Ye Xuan: Why can I earn 100,000 a month by running errands?

Ye Xuan was wearing the uniform of an errand boy and doing errand business again.

Anyway, he changes his job every day, which is relaxing and enjoyable. He can do it whenever he wants, even if he doesn't want to.

Next to Ye Xuan, a colleague sighed:"Damn it, this line of work is too difficult! I worked my butt off last month, running more than 10 hours a day, and I only earned more than 9,000 by the end of the month!""

"Just be content.

Another errand boy said jealously:"Can you earn 9,000?" Pretty awesome, right? I just earned 7,000 last month."

"I am miserable. I got negative reviews twice last month and I was deducted 1,000, but I only got 5,000."

"I'm less than 5,000."

A group of errand boys, all from the bottom of society, were lamenting that life was not easy.

One errand boy asked Ye Xuan:"How much do you earn? last month? Ye Xuan thought for a while:"

Probably... less than 100,000, right?""


A bunch of errand boys all sprayed

"10.1 million?"

"Are you kidding me? Didn't you wake up?"

"Can you earn 100,000 as an errand boy? Who are you lying to?"

"Think we all did it for nothing?"

A bunch of boys didn't believe it and shook their heads.

Ye Xuan said calmly:"When I am an errand boy, my thinking may be different from yours!"

"Don't say anything, I think you are just bragging!"

A fat errand boy shook his head and said:"In our line of work, even if we work to the sky, we can't make 100,000 a month."

"You do not believe?"

Ye Xuan said lightly

"Or else? The fat errand boy said to the others:"Let's not take orders today. Let's just follow him and see how he makes money?" Ye

Xuan smiled and shook his head:"No, you guys have learned my business secrets. What if I can't make 100,000 a month in the future?" Can't you learn it in vain?"

"Learning is not in vain! The fat boy said with great interest:"Let's do this. Each of us will collect 500 yuan for you. Counting so many people, the total will be 10,000 yuan!" We bet you! If you can earn 3,000 yuan today, no, 4,000 yuan! We will give this ten thousand yuan to you as our tuition fee. If you don’t make 4,000 yuan, you have to turn it over and compensate us for the losses we suffered from not working today but listening to your lies! It’s also 500 per person, how about that?"

When Ye Xuan heard that the other party was raising funds, he bet him 10,000 yuan. His own bet was also 10,000 yuan. He smiled and said,"Bet that I can make 4,000 yuan in one day. If you make enough, you can give me 10,000 yuan?" really?"

"really! The fat boy thought for a while and added:"But you must only run errands and not do anything else, and your income can only be counted as what you earn from running errands.""

This fat guy has a really good IQ. He is very thoughtful and is afraid that Ye Xuan will take advantage of the loopholes.

Ye Xuan smiled:"Okay! I just make money by doing errands, 4,000 yuan a day."

More than 20 errand boys looked at each other with all kinds of sneers.

Errand running is a hard job, and you earn hard money. They have been doing it for so many years, and they have never seen anyone making 4,000 yuan a day.

Fat boy hehehe Yixiao:"Then you can start."

Ye Xuan started to take orders.

As soon as he turned on the order-taking mode, the first order came in immediately, and it was very urgent.

It was a female customer.

Her additional information: I am on a business trip in the imperial capital now. I am waiting at the station to take the bus back, but my identity The certificate was left at the Kerry Hotel. It must be delivered to the south square of the West Railway Station within 25 minutes! I will complain if I am late.

Seeing Ye Xuan receiving such an errand order, the 20 errand boys all gloated and laughed..This kind of order is the most troublesome and disgusting order for errand boys.

In 25 minutes, she has to rush to the Kerry Hotel, take her ID card, and then run to the South Square of the West Railway Station?

This is simply impossible!

Even if Even an errand boy riding an electric bicycle couldn't do it so fast.

Moreover, this female customer made it clear that she was an extremely difficult person to deal with. She directly told her that if she couldn't deliver it within 25 minutes, , they will complain.

According to the general regulations of errand running companies, as long as there is a complaint, it will usually be fined and money will be deducted! If you are complained once, you will be deducted 200-500!

Ye Xuan received such a thorny order for his first order, which can be said to be a bad year. The door is dark.

