City-State Era, A Hundred Times Faster

Chapter 98, Blessing, Orange Gain, Unparalleled!

"Ding, congratulations on getting the orange buff, unparalleled."


Oh, I can't do it this time, I missed it, I missed it, it's not a hundredfold golden luck.

Xu Fei suddenly felt a little dull.

Looks like luck is running out.

Finding out that it wasn't a golden buff, Xu Fei felt that he couldn't lift himself up.

This is the easy transition from thrift to extravagance, and the difficult transition from extravagance to thrift.

Whoever makes the first prayer is a golden gain.

Xu Fei meditated twice in his heart.

"Orange is the best, and orange is the best. 35

Hypnotizing yourself to get this orange buff seems pretty good too.

Let's take a look at this unparalleled gain first, what's the use of it.

Xu Fei opens the Temple of Heaven building panel.

Find Wushuang and check the instructions.

[Unparalleled]: After activation, the combat power of the generals under his command is tripled, and the gain lasts for one month.

"Three, three times!"

Holy crap, this is unparalleled!

With Huo Qubing's current fighting power, wouldn't it be a direct hit!

Killing a soldier is like killing a chicken?

Even a general like Han Xin who is not good at fighting in front of battle.

The combat power can slaughter the third-level beast nest with one hand.

Ouch, it's so delicious!

This is really nice and cool.

Xu Fei immediately clicked on Wushuang to activate it.

Then open Huo Qubing's general panel.

Huo Qubing is already level 7.

The combat power reached 3500 before, but now it has tripled!

The combat power is directly 10,500, directly breaking 10,000!

What is the concept of breaking ten thousand combat power.

A basic peasant with a combat power of 20 can kill more than 500 with one knife?

It's horrible.

Xu Fei took the purple generals in his heart and compared them with the orange generals.

A top-quality purple general has a combat power of up to 700 at first level. The combat power of a purple general grows to level 30, which is the cap of 2,000, and then it is an astronomical amount of experience. Each level is extremely difficult, almost equivalent to training 30 level 30 soldiers. Purple generals, even if you use resources to pile up, the combat effectiveness will become very small, and the purple generals with good qualifications will be capped at 50 points.

An orange general is considered to be the best of his best. The first level combat power is at most 900. He can grow to level 50, and the best combat power can reach 5000. It is basically impossible to continue to upgrade. The experience needs too much, and the input and output cannot be Proportionally, with this level of experience, it is enough to train 10 orange generals at level 50, even if the investment is huge

Level up, 100 points of combat power capped.

So, Huo Qubing, with a combat power of 10,500, killing an orange general is like killing a dog.

A true peerless.

Xu Fei reckoned that it would be a simple matter to send him to the level 5 beast nest.

As it happens, in the direction of the military town, there is also a fifth-level demonized fox beast nest.

I didn't fight before, mainly considering that there are many low-level animal nests under this nest.

Their own strength may not be enough to attack.

it's good now. No worries at all.

He directly informed Huo Qubing, Lin Chong, and Yue Fei of Junzhen.

The three of them joined forces and brought Zhang Ren, Liao Hua, and Li Si together to attack the fifth-level demonized fox nest.

From the information currently available.

Level 5 Demonized Fox Beast Nest.

Below him, there are 3 level-4 magic spider beast nests, 3 level-4 magic mantis beast nests, a total of 6 level-4 beast nests.

There are 15 third-level beast nests, and in these third-level beast nests, there are all kinds of monsters.

There are also a maximum of 30 level 2 beast nests.

Because the defense is tight and the investigation is extremely difficult, more information is lost.

If it was put on hold, Xu Fei would definitely not, without exact information.

Send your troops to attack.

But now, things have changed.

And it has changed quite a bit.

After the three main generals on the expedition had blessed the unparalleled gain.

Huo Qubing triples his combat power to 10,500.

Yue Fei's combat power tripled to 4500.

Lin Chong's combat power tripled to 2700.

The three red generals who followed together, Zhang Ren, Li Si, and Liao Hua, also had a combat power of over 1,000.

These 6 people alone are enough to sweep all the beast nests below the fourth level.

Moreover, the army under their command also has benefits!

In the new building, inside the brothel.

Xu Fei has already recruited 100 dancers.

Zhao Feiyan has formed the first dance troupe.

Just show with the dancers.

Can also give troops a buff.

Xu Fei clicked on the brothel building.

Select Zhao Feiyan and choose Dance.

In the brothel, Zhao Feiyan danced with 100 dancers.

Wait until 30 minutes have passed.

A beep came from Xu Fei's ear.

"Ding, watching Zhao Feiyan's palm dance, your army has gained a boost of blood 39

[Blood]: The army's combat power is +150, the marching speed is doubled, and the morale is increased by 200%. The duration is 7 days.

This Nima is not called blood!

Call it chicken blood.

Sure enough, the beauty gain is really powerful.

Originally, in the piano hall, letting Yu Boya play would also give the generals a bonus.

It's just that without the sheet music, no matter how good Yu Boya is, he can't play it.

Before leaving for the expedition, Xu Fei had one more thing to do. He called Yu Jin.

Will be put into the martial arts hall with Zhang Ren, and choose to spread the fire.

Select the skill Qingzhou Military Passed Fire to penetrate the heart with a single arrow.

Choose to consume resources.

"`||Ding, your military commander banned fire to Zhang Ren, whether to pass the forbidden skill Qingzhou army to Zhang Ren, replace the skill with a piercing arrow."5

Xu Fei clicks yes.

"Ding, the fire spread is complete!"

"Yu Jin's loyalty has dropped by 50 points, and he is on the verge of mutiny."

After the transmission, Yu Jin's face was ashes, and Zhang Ren was refreshed.

Kneeling on the ground and thanking Xu Fei: "Thank you, Lord City Lord, for your promotion.

Xu Fei waved his hand and motioned for him to step back.

He did not expect that the military commander would actually reduce his loyalty by using the fire pass.

However, it is understandable to think about it, Yu Jin is almost abolished now, and his loyalty will not drop.

Since it is possible to defect at any time, it is even more impossible to stay.

What he wanted to suppress Yu Jin, brought Li Si to the school.

Choose to teach, choose Yuban as the material.

Li Si was awarded as a military general.

Consume resources.

"Ding, whether to consume the military will be banned, teach Li Si, after (Wang Haohao) is completed, your purple military will be banned, and Li Si will randomly gain a skill level upgrade. 99

Xu Fei clicks yes.

"Ding, after the apprenticeship is completed, your military general will disappear, Wu Ziliang will reduce the recruitment probability by 20%, and the recruitment probability will be reduced by 100%.

"Ding, Li's fourth skill, the charioteer battalion has been upgraded, and the charioteers have been converted to purple troops."9

The last two tone strings are heard.

Xu Fei thought about it for a while, but he didn't seem to suffer.

General Wu Ziliang has only reduced the recruitment probability by 30%. If he is lucky, he can still be recruited.

Moreover, the five good generals, namely Zhang Liao, are not bad, the other four are not so good.

As for the 100% reduction in the probability of Yu Jin's recruitment, I really have to thank him.

Better not come!

After the generals are fully configured.

Xu Fei saw that all the buffs had been added.

He issued an order to Huo Qubing and led the army to set off.

After arriving at the military town, join Yue Fei, join forces, and directly push down the fifth-level demonized fox beast nest.

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