Seeing everyone so full of fighting spirit, Ye Xuan felt bitter in his heart.

Why can't these guys touch

the fish?

Everyone touches the fish, so it is very difficult for the whole enterprise not to lose money.

So now, Ye Xuan was thinking, how should he spend the more than 100 million he had on hand?

Ye Xuan pondered carefully, and soon, a flash of inspiration flashed in Ye Xuan's mind, and he quickly thought of a way.

Moreover, for Ye Xuan, this method is absolutely good.

"Although I said so, but now, this 100 million must be spent. In

Ye Xuan's opinion, this matter must be dealt with as soon as possible.

If you don't speed it up, it's going to be bad.

However, as Ye Xuan was secretly thinking here, soon, Ye Xuan discovered one thing.

How should I spend this 100 million?

"Go and do other business?"

Ye Xuan's idea had just come to mind, but it was quickly dispelled by Ye Xuan.

If this is really the case, then Ye Xuan estimates that even if Ye Xuan casually invests in an industry and injects 100 million funds, it will be purely profitable.

So, what should I do

? Use it to speculate in stocks or buy lottery tickets?

Let's not talk about whether it will lose or make money, the problem is, in this case, Ye Xuan is also very worried.

In case when the time comes, other dealers treat Ye Xuan as their own, if they are short, what if Ye Xuan makes a lot of money with blood?

So after thinking about it, Ye Xuan still felt that it was better to do something else.

"Mr. Ye, can I give an opinion?"

Beside him, Wang Xiaolong couldn't help but say when he saw Ye Xuan like this.

However, when Wang Xiaolong spoke, Ye Xuan's eyes lit up.

It's interesting to think about it that way.

"You say, you just say. As

long as it is a matter of spending money, Ye Xuan will spend it directly and decisively without saying a word.

Ye Xuan is actually very talkative.

"Mr. Ye, I think, should we buy a building on our company's side?"

"Otherwise, we will have more and more industries, and it will be inconvenient to manage them if they are dispersed at that time."

When Wang Xiaolong finished speaking, at this time, Ye Xuan felt more and more interesting.

Buy a building, you know, the average building, to say the least, will cost more than 100 million.

So now, in Ye Xuan's opinion, this proposal is very good.

"Do you have any suggestions?"

Ye Xuan was not particularly clear about these now, so he still asked Wang Xiaolong beside him.

And Wang Xiaolong thought about it for a while, and then he didn't forget to say to Ye Xuan.

"Mr. Ye, take a look first, the Yongfu Building here, this is good, thirty floors, 1.5 billion. "


, is it so low?Ye

Xuan was a little curious, what the hell is going on?"

"The thirtieth layer is only 1.5 billion, there are some problems with this,

right?" Ye Xuan asked directly to Wang Xiaolong beside him.

As for Wang Xiaolong, he smiled awkwardly.

"Actually, because this location is a bit remote, but I asked before, many people in our company rent houses around here.

"So if we're here, it's going to be more convenient for all of us. Wang

Xiaolong mainly thought about this, but it made Ye Xuan feel very good.

"Haha, this can be there.

"If you look back, go over and take a look.

Ye Xuan felt that it was better to confirm this matter first.

Li Deqiang called Ye Xuan 60 million over there, so Ye Xuan now has a little 600 million on hand.

It's a lot of money in life.

However, Ye Xuan was not very happy.

On one side it is 1.60 million, and on the other side, it's 300 billion, do fools know how to choose?

, so this kind of thing, in fact, in Ye Xuan's opinion, he feels that he should hurry up and spend this 600 million.


"Mr. Ye, thank you very much, this building has been hanging out for more than half a month, but no one has bought it. "

Thank you very much Mr. Ye for your generosity, knowing that this place has bad feng shui, the geographical location is remote, and the price is slightly inflated, you still come to buy, it is very courageous."

Ye Xuan rolled his eyes, very speechless.

Is this guy really an intermediary

? Also, is he usually chatting with customers like this?

If so, then Ye Xuan can be sure, he didn't know how he did before, and in the future, I'm afraid he won't be able to sell a single order.

But this line will not be open for three years, and it will be open for three years.

"How much?" Ye

Xuan looked at the real estate agent in front of him and asked directly.

Ye Xuan doesn't like to talk nonsense with him, as much as he wants.

"One and a half million, if the full amount, we will give you some other things here.

When the real estate agent finished speaking, Ye Xuan didn't look at it and said directly.

"Let's just sign the contract. "

This side was directly authorized by the other party, and the authorization agreement was also taken, so soon, Ye Xuan directly signed the contract and remitted the money, all in one go.

"Mr. Ye, congratulations, this place will be yours in the future.

When the real estate agent said a few words complimentally, Ye Xuan didn't care.

And Wang Xiaolong was very interested: "Anyway, didn't you say that you gave away some things

?" "I don't know, what will you give?"

After Wang Xiaolong finished speaking, the real estate agent took out a bunch of keys.

These include three luxury cars worth millions, more than a dozen commercial vehicles worth more than 100,000 yuan, and a three-story company housing nearby. After

taking this, Wang Xiaolong couldn't believe it.

Now, you still send this?"

"Okay, so be it, go back and inform Jiang Lin and ask him to move the company over quickly."

When Ye Xuan finished speaking, Wang Xiaolong beside him was very surprised.

"Ah, Mr. Ye, why don't you go in and have a look?"

When Wang Xiaolong finished speaking, Ye Xuan waved his hand and smiled faintly.

"I don't need any of this, you can deal with it later.

Ye Xuan was very calm, which made Wang Xiaolong's whole person a little unbelievable.

He felt an indescribable momentum in Ye Xuan's body.

Perhaps, in this world, there is a kind of successful person, and that's it.

Such a person and such a momentum make Wang Xiaolong yearn for it very much.

"Now think about it, why Mr. Ye's business is okay

" "That may be because Mr. Ye has a unique temperament!" The

more Wang Xiaolong thought about it, the more he felt good, and even had a feeling of being with people.

When the time comes, it will be a good thing to put all those companies here.

As for Ye Xuan, he was actually secretly laughing here in his heart.

This kind of thing, others may not be fine, but for Ye Xuan, it is the best.

"Haha, at present, if you continue at this pace, it can be said that the prospects are very good.

Ye Xuan looked into the distance, very happy in his heart.

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