Neither of them expected that they would meet by chance under such circumstances.

"you are coming··"

Qing Ning's heart was pounding, testing

"Blind date."

Ye Xuan said calmly:"Introduced by others. And you?"

"Me too!"

Qing Ning's eyes widened in disbelief!

Did fate really have its own arrangements?

I prayed to see him, but God really let me date him.

Qing Ning instantly arranged a blind date for Liu Ru , extremely satisfied.

Ye Xuan was also instantly impressed by Aunt Song’s ability as a matchmaker.

"Well, at least the person I met this time was really good. It's over 95 points."

Qing Ning and Ye Xuan had been acquainted for a while, and they felt that they were destined to meet each other this time. The two started chatting.

As a result, things got out of hand.

Ye Xuan discovered that Qing Ning was a very special girl, and he and he The girls I dated or met by chance were all so different.

She is a breath of fresh air among girls today.

This girl is noble and elegant, has extraordinary conversation, has a conservative personality, is highly cultivated, and even speaks well, as if she came from thousands of years ago.The lady of the house, or the nine-day fairy, came to this materialistic society.

What's even more rare is that she is so beautiful and unparalleled, and her every move and smile can make the heroines in costume TV series ashamed to death.

Qing Ning also found that Ye Xuan was different.

He has a restrained light, a luxurious interior, and is calm but also energetic. Underneath his sunny appearance, he has a kind and gentle heart. Ever since she was helped by Ye Xuan last time for dysmenorrhea, Qing Ning had already preconceived the idea that Ye Xuan was a very good character. Now the more she gets to know her better, the more she feels··· it's him!

He was definitely the man he was looking for in his life.

The two chatted for a while, and it was a long time before they met, but Qing Ning's cell phone rang.

Qing Ning took a look and saw that it was Liu Ru.

She picked it up with excitement on her face

"Have you seen that person? How about first impressions on a date?"

Although Liu Ru is a domineering female CEO, she is extremely concerned about her daughter's affairs and controls the entire process.

"I saw it! Qing Ning's face was shy and full of sweetness:"

Mom, I really want to thank you this time." The person you arranged for me happens to be the person I have always wanted to meet but never met!"


Liu Ru also didn't expect that her daughter would be so satisfied with her arrangement?

In recent years, this was the first time that mother and daughter got along so harmoniously.

She was also very happy:"Really? I didn’t expect you knew him before?"


Qing Ning said shyly:"He even saved me.""


Liu Ru laughed, and the iceberg melted:"What a coincidence?" Why haven’t I heard Zhou Yuan talk about it?"

"Wait. Who is Zhou Yuan?"

Qing Ning frowned.

"Is this the man you want to date this time? His name is Zhou Yuan···"

Liu Ru also frowned:"Wait a minute, who are you meeting?"


Qing Ning was confused:"Isn't it Ye Xuan?"

"Ye Xuan?... faint to death! No, his name is not Ye Xuan, his name is Zhou Yuan……"

Not far away, a young man stood up and waved to Qing Ning.

Sweat, it’s an own goal!

Qing Ning cried at that time···


This is an oolong thing, so nonsensical? how come?

I obviously met Ye Xuan late, and we became very close to each other.

Why...did you get the wrong date?

That Zhou Yuan stood up and walked towards Qing Ning.

The first time he saw Qing Ning, he couldn't help but be tempted.

"Sure enough, just like what the aunt said, she is an extremely outstanding beauty! Zhou Yuan was excited:"In addition, her mother's company is developing rapidly. If I can marry her, it will be of great benefit to me and my family's development!""

But when he saw Qing Ning chatting happily with another man, Zhou Yuan felt so jealous.



Didn’t I agree that I would go on a date with Qing Ning tonight?

Why did Qing Ning talk so passionately to another man?

Didn't you say that Qing Ning doesn't have a boyfriend?

Zhou Yuan said a few words to Qing Ning before he realized···

Emotion Qing Ning went to the wrong place and was"cut off" by Ye Xuan, and they chatted for a long time!

She seems to be flirting with the lime girl...

Zhou Yuan almost vomited blood!

Why do I feel like my head is green?

He glared at Ye Xuan and asked Qing Ning to sit down.

Qing Ning was chatting happily with Ye Xuan, but when Zhou Yuan did this, she felt extremely bored.

But Liu Ru called one after another, forcing her to meet Zhou Yuan and stop making mistakes with Ye Xuan.

In Liu Ru's heart, Zhou Yuan, a carefully selected diamond king, is the one worthy of her daughter's date. As for Ye Xuan, who her daughter really likes,···What it is?

Qing Ning had no choice but to bid farewell to Ye Xuan and sit at that table for the time being, but she still glanced at Ye Xuan all the time.

Zhou Yuan vomited blood!

Turn over the table,(╯‵□)╯︵┻━┻

What does it mean to go on a date with me, but keep looking at Ye Xuan?

Why do you feel like your head is so green?


At this time, Ye Xuan's blind date also arrived.

She found Ye Xuan immediately.

Ye Xuan was so good-looking that everyone who saw him had a photographic memory, and the person had seen the photos sent by Aunt Song before.

The relationship is that Aunt Song made a mistake in the appointment time, and Ye Xuan came half an hour early.

"Hello, my name is Pan Qiao. Ye Xuan, nice to meet you."

Pan Qiao smiled brightly.

"Time is tight, so let’s get straight to the point. I'm a courier."

Ye Xuan glanced at Pan Qiao and felt that he was not suitable for him, so he simply revealed his identity directly and pretended to be poor in order to scare this woman away.

"That's all right.

Pan Qiao smiled:"What happened to the courier?" labour is the honour! Become the number one scholar!"

Ye Xuan:"???"

This is the first time I’ve seen a blind date and I didn’t roll my eyes when I heard it was directly delivered by express delivery.

"My monthly salary is 3,000!"

"That's all right. Pan Qiao looked sincere:"

Everyone starts from scratch, and I only have 5,000." Wouldn’t it be nice to share the joys and sorrows and work together in the future?"

Ye Xuan:"???"

Is this okay?

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