City: Super Nanny System

Chapter 125 I Really Want A Daughter-In-Law Like This [Fourth Update]

Chapter 125 Give her a dozen such daughter-in-laws [fourth update]

After hearing this, the second aunt felt that it was a taste.

It is easy to feel sympathy for those who are inferior to oneself.

It takes a lot of cultivation not to be envious or jealous of those you have seen who are better than yourself, especially the people around you.

Li's mother was also a beauty. When her family was wealthy, her life was better than the rest of them.

Later, he went bankrupt and took care of family chores and took care of Xiaoyuan's studies.

The whole person suddenly became dull, and the energy of the person was gone.

Looking at now, the old mother seems to be back again.

Here, Li Zhicheng patted Li Chen's arm with a look of admiration.

"This kid is becoming more and more promising, not bad."

Li Zhicheng would not be so petty.

Li Chen has become prosperous and can also help their family.

"Why don't we go shopping together? There are so many people and it's so lively."

Everyone went shopping while talking and laughing.

The second aunt took a fancy to the coat in Li's mother's hand and wanted to buy one too.

"Where did you buy these clothes? I'll choose one too.

In the store, the second aunt peeked at the prices above.

Take a breath immediately.

Eighteen thousand and five thousand!

She was asked to buy a coat worth 1,850 yuan, but she was still reluctant to do so.

Isn’t it a waste of money to buy more than 10,000 yuan?

The main reason is that her financial strength does not allow it, and she does not have a son-in-law like Li Chen to buy it for herself.

Looking in the mirror, I looked again and again at myself in my new clothes.

He shook his head pretending to be dissatisfied, "I'm much fatter than your mother, so I can't wear it to that effect."

Su Mo'er didn't know the reason, "Second Aunt, I think it looks pretty."

Li's mother also nodded.

It’s really beautiful!

Finally, after trying a few pieces, the second aunt used various reasons to find fault with them and said they were not suitable.

Li Zhicheng, who didn't know the inside story, was very dissatisfied.

"There are so many clothes, but none of them suit you?"

I waited for more than half an hour and didn't buy any clothes. Isn't this a waste of time?

The second aunt glared at him, "No!!"

After all this time, the second aunt had no intention of shopping.

"Just go shopping, you don't have to buy anything. I still have a lot of new clothes that I haven't worn yet."

In the middle of the process, Li Zhicheng said to Li Chen in a normal tone.

"At the 100-day banquet, your sister Qin was actually pregnant, almost a month old now.

Li Chen smiled and said, "Congratulations, uncle."

"Your sister Qin has done enough work on the construction site in the past few years. She wants to take advantage of the opportunity of pregnancy to start a small business or something."

"Didn't you say that you can make money by opening a babysitting store? She just bought a store and ended up losing money."

"No, while you are back during the Chinese New Year, I just want to ask you for advice on how to start this store.

Li Chen thought for a while, "Maybe it's because the location is good and there's a lot of traffic, so the group can have customers."

"If you really want to ask, I really can't tell you."

"Not only my second uncle, but also Sister Qin and Brother Cheng have seen my store. Apart from the good location, it has no other advantages.

This is also a headache for Li Zhicheng's family.

Because Li Chen told the truth.


I happened to pass by a baby care store with a lot of traffic.

But this is because of the Chinese New Year, and Li Chen's store is usually full of customers.

This comparison......

I also feel that a good location may not necessarily make sense.

The shop owned by my son and daughter-in-law has a lot of traffic.

But the business just couldn't be done, and I already lost money on the rent.

After several months of planning, no one took over.

So angry and anxious.

Li Zhiming stood up.

"I've seen that store too. It's no different from other baby care stores. It might just be a good location or luck."

That's it for now.

Immediately afterwards, they came to a jewelry store.

Su Mo'er was shopping for her parents-in-law today.

There are only clothes for women!

"Mom, let's go take a look.

Li's mother shook her head, "I won't watch anymore. There's nothing interesting to see."

Su Mo'er touched the earrings and said, "I want to buy a new pair of earrings to wear tomorrow night. Mom, please give me a reference.

The second aunt was cheering from the side, "Oh, let's go in and have a look, but I don't necessarily want to buy it."

After that, he walked into the jewelry store first.

Immediately, a beautiful shop assistant came over and entertained them warmly.

Li Zhiming suddenly sat on the sofa.

"Look, if a woman doesn't stay in a store for half an hour, how can she go shopping?"

0…please give me flowers…0

Li Chen pushed the stroller next to him, followed by Li Yuan.

Finally, there is Li Zhicheng.

He saw Li Yuan holding two shoe boxes in his hand, "Did your brother buy them for you?"

Li Yuan nodded with a smile. "Um.

Li Zhicheng's liking for young people is unclear.

I feel like this brand is not cheap.

The clerk came over to pour them tea and bring out melon seeds, snacks and candies.

During the Chinese New Year, jewelry stores are also places where customers gather.

Women seem to be naturally irresistible to dazzling things like jewelry.

Li's mother said she didn't want to watch, but she was very honest and looked at it with great enthusiasm.

In the past, she had no shortage of jewelry.

Later they were all sold.

Su Mo'er chose three pearl necklaces and asked the clerk to take them out and compare them.


Finally, I selected one with uniform pearl particles and good color.

"Mom, put it on and take a look."

Li's mother immediately refused, "I don't wear them, so don't buy them for me. I have a few gold necklaces."

The second aunt pushed her, unable to hide her jealousy

"My daughter-in-law asks you to wear it, just wear it. What's so pretentious about it?"

"They probably didn't buy it for you. It's embarrassing for you to say that."

This made Li’s mother feel quite embarrassed, “Then I’ll wear it.

Not to mention, after putting it on, it feels graceful and luxurious.

The clerk praised Su Moer for her good taste.

"Auntie, your daughter-in-law has really good taste. If your skin color is slightly yellow, you should buy cream, golden yellow, light rose, brown, etc."

"And the one you are wearing now is the last cream color one in our store."

"These cream pearls are all from seawater pearls. Each one is between 7.5 and 8 millimeters. There is not much difference."

Li's mother looked left and right, and the more she looked, the more satisfied she became.

Instinctively, she looked at the tag above, which read twenty-five thousand.

She was so frightened that she quickly took off the necklace.

The shopping guide stepped forward and said, "Auntie, let me help you.

I couldn't help but think to myself.

If not, this order won’t be done.

These aunties, even if they say they don’t have money, it’s not true, they just can’t bear to spend it.

Looking at the way this daughter-in-law is dressed, she doesn't look like a poor woman. .

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