"It's so hard for me to lie to you. I will fight you to the death today!"

"Sisters, come together! He beat his mother until she didn’t even recognize him!"

The women surrounded Yan Cheng fiercely.

A well-dressed man stood up and said seriously to Yan Cheng:"Hello, I am Zhang Yong, a trainee lawyer at Quan Jing Law Firm. These 38 victims and 67 other victims jointly entrusted Quan Jing Law Firm to prosecute you. Just now, the Imperial City Police have launched an investigation into your series of fraud cases. Now I advise you to surrender immediately, otherwise I will immediately call the police to arrest you."

There was a rather ruthless woman, probably the irritable eldest sister from the Northeast. She came up and shouted,"What are you suing for?" Arrest what? If you can do it, why do you need BB? Sisters, follow me! Fuck this bastard to death!"

The grumpy elder sister rushed forward.

More than 30 women also rushed forward together.

They kicked her with high heels, scratched with their nails, and hit her with rocks.

At this time, Ye Xuan was standing at the door of the police station. He couldn't help but marvel at this scene.

Okay. A group of tough women!

And just when Yan Cheng was beaten by the chaotic crowd, suddenly his eyes saw Ye Xuan

"ah! It's you!!"

Yan Cheng's mind flashed and he figured it all out!

This bastard must have set up a trap!

At this time, Ye Xuan gave him a look of contempt and raised his middle finger!

"Ahhh~~"The combination of old and new grudges made Yan Cheng completely furious.

"Ah, you are a chicken!"The tough eldest sister from the Northeast slapped him hard in the face.

Then the other women continued to punch and kick her, and her kicks were so fierce.

People watching the excitement also took pictures with their mobile phones.

"Let me go, this is awesome"

"How wicked is this man that he has offended so many women?"

"Haha, Dandan’s sadness! The high heels were kicked to pieces"

"Women are really scary."

After learning that Yan Cheng defrauded those women of millions, he couldn't help but be speechless and joined in the crusade against Yan Cheng. In the end, Yan Cheng was rescued by the police.

Yan Cheng was beaten very badly and seemed to be still alive. You need to go to the hospital for emergency treatment, otherwise your children and grandchildren will not be saved.

Ye Xuan looked at Yan Cheng's miserable appearance, chuckled, and drove away.



Time flew by and three days passed.

Ye Xuan was working hard to deliver express delivery, but unfortunately none of the special express delivery was triggered.

During this period, the police girl asked him to have dinner.

As for Liu Hua, he met Xiaozhu again. Unfortunately, after this incident, Liu Hua didn't seem to love Xiaozhu as deeply as before.

And on the morning of the fourth day, Ye Xuan, who was delivering express, received a call from Liu Hua.

"Ye Xuan, have you received the message? Our high school politics teacher, Mr. Zhang, is hospitalized! Liver cancer!"

"Liver cancer?"Ye Xuan was shocked.

Ye Xuan had a colleague who had liver cancer before, so he knew some information.

The symptoms of liver cancer are generally not obvious, especially in the early stages of the disease. Usually about 70% of small liver cancers under 5cm are asymptomatic, and asymptomatic sub-types of liver cancer are usually asymptomatic. About 70% of clinical liver cancers are small liver cancers.

However, once symptoms appear, it means that the tumor is already large, and the disease progresses generally very quickly. Cachexia usually occurs within a few weeks, and often within a few months to a year. Death from exhaustion!

The condition cannot be discovered if it is mild. Once discovered, it is already in the advanced stage.

At this time, the high school chat group has already started a heated discussion

"I just checked, liver cancer ranks second after lung cancer in cancer-related deaths."

"This should be the case for Teacher Zhang. He had no symptoms before, but once they appear, they will be in the middle and late stages!"

"Looking back on those days, Teacher Zhang could be said to be an awesome teacher. He memorized all the politics textbooks in the first year of high school so well that he didn’t use books at all in class."

"What remains fresh in my memory is Teacher Zhang’s coolest move: without reading the book, he waves directly and shouts,"Please open page xx, paragraph xx, content XXXX". It can be said that he knows it by heart!"

"It's a pity that two years after we graduated, the textbooks were revised and the teachers were older, so they were no longer so familiar with the textbooks."

"Teacher Zhang is a very nice person. Many people in the class have been helped by him. He also had many conflicts with his teacher’s wife because of this."

"Hey, I hope the teacher can survive safely"




"Stop talking and listen to me!"

The squad leader Yu Shengnan spoke.

This Yu Shengnan is a woman. She has a bold and generous personality. She is a brotherly brother and can get along well with boys. She is very popular and prestigious.

"I'm asking in the group if everyone has a unified time recently. I contacted the hospital, and the hospital said that Mr. Zhang needs to rest most now, and suggested that the visits should not be spread out but should be done together. Are you looking for a convenient time recently?

At this time, Liu Hua privately chatted with Ye Xuan on WeChat:"Would you like to go back and see the teacher?" I want to go back and take a look. Are you free to join me?"

Ye Xuan recalled that Teacher Zhang used to treat students really well.

Once, Ye Xuan suddenly got seriously ill and needed 10,000 yuan in medical expenses. He was an orphan, so naturally he couldn't have so much money.

Teacher Zhang After hearing this, without saying a word, he paid 10,000 yuan to treat Ye Xuan and paid all the medical expenses in advance. For this, Teacher Zhang was scolded by his wife, and the two almost got divorced.

You must know that Ye Xuan was in high school. At that time, ten thousand yuan was not a small amount. With Teacher Zhang’s salary, it would take 2 or 3 months to save this money.

He is willing to spend so much savings for a student, even risking his wife’s anger and divorce. This is The teacher really had nothing to say to the student.

Ye Xuan thought about it and agreed to go back.

Because Ye Xuan and Liu Hua's hometown is in Xinshi City, south of the imperial capital, about 200 kilometers away, and it is very convenient to drive, so Ye Xuan decided to drive back

"Squad Leader Yu, Liu Hua and I drove over from the Imperial Capital. We estimate that we can arrive in New Rock City at noon.

Yu Shengnan replied:"Okay, be careful on the road." I have made an appointment with the hospital to visit at 4 p.m. No one is allowed to enter the hospital ward after 6 o'clock"


After Ye Xuan finished speaking, he asked for leave from the store manager, handed over the express delivery to other colleagues, and then drove to pick up Liu Hua.

And the group was talking about Ye Xuan again

"Ye Xuan wants to drive back from the imperial capital? I had a car in Didu just after graduation, so I was doing well."

"Unexpectedly, Ye Xuan actually works in the imperial capital?"

"I don’t know what Ye Xuan is doing now? Hee hee, I remember he was so handsome in high school"

"Does your girlfriend know about it?"

"Won’t we know when we see you later?"

Most of the classmates have deep memories of Ye Xuan and are full of curiosity about Ye Xuan's situation at this time. There are also some people with a dark mentality, Lu Sen, who has always been unhappy with Ye Xuan, and at this time couldn't help but come out and sarcastically said:

"snort! Ye Xuan, just show off, why are you driving back? Most of them are the car owned by the employer or the boss. If you scratch it, be careful of getting fired!"

This Lu Sen couldn't stand Ye Xuan when he was in high school.

In fact, it was just the jealousy of the ugly guy towards the handsome guy.

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