A bunch of errand boys are all enjoying themselves~~

"Haha, brother, you are out of luck.、"

"That's right, it seems that even if we don't take orders today, we can still get 500 yuan from you."

"Brother, I'm so sorry"

"Who asked him to speak so loudly? How can you earn 100,000 a month? Deserve it."

Ye Xuan's face remained as usual, as calm as water, and he said calmly:"Isn't it just a gift of an ID card? What kind of list will you not encounter? Let's go."

Ye Xuan set off on his electric bike.

Along the way, he did not run red lights, nor walk on the sidewalk, nor did he speed and go against the speed limit. In short, he walked steadily and obeyed all laws.

Behind him, there were a mighty crowd of 20 people. Several errand boys looked at Ye Xuan walking leisurely and laughed all kinds of things behind them.

"Hey, it's timed out, it's over!"

"If I use extreme speed, run red lights, and drive in the wrong direction, I might be able to deliver it. This kid is bound to be in trouble if he follows the rules so well."

"Hehe, I feel like 500 yuan is waving to me."

"This money comes so easily."

Passers looked at the more than 20 errand runners, talking and laughing, walking steadily on the street like a spring outing, and looked sideways.

Ye Xuan still took his time and took the female client's ID card from Kerry Hotel, and then walked steadily. It was safely delivered to the West Railway Station.

When we arrived at the West Railway Station, the female customer was already so angry that she was about to have a seizure.

"See how long it took you? ah? It took you a full hour! How much time have I set for you? 25 minutes! Have you been out of time for so long? My car has already left."

The female customer is pretty good-looking and quite young, but she has a bad temper. She lost her temper at Ye Xuan as soon as she got here.

"I will sue you! I want to give you a bad review!"

The female customer yelled arrogantly.

The errand boys were talking about it behind the scenes.

"My mom, is she so awesome? This woman?"

"I'm most afraid of meeting such unreasonable customers."

"Could it be that this little brother is planning to perform the kneeling technique? Ask for forgiveness?"

"If it were me, I would have to kneel down and beg, there is no other way"

"Little brother, endure the calm for a while, take a step back and the world will be brighter, and quickly admit your mistakes to others, right?"

I never expected it.

Ye Xuan was not used to this woman at all. He said in an unhurried, salty and nonchalant way:"This customer, please let me go to Kerry Hotel to pick up your ID card in 25 minutes, and then send it to you in the west. It is simply impossible to do this at the passenger station! The fundamental reason why you can't catch the bus is that you left your ID card behind and didn't have enough time to get it. The problem lies with you, don't make excessive demands on others and blame others!"

Seeing Ye Xuan teaching this woman a serious lesson, the errand boys were all shocked.~~


I'm fucked!

Awesome, awesome Godzilla!

The woman was also shocked, staring at Ye Xuan dumbfounded, as if she couldn't believe that Ye Xuan, an errand boy, dared to teach her such a lesson

"You, what did you say? I didn't hear clearly just now··"

The woman approached Ye Xuan and looked at Ye Xuan with a threatening look.

Ye Xuan said loudly into her ear:"I say! You can't catch the bus! It's all your fault! You should reflect on it! What else did you send to our errand boy? It must be delivered to you in 25 minutes! You know that this will cost us and How much danger does society bring? What should we do if we drive on the wrong side, run a red light, and hit someone? What should we do if we are hit by a car? You only care about youAre you doing it for your own convenience and completely disregarding our lives? Isn’t the life we ​​run errands for? You still blatantly send out such tasks and threaten bad reviews. Did you do this on purpose? You are a scumbag!"

Ye Xuan cursed angrily, which made the woman dumbfounded, and the errand boys behind were all stunned.~~

━━∑( ̄□ ̄*|||━━··

Oh my God!

This is really just!

The errand boys secretly gave Ye Xuan a thumbs up!

Boss! admire!

"He spoke his mind!"

"Alas, what we errand boys hate most is this kind of list!"

"I know an older brother who was hit by a car a few days ago when he was trying to steal time for a job. He is still in the hospital. I heard my leg is going to be amputated"

"Yes, I already have 2 errand boys I know, both of whom were involved in car accidents. Another one hit someone and got divorced because he couldn't afford the compensation."

