At the same time, at Quan Jing Law Firm

"What did you say?"

Seal, the director, founder and major shareholder of Quan Jing Law Firm, is listening to the secretary's report:"26% of the law firm's equity has been transferred to a mysterious buyer?"


The secretary nodded and said,"Now, this mysterious buyer has become the third largest shareholder of the law firm." The shares are second only to yours at 34% and Robin’s 27%%"

"Well, Robin, our ace lawyer and senior partner, only has 1% more equity than him."

Seal mused.

He is the founder of Quan Jing Law Firm, and he is also a close friend of Luo Bin. He has a strong aura, resoluteness, and professionalism and leadership that is not inferior to Luo Bin. As a"family member" in the law firm"The leader", Seal will try to balance the relationships within the agency, has extremely high emotional intelligence, and is extremely insightful in the shopping mall.

Under his single-handed management, Quan Jing has grown from scratch, grown up, and developed into the famous person he is today. Zhen Jinghua's super first-class law firm.

Seal is thinking about the impact of this equity change on Quan Jing.

However, he does not remember why he made the decision to allow the sale of 26% of the shares to a circle who is not a legal professional. Outsiders let this young man named Ye Xuan become the senior partner of Quan Jing Law Firm.

Unfortunately, the power of the system is too powerful. As long as the system arranges it, it will be seamless in reality, even for elite lawyers like Seal. He couldn't find any legal flaws.

After thinking for a while, Seal shook his head to no avail.

He said in a deep voice:"Call Robin!"

Robin walked in quickly.

Robin is the top elite ace lawyer in the law firm. He has won countless lawsuits and has an unruly personality. In the eyes of his boss, he is a professional and excellent employee; in the eyes of his peers, he , he is a competitor with a tough personality; in the eyes of his friends, he is also a confident and conceited all-around player.

He can be called a super legal elite in a"top-matching state"!

"What's up?"

"This time, 26% of the shares were sold to Ye Xuan. What do you think?"

"This mysterious buyer actually found a way to buy our shares, which made me very curious about him."

"Find time to get in touch with him and ask him to have a meal"

"I think so too"



Shunfeng express delivery.

Ye Xuan arrived at the express delivery point early in the morning

"elder brother……"Xiao Meng saw Ye Xuan and waved loudly.

Thanks a lot, he ran up and nodded his thanks:"Brother! I'm going to resign today."

Ye Xuan:"Ah? Resign? What are you going to do?"

"That's it!"Xiao Meng, this tough guy, scratched his head and said embarrassedly,"Isn't it thanks to your help, big brother, that you asked me to deliver that young woman's express delivery? By some strange combination of circumstances, I ended up with her. Who would have thought that she is actually a rich woman! Her husband left her a listed company. I want to be the vice president of a listed company!"

"Vice president of a listed company?"

Ye Xuan gave a thumbs up, awesome!

Ye Xuan nodded and said:"Go over and do your best and be nice to your wife."

"Do not worry. Xiao Meng said cheerfully:"But I really want to thank Brother Ye!" Without your guidance and saving grace, big brother, how could I be where I am today? From now on, big brother, if you have any orders, just say one sentence and I will never frown."

"All right.

Ye Xuan nodded:"Come back often.""

Then Xiao Meng handed a piece of breakfast to the protagonist, bowed and said:"Brother Ye! This is the breakfast I prepared for you, nothing else, just a little thought."

Ye Xuan opened the breakfast and was stunned when he saw it.

This breakfast is a bit too rich, isn't it? Just for the steamed buns, there are 8 kinds of vegetables, pork, dried plums and vegetables, beef, mutton, etc.!

Each kind has... A lot.

The most famous SF steamed buns in the capital.

Huh? The SF express delivery boy seems to go well with the SF steamed buns.

There are also the essence of breakfast in the capital, such as soy milk.

Ye Xuan drank a bowl and felt doubtful about life.

Why does it taste so bad?

It’s salty!


"Xiao Meng, why did you buy so much? If you can't finish it, it will be wasted."

Ye Xuan asked Xiao Meng.

Xiao Meng said gratefully:"Isn't this to thank Brother Ye for his continuous cultivation and support? In addition, the person in my family also asked me to invite you, Brother Ye, to the banquet tonight. We're going to have a special banquet. Brother, are you here to eat?"


Ye Xuan didn't care about that meal, but he was very interested in Xiao Meng's gossip:"I'll go"


Xiao Meng said happily:"Then it's settled." Invite Brother Ye to dinner tonight at [BBQ Flavor], you must come"


Ye Xuan ate Xiao Meng's sumptuous breakfast and drove a three-wheeled express truck to deliver the express.

This time, four express deliveries will be made at once!

It's all the same place!

Ye Xuan's eyes widened.

It turned out to be Erxianqiao Xiaomei Street!

What the hell.

Ye Xuan has heard of this street. Even in the express delivery industry of the imperial capital, this street is a legend!

To put it simply, it’s a little girl’s street (a place where all men understand, hehehehe)!

—————————— ps: I don’t have the new book rotation, so I can only wait for Tuesday’s recommendation rotation, which is terrible... I want to put it on the shelves as soon as possible~~

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