemy had three special arms.

Black Mist Enchanted Octopus, Split Enchanted Octopus, Giant Shield Enchanted Octopus.

When the enemy attacked just now, only the split demonized octopus appeared, and the giant shield demonized octopus appeared.

This time, it seems that he is going to use the black mist to enchant the octopus.

Han Xin counted the pike infantry around him. In the battle just now, 700 died, and 1,300 remained, and 20 Zhuge crossbow soldiers died, leaving 180.

Most were killed by splintered octopuses.

This little octopus is very ghostly, disguised as a normal demonized octopus to attack.

After being killed at close range, it split into two immediately, and the spearmen were caught off guard and would be dragged out of the circle to kill immediately.

Han Xin estimated that with his own strength, if he were attacked by three special arms together.

There is no means of counterattack, I am afraid that it will fall into a desperate situation.

It looks like it's going to be a fight.

Among Han Xin's skills, there is also a Jedi counterattack skill, which is the last stand.

After Han Xin's army fell into a desperate situation, the soldiers under his command started a last-ditch battle, and their combat effectiveness increased by 1000%. It was as simple and rude.

Before Han Xin commanded the army to fight, he had always fought with more and less, and he had never encountered a situation where he was forced into a desperate situation by the enemy.

This skill has never been used.

Not now, but when.

Han Xin commanded the formation of the spear infantry.

Form an assault formation.

This skill automatically activates when in a desperate situation.

Instead of being hit by the enemy to open, it is better to open it when attacking.

Han Xin led his army to a reverse assault.

on his front.

The fifth-level monster commander re-formed the army under his command.

The giant shield octopus is in the front, the split octopus is in the middle, and the black mist octopus is in the back.

Ordinary enchanted octopuses form a herringbone formation.

Responsible for covering these three elites and charging forward.

To put it bluntly, it is cannon fodder.

The formation of the demonized octopus has been adjusted, and the tentacles are raised, ready to attack.

At this time, looking at Han Xin's large formation, he found that the other party was actually starting to change.

Actively attacked his army.

There is a pleasant message from the enchanted octopus leader.

"The enemy has been defeated, and the dying counterattack begins!""


"Soldiers who kill humans! 39

"Destroy their great formation.

The army of octopuses rolled and rushed towards Han Xin's 1,300 pikemen.

Not far away, Zhuge Liang was stunned. He didn't understand why General Han wanted to die.

Zhuge Liang was stunned for a moment, and immediately commanded the equipment troops.

Provide long-range support to Han Xin's counterattack.

At the same time, Yue Fei, who was isolated on another hill by the sea, was in a panic.

They want to rush to support.

How can it be isolated by the sea.

He was attacked by tens of thousands of sea beasts.

He could only helplessly watch Han Xin's death-like reverse impact.

The two generals were completely ignited by Han Xin's decisive attack.

Led the army to start a reverse attack on the demonized octopus.

In an instant, the casualties increased dramatically, but in their battlefield, the situation was directly reversed.

The enchanted octopus that washed ashore was annihilated in pieces.

And on the hills of Han Xin.

The five-level demon beast commander looked at the one-sided situation on the battlefield.

Completely bewildered.

He never thought of it.

When the enemy was besieged before, under his own attack, the defense was already in jeopardy.

But now they don't defend, and instead take the initiative to attack.

How is it like playing chicken blood.

Fighting power soars.

The ordinary enchanted octopus in his nest was stabbed to death with a single shot.

The giant shield octopus was stabbed to death with two shots.

Split octopus three shots.

Just as the black mist octopus (Wang Haohao) spit out the black mist, he was stabbed to death.

The combat power is not at one level at all.

The leader of the octopus nest watched the one-sided slaughter on the battlefield.

The demonized octopuses died under the spear.

Knowing that the battle situation has been decided, if you continue to fight, it will only increase casualties in vain.

While the sea was still there, they quickly withdrew.

If the seawater in the beast's nest is gone, it is still unknown whether they can escape back at their speed.

The octopus leader waved its tentacles and issued an order.

`|| Withdraw!

A demonized octopus that has already been beaten and lost its courage.

Abandoning his teammates, he turned around and fled into the sea.

Just this moment.

At the entrance guarded by Zhuge Liang.

A cavalry suddenly rushed to the string.

Only heard one sound.

"Don't let them run away!"

Thousands of hussars turned on their skills and were as fast as the wind.

Straight into the back of the battlefield.

Before the demonized octopus team jumped into the sea, they stopped them.

One of the young generals even galloped up.

Before the Level 5 Enchanted Octopus Commander jumps into the water.

A shot nailed him to the shore.

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