City: Super Nanny System

Chapter 134 Making Such A Temporary Decision

Li Chen's level is not as good as Su Ronger.

After calculation, I lost more than one thousand and earned more than two thousand.

The wine on the table was almost drunk, and the fruits and melon seeds were almost eaten.

Sister Qin originally wanted to take a taxi back, but it was not safe for a pregnant woman to go back alone.

So I'll make do with the sofa for a while and go home with Li Chengdong later.

At this moment, the person lay on the sofa and squinted.

"what time is it?"

Li Chengdong wanted to continue playing, but didn't want to send his wife back.

So I had an idea and took out my mobile phone to call Li Zhicheng.

"Hello? Dad, are you finished over there?"

"It's over, then you can stop by and take Xiaoqin back. We still have to play for a while."

Coming out of the bathroom, Li Chengdong sat next to Sister Qin.

"Dad is finished and ready to go back. I asked him to pick you up and go with us."

Sister Qin's expression turned cold and said, "Don't mess around, do you hear me?"

Li Chengdong promised, "Don't worry, I promise not to mess around!"

After a while, Li Zhicheng and others came over.

Li Zhichao looked around and shouted.

"Hey, you opened such a luxurious box behind our backs and didn't ask us to come and enjoy it. That's too much!"

Then he looked at the wine on the 453 table, "Good guy, this wine is not cheap, and you won't even bother to greet us.

Li Zhicheng followed and sat down.

"We are all old people, how can we mingle with young people? We are normal!"

Li Cai said he was wronged, "I didn't think of you. I was just planning to make a call. Isn't it coming now?"

Li Zhichao tried not to give face to his son.

"Believe a lie!"

Just use your teeth to open the cap of the wine bottle, and there will be several pops.

"Come on, let's have another drink."

Li Zhicheng picked up the wine bottle and said, "I'm here to drink the young man's stuff too."

Others also sat down one after another.

Li Zhichao blinked, "It tastes weird, but it feels pretty good!"

The third aunt on the side advised him, "Stop drinking, it will save your body."

"Oh, why are you talking so much nonsense? It's Chinese New Year, what's wrong with drinking?"

Li Zhichao had a bad temper. When he yelled like this, the third aunt became silent at that time.

Li Zhicheng pushed him.

"People care about you, so why are they yelling?" (aeaj)

"Go and sing on stage."

Li Zhichao stood up and said, "Sing just one thing, I don't sing just for singing...

He spent a long time working on the jukebox, "How do you do this? I don't know how to play with high technology.

Pan Zhen went over to search for songs for him.

They're all old songs.

Li Zhichao picked up the microphone and sang with great energy.

The atmosphere became lively again.

Li Chen asked Su Mo'er in a low voice, "Are you tired?"

Su Mo'er shook her head, "I'm not tired. I think it's quite interesting."


Su Moer explained, "Our relatives in the Su family are either abroad or not in the same city.

“We don’t move around much at ordinary times, but during holidays we just wish each other well.

In the past, she and Xu Jiao played together and didn't feel lonely during the New Year.

Only now do I realize that this may be the excitement of the festival.

When I think about it, I can't help but miss my family.

Li Chen suddenly suggested, "How about letting the father-in-law and mother-in-law come here to celebrate the New Year?"

"Ah?" Su Mo'er felt excited, "Is it okay?"

"Why not? I'll take a look at the air tickets, and you can call and ask about your interest."

It was already two o'clock in the morning. Su Mo'er hesitated and said, "Forget it, we'll call again tomorrow morning."

Li Chen is checking the route.

"There is a non-stop flight at six o'clock this morning, but there will be no flights tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

Su Mo'er pursed her lips and said, "I'll make a call."

Su's father and Su's mother were not asleep at all.

I originally planned to go to Shanghai to spend the Chinese New Year with my daughter and son-in-law.

Before he said this, he said that he was going back to city A to celebrate the New Year. It only took a few hours to drive.

There was no way, the couple could only comfort themselves.

If it doesn't work this time, there will be a next time.

There are still many years to live.

But the couple felt empty in their hearts, always feeling that something was missing.

Seeing that it was New Year's Eve tonight, they had no intention of being happy at all.

Su's father read the book for a long time without turning a page.

Mother Su still doesn’t know what he’s thinking?

She sighed, "Go to sleep, go to sleep, it's already this time!"

Su's father said in a sullen voice, "You go to sleep and I'll watch for a while."

Mother Su exposed him, "What are you looking at? Stop pretending and go to sleep!"

Su's father refused to admit it, "What am I pretending to be?"

Isn’t that called pretending?

Just as she was talking, Su's mother's cell phone rang.

"Who called me in the middle of the night..." I was shocked the next second, "Mo'er's phone number?"

Su's father suddenly became energetic, "Hurry up, is everything okay?"

Then he quickly reminded, "Turn on the speakerphone."

Mother Su answered the phone and turned on the speakerphone.

"Mo'er, you're still up so late? Why is it so noisy over there and you're still outside?"

Su Mo'er listened to Su's mother's tone of voice and said, "Mom, aren't you guys asleep yet?"

The couple looked at each other quickly.

"Oh, I'm getting ready to go to bed, what about you? What are you doing?"

Su Mo'er asked, "Mom, do you have any plans for the Chinese New Year?"

Su's mother was stunned, "It's still the same, there are no arrangements."

"Well, there is a direct flight to city A this morning. You and dad can come to city A."

Su's mother's heart skipped a beat and she glanced at Su's father.

Father Su stopped his mouth and said: Go!

Su's mother smiled and said, "Okay, I'll buy a ticket. How about you!"

"I was playing at KTV with Li Chen's brothers and sisters."

Sounding very happy, Su’s mother smiled and said, “Okay, then you guys have fun.

Su Mo'er said, "Okay, let me know if you buy the tickets..."

Su's father had already stretched out the mobile phone screen, and Su's mother took a look.

"Mo'er, your dad has already bought the tickets."

Su Mo'er was even happier, "I'll ask Li Chen to pick you up tomorrow."

"Okay, okay."

After hanging up the phone, the couple no longer felt sleepy.

Mother Su stood up and started packing their luggage.

Fortunately, I have already packed my luggage before, I just need to reorganize it.

Su's father took the razor and went to the bathroom, "I'm going to shave.".

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