"I admire this guy's courage, but he's going to be out of luck."

Sure enough, the female customer was taught a lesson by Ye Xuan and became angry and shouted:"I don't care! I have placed an order for you and given you money, and you must deliver it to me in time. Now that I missed my train and can't catch it, who will compensate for the loss caused by my delay? Will you pay for my hotel and meals? Today, if you don’t compensate me for hotel and meal expenses, I will file a complaint against you!"

A bunch of errand boys were all shocked.

"Oh my god, he's in trouble this time!"

"But it's a big deal"

"Hotel and meals? We were late on our errands, why do we have so many rides?"

"This woman looks hard to mess with. Is this day considered a blackmail?"

"I was making 4,000 a day, but as soon as I started, I was blackmailed. I still have to pay a thousand or two thousand. This guy is so unlucky."

The melon-eating people around the station were talking one after another, condemning this tricky woman.

"What are you doing? Let the errand boy deliver it to you in 25 minutes, but it won't be delivered at all, okay?"

"that is! You left your ID card behind, missed your bus, and asked an errand boy to pay for your hotel meals for the day? Do you want face?"

"This is simply bullying."

The woman looked indifferent, snorted coldly, picked up the phone and was about to complain to Ye Xuan.

Who would have thought that Ye Xuan asked calmly:"How much do you want me to pay? The woman put down her mobile phone and snorted coldly:"I can only stay in a five-star hotel for accommodation. In the imperial capital, it's 1,500 for a day." Also, I want three meals, at least 500. Just give me 2,000 and forget about it."

Ye Xuan hadn't spoken yet, and everyone on the side was in a panic.

"I want to run an errand and ask you for 2,000?"

"This woman is truly invincible"

"So shameless!"

More than 20 errand boys shook their heads.

"Still making 4,000 a day? That's it?"

"I lost 2,000 on my first order! well"

"Just let her complain."

"You don’t understand. If you are complained, not only will you have to deduct 500 from your salary, but you will also be detained for one day and will not be able to take orders. Then the loss today will be huge, give us 10,000."

What a twist!

Ye Xuan smiled:"Isn't it just to cover your food and accommodation for a day? Okay!"

The female customer didn't expect that the errand boy would agree so quickly, and she was stunned.

(ー〃)? ? ?

Ye Xuan looked her up and down:"Are you still single?"

The female customer said with a fierce face:"What do you want to do?"

Ye Xuan smiled:"I'm just asking you if you are? Otherwise I can't arrange 2000 for you. The food and accommodation!"

Under the coercion and inducement of 2,000 yuan, the female customer nodded:"I am."

Ye Xuan chuckled and picked up the phone directly.

"Hello? Yang Shuai? I have a beautiful woman here to introduce to you. Would you like to come over?"

Yang Shuai is a well-known young man in the imperial capital. He is a maniac who shows off his wealth. He is said to be among thousands of flowers without a leaf touching his body. He is very good at playing. However, after meeting Ye Xuan, he was punished by Ye Xuan to no avail. Temper, he could only follow Ye Xuan obediently.

As soon as Yang Shuai heard that Ye Xuan had a beautiful woman to introduce to him, his eyes immediately went straight!

"Well, Brother Ye, anyone you can call a beauty must be as beautiful as a fairy! Where are you? I'll be there soon!"

Yang Shuai admired Ye Xuan's beauty pageant to the core.

Every time he saw the female companions beside Ye Xuan, they were all the best among the best!

That's how awesome!

Ye Xuan said lightly:"I In the south square of West Railway Station. Hurry up, or the beauty will run away with someone else"

"OK OK! Yang

Shuai came over without saying a word.

Ye Xuan put down the phone and said to the single female customer:"Just wait, I will make arrangements for you and guarantee your satisfaction for the day." The single female customer snorted coldly:"I've said it before. If you come and I'm not satisfied, I will still complain to you!""

"Don't worry."

Ye Xuan said coldly.

After only 10 minutes, with a sharp roar of the motor, a very cool sports car Mercedes-Benz 911 stopped steadily in the square.

Attracting many eyes.

The female customer's His eyes suddenly straightened.

Damn it~

Such a cool and amazing sports car?

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