Seeing that the atmosphere was very lively, Xiao Zhao ended this session at the peak of the enthusiasm and switched to the next question-and-answer session, in which the so-called young elites asked questions with a learning attitude. In fact, they asked some extremely tricky and ordinary questions. Questions that are difficult for the audience to talk about in order to increase the discussion of the show.

For a good program, discussion is a very important indicator.

Shen Fangping knew that these young elites were all bad guys, but he didn't expect them to dare to ask.

The first guy to stand up and ask a question was a boy in his twenties, with yellow hair, earrings, and looming tattoos on his arms. Well, he was very elite.

"Hello Wild Scientist, I found out from the Internet that you once stole a lychee worth 200,000,000 when you were an internet celebrity. Is this true? Why did you steal it?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

On the one hand, this young man's question was very bold.

Secondly, Shen Fangping looked at his gentle appearance. He said he was not interested in money a second ago, but he didn't expect that he would steal. You have a criminal record.

You are not interested in money. Why did you steal someone else's two hundred thousand lychees?

Also, are these two hundred thousand lychees made of gold? It must be hundreds of grams.

Although Shen Fangping was well prepared, Shen Fangping It's the scale of the program that makes it stagger.

If you can't answer this question well, it means there is something wrong with your character. At that time, your software will be launched online because of your character.

"First of all, this friend’s question is very pointed and very good, but he got one thing wrong, that is, the word stealing should refer to subjective intention. I understand it correctly, right?"

"That's right."Xiao Zhao nodded. He once hosted a very popular legal program, and he still knows a thing or two about these legal provisions.

Shen Fangping nodded and continued,

"First of all, I am a huge fruit lover. When I entered the orchard, I was rushing to buy lychees.

"Second, the lychees in that orchard are indeed for sale, but the difference is that these lychees are not ordinary lychees. They need to be publicized by the farmer's uncle to double their value, so as to maximize the farmer's uncle's interests.

"It’s not that the lychees I ate weren’t worth 200,000 yuan per se, but after a series of hype, they might actually reach 200,000 yuan."

"So you think you are wronged?"The young man questioned

"From the perspective of the fruit itself, this is indeed unfair,"

Shen Fangping nodded and acknowledged his words.

"From a business perspective, I was indeed at a loss, and we later reached a settlement. As a result, you have all seen the result. Because of the theft incident, that place was suddenly crowded with people, all rushing to go to the lychees. Last year, the sales volume of lychees in this place was the best, and the output value was also the highest."

"so what? What does this have to do with your theft?"

"Young man, if I don't get angry, do you think I'm a soft persimmon? I've already explained that it's not theft and I didn't mean it, but you still keep saying it's theft. Do you want to slander me to the end? Shen Fangping looked at the young man, his eyes suddenly brightened, and his expression was serious, as if there was going to be a confrontation in the court in the next second.

The young man was a bully, but not a bad guy. He immediately gave up and said,"I'm sorry, Mr. Shen. Let me ask again, what do you think is the relationship between the final value of lychees in that place and the misunderstanding with you?"

"My behavior realized the commercial value of those lychees on the other hand, it’s that simple."Shen Fangping's expression became much calmer.

"As far as the lychee itself is concerned, that lychee is indeed not worth 200,000 yuan. Even if it is 100 yuan, I feel very unfair and deceptive. But I am afraid of capital speculation on everything. Things that are not worth much in the first place, after After capital speculation, the price may reach an astronomical level, which I hate deeply.

"However, the rules of the market are like this. It depends on your will and my will. Although I despise this kind of speculation, I still have to abide by the market rules and paid the two hundred thousand yuan."

"Mr. Shen hates market rules. Have you ever thought about breaking such rules that are not very friendly to you?"The young man continued to be aggressive.

"In the final analysis, rules should serve people, not enslave them."

Shen Fangping seemed to have changed the topic and led the question in another direction.

"For example, the traffic rules are: stop on red light, go on green light, wait when the yellow light comes on. But if it is late at night, no one is around and few vehicles pass, and the red light comes on at a three-way intersection, how do you choose? The young man immediately put on a law-abiding attitude and said,"Of course I was waiting for the red light to turn green. Doesn't it mean I can't abide by the law if there is no one to supervise me?""

As soon as these words came out, the audience burst into applause, but Shen Fangping shook his head.

"But I don't agree with what you said. I still say the same thing, rules are to serve people rather than enslave them. Just like the emergence of traffic rules, their purpose is to prevent traffic accidents, not to make people prohibited from doing things. If this is the case, if a red light is placed at a three-way intersection and the red light is always on, wouldn't vehicles be unable to pass through?"

"The red light does not always stay on, and people are expected to obey the law, whether supervised or not."The young man retorted

"What if the red light fails?"

"Well, if a red light malfunctions, the traffic police will discover and repair it as soon as possible, and the traffic police will re-direct the traffic. Shen

Fangping nodded and agreed with the young man's words,"In this aspect, there is no doubt. The traffic police, policemen, and soldiers of Long Country are all very responsible." However, as a civilian, it seems a bit insensitive to just stick to the rules."

"how to say?"

"I still say that rules serve people, and everyone has a steelyard in their heart. As long as we have a clear conscience, we will have no complaints even if we are punished for it. Just like the incident of a pedestrian running a red light late at night, the traffic police will not punish the pedestrian at this time. Of course, if a penalty is imposed, the pedestrian should accept it as a matter of course, because the violation does exist

"Of course, the traffic police also know that although you had the intention to run the red light, it did not cause any impact on traffic, so naturally they will not punish you."

"So can you just take it for granted that you run a red light?"The young man was very stubborn. Shen Fangping didn't know if there was something wrong with his expression.

"First, running a red light does break the rules. Second, rules serve people. First of all, they must protect people's interests. If the premise of breaking the rules is to benefit yourself without harming others, why not? What I'm talking about is late at night, when there are few people and cars, and running a red light when there is no one around. , if you run a red light when there are so many people and cars, you really don’t think your life is long enough."

"So, do you still think that breaking the rules is natural?"The young man is still holding on tightly.

Shen Fangping's fist is hardened. These bullies are really difficult to deal with.

"I think my statement has been very clear. The essence of rules is to serve others. As long as it does not benefit ourselves at the expense of others, we do not need to stick to the rules. Okay, next question. Seeing the tension between the two sides, Xiao

Zhao hurriedly picked up the microphone and took over the right to speak.

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