"What kind of success, my takeaway has just begun, how can it become successful again?"

Ye Xuan continued to look down, even if he died, he had to let Ye Xuan die with peace of mind.

So now, Ye Xuan is here very seriously and looks at it directly.

However, as Ye Xuan saw this, at this moment, Ye Xuan himself didn't feel anything at all.

"The major takeaway companies have been reported one after another on all aspects of the company's financial problems, so they have begun to investigate strictly.

As the winner of this takeaway, Li Deqiang and Mr. Li of Everyday Takeaway also accepted our interview.

So, here is another bunch of interviews with Li Deqiang.

Li Deqiang made it clear that these were all done in strict accordance with Ye Xuan's instructions.

And they will continue to follow this policy for the rest of the day.

"My God, so now, in the entire Suzhou and Hangzhou City, there is only one takeaway company?"

Ye Xuan couldn't help but be a little curious when he saw this.

However, Ye Xuan felt that he had better make a phone call first and plan to ask.

After all, it's better to ask about such a thing.

took a look at the caller ID, and the missed call just now was from Li Deqiang.

"I'm depressed, in this situation, what should I say?"

So, Ye Xuan was very helpless and called back directly.

On the other side of the phone, Li Deqiang was very happy.

"Mr. Ye, you already know everything, right?"

After all, this is a big deal.

Li Deqiang estimated that Ye Xuan must have known.

"Well, so that's what you say..."

Ye Xuan opened his mouth, and was about to ask something here.

However, Li Deqiang continued to speak here.

"Therefore, at present, there is only one food delivery company in Suzhou and Hangzhou City for the time being.

"With these orders now, we can make at least seven or eight million. "


? You made seven or eight million in one fell swoop

? What about joking?

Ye Xuan felt that he must be crazy.

"Why are there so many, aren't they strictly implemented according to my requirements?" Ye

Xuan said directly to Li Deqiang on the other side of the phone.

However, Li Deqiang behaved very casually.

"Yes, it's all done according to your request, Mr. Ye. "

Right now, the major food delivery companies are affected, so there is a review, so we plan to spend a few million to build food delivery points around it. "

Well, that's a good thing.

If you go according to the current direction of development, you can spend a lot more money.

Therefore, Ye Xuan nodded again and again.

"Very good, this plan is very good.

"I approved it, and I will solve it according to this plan.

As Ye Xuan finished speaking, at this time, Li Deqiang on the other side of the phone was very excited.

"Well, I'll set aside some of it for the employee's salary, and I'll expand the rest. "

Li Deqiang is now eager to do a big job.

Ye Xuan was happy in his heart, and he could spend more money again.

"Go ahead, go ahead, and solve it well. As he

spoke, Li Deqiang nodded, then hung up the phone, looking like he was going to deal with this matter.

Hearing Li Deqiang say this, Ye Xuan suddenly felt that in fact, it didn't seem to be a bad thing like this now?

After thinking about it carefully, Ye Xuan felt that it was actually good.

"Wait, I seem to have overlooked something.

Ye Xuan found that he seemed to have completely ignored the most important things.

Just now, what Ye Xuan said was completely based on the fact that other takeaway companies were still there.

But now, all these food delivery companies have been censored.

In other words, only one of Ye Xuan's takeaway companies remained.

In this case, no matter what Ye Xuan did, wouldn't he lie down and make money?"

"Oh my God, I seem to have done the stupidest thing.

Ye Xuan patted his head, depressed for a while.

But this thing, since it has already been done.

So then, no matter what you say.

Like, it's not so thorough.

At this moment, Ye Xuan himself suddenly didn't know where to start.

Ye Xuan suddenly felt as if he had been completely trapped.

Looking at the forum again, there is new news.

At present, the Ministry of Commerce of Suzhou and Hangzhou City appreciates this kind of takeaway company. He

also said that he would vigorously promote takeaway every day.


this, Ye Xuan felt that there must be no love in his heart.

Those leaders of the Ministry of Commerce, what are you doing

? How can you do such a ridiculous thing?

Actually, Ye Xuan felt that his food delivery company was very good, and it was very good to be self-reliant.

But now, with the phrase of the Ministry of Commerce.

What does this mean, how could Ye Xuan not be clear?"

"Now, even if you lie down and lose, it is estimated that you will not be able to lose."

"I originally planned to open a takeaway company, just to lose money

, now like this, how can I get this?"

Ye Xuan secretly thought in his heart, from now on, what should I start dealing with?

Otherwise, how to look at this matter, how to make Ye Xuan feel a little weird.

If you don't deal with it quickly, it will be a troublesome problem after all.

And as Ye Xuan thought secretly, suddenly, Ye Xuan saw the post in the forum.

"Recently, the hotel industry and restaurant industry in Suzhou and Hangzhou have been bleak. "

What's the situation, is it bleak?

This made Ye Xuan see hope, very good, since this is the case, then now, Ye Xuan can consider it and start from this aspect.

However, Ye Xuan had to think differently.

"This time, no matter what, you can't use Li Deqiang. Because

Ye Xuan felt that Li Deqiang's work efficiency was too high.

The reason why he was so poor before was entirely because no one gave him a chance.

With this kind of work efficiency, don't say it's here in Ye Xuan.

Let him go to the construction site to do things, it is estimated that in a few years, he will be able to mix.

It can only be said that he is a man of great luck.

However, Ye Xuan just wanted to lose the money.

As for whether there is atmospheric luck or not, in fact, for Ye Xuan here, it is fundamental, and it is not so important.

"Well, so I still say, you cheated me.

"In this matter, I still have to find Xia Jiang.

Ye Xuan thought about it, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Hey, Xia Jiang. The

phone was connected, and Xia Jiang was very happy: "Mr. Ye, I went on a business trip before, and now I just came back." "

Yes, very good.

Ye Xuan just appreciates Xia Jiang's ability.

This is a rare talent, Ye Xuan feels that there will be many more cooperation between him and Xia Jiang in the future.

"That's right, I want you to help me find someone, management, it's better not to manage hotels and restaurants. "

A woman's words are the best, as for the cost..."Xia

Jiang said again and again:

"Mr. Ye, don't worry, I will definitely satisfy you."

"As for the cost, it's still the same as last time. "

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