"Can Mr. Ye Xuan really live here?"

Even the title has been changed!

From the original title of 'Ye Xuan', it was changed to 'Mr. Ye Xuan'!

Robin Wang's voice trembled, and he no longer knew how to describe the scene in front of him.

"Well, if so. Seal let out a long sigh:"

Then Mr. Ye Xuan···Unfathomable!"

"Are you bragging?"

Robin tentatively said.

At this time...

I could only hear the rattling mechanical transmission sound from the palace gate.

The automatic door with its own mechanical transmission slowly opened.

The courtyard was deep and you couldn't see the end at a glance!

Ye Xuan came from the intercom. generous laughter

"Two distinguished guests, please come in!"

Robin:"···" seal:"···" look at each other


Oh my god! Is it true?

Do you really live in the palace?

Does this palace belong to Ye Xuan?

Robin stepped on the accelerator twice with trembling feet, but Bentley didn't move.

There was nothing I could do, my legs were shaking a little and I couldn't control myself.

Seal lit a cigarette, took a puff, and said solemnly:"Robin!"

"ah? boss?"

"When you see Mr. Ye later, please be more respectful!"

Seal said solemnly:"You must not be rude!"


Robin's heart trembled. He knew that Seal usually treated him well, but at this critical moment, if he dared to offend Ye Xuan, Seal would never let him go lightly.

But Ye Xuan's status in Seal's heart has already been Is it so high?

Seeing that Robin was puzzled, Seal said slowly:"This big palace cannot be bought with money! where is this place?"

He pouted.

Robin looked up and saw the Forbidden City not far away vividly.

Robin shuddered.

Seeing that Robin understood, the seal said with a wry smile:"In this kind of place, this kind of cultural relics and historic palace courtyard , buying and selling must go through special approval procedures. Without strong enough connections, a certain social status, and high activity energy, even if you have money, you won't be able to buy this kind of house! He blew out a smoke ring, put out the cigarette, straightened his tie, and said solemnly:"This Mr. Ye is definitely not an ordinary person!""


Robin smiled bitterly in his heart. He no longer dared to be disrespectful or probing towards Ye Xuan.

The two of them drove in. The more they drove, the more frightened and guilty they became.

TM This is a house where the whole family lives?

They all drive. It's been 5 minutes and I haven't seen anyone yet. Is this palace too big?

Robin complained in his heart.

No wonder Ye Xuan only told him the street number, not the building number and unit number.···

Because they don’t have a building number or a unit number at all!

The entire large house, which has several entrances, belongs to the family!

Right next to the Forbidden City!

In an alley where every inch of land is valuable!

This is really devastating.

Afterwards, Ye Xuan also greeted him politely.

When Seal and Robin got out of the car, they no longer had the arrogance they had on the phone before. Robin trotted to open the door. Seal was neatly dressed and had a big smile on his face, and he came up to shake hands.

After talking and laughing, the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.

When leaving, Seal held Ye Xuan's hand tightly and said with a smile:"Brother Ye Xuan, I never thought that you are so young and promising at such a young age. From now on, we are all partners and we will revitalize Lawyer Quan Jing together." Office. I need more help from you."

Ye Xuan said a few polite words and sent them away with a smile.

Robin knew that boss Seal's opinion of Ye Xuan had risen from the third largest shareholder to the one he must look up to!

Otherwise, Seal would not be so humble and would have to"please" Ye Xuan.

Robin was secretly stunned.···

After comparing their horses, they drove back and left Ye Xuan's house for a long time!

Next time, never again.

It hurts your self-esteem!

Robin, who was used to showing off his power in court, felt like a driver in Ye Xuan's palace!

I didn’t even dare to speak.

The pressure from the palace is so powerful, who can withstand it?



Imperial Capital Headquarters of Harmony Medical Group, top floor.

Chairman Jiang Haiya had just sent away a billionaire patient in person, and then suddenly his phone vibrated. a new message

"Inform all the board of directors and shareholders at the general meeting that the shares of the sixth shareholder Mr. Smit have been acquired. The name of the new shareholder is Ye Xuan, and the shares are 6.5%"

Then, the phone vibrated again.

Another new message

"Confidential: This information is only in the possession of the top ten shareholders and chairman of the board, and cannot be disclosed without the consent of the other party: [New shareholder information: Ye Xuan, one of the two major shareholders of Loewe, the world's top luxury brand, Quan Jing Law Firm One of the three major shareholders, the current owner of Prince Qi’s Mansion... The others are unknown... Evaluation: An unfathomable shareholder ally】"

Then, Jiang Haiya also saw a picture.

Ye Xuan's photos

"So young?!"

Jiang Haiya couldn't help being surprised.

You must know that those who can become shareholders of Hehe Medical Group are all extremely powerful and powerful people, so they must not be young.

And the new shareholder in front of him looks like he is only in his twenties!

Jiang Haiya couldn't help but think a lot, imagining Ye Xuan as the kind of young master who hides his family.

"Must make friends!"

At this time, he thought of Quan Jing Law Firm.

As the top law firm in the imperial capital, Quan Jing Law Firm is naturally related to Hehe. Jiang Haiya also has the phone number sealed by the founder of Quan Jing.

Botong's phone number

"Hello, Brother Jiang……"

"Haha, Brother Feng, long time no see"

"Do you have time to eat?"

"Okay, but I have to go to the south recently, in five days? ?"

"no problem"


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