City: The Hostess Said That Sooner Or Later She Would Arrange For Someone To Kill Me

Chapter 246 What Qualifications Do You Have To Look Down On Me!

Although, with normal bodybuilding progress, Su Yu's progress is definitely not as great as Ye Chen's.

After all, he is the son of luck in a world, so his chances won't be too low.

Even though he has been weakened so much by himself, the son of luck is the son of luck after all.

Ye Chen, who was in shock, gradually came to his senses when he heard Su Yu's words.

Yes, why should I despise others?

Could it be that...

Are you really arrogant?

The Dragon Kingdom is a big country with prosperous martial arts, and in the face of a huge population base, it has many geniuses.

"Really?" Ye Chen said in a concentrated voice: "Then, I will fight you seriously!"

After speaking, he took off his coat and tore his shirt.

Show off his toned muscles.

Each piece is full of strength and beauty, and it is a muscle that countless men envy.

Seeing his movements, Su Yu couldn't help curling his lips.

What era is this, who the hell is fighting with you?

The main thing is that thugs in their own suits are not allowed!

Who told me that this skill can only be used for fighting in suits!

But in order to show respect to his opponent, Su Yu decided to...unbutton a button!


Two men with top looks, standing by the river and fighting against each other in the early morning of the Spring Festival in the magic capital!

After the nonsense was finished, Ye Chen didn't hold back anymore.

Directly bursting out with all his true strength, that pair of fists went straight to Su Yu's forehead.

However, this did not bother Su Yu at all.

As a person who has temporarily activated all top fighting skills, he can easily dodge Ye Chen's attack, and counterattack by the way.

"It's useless, you can't beat me." Su Yu dodged Ye Chen's whip leg while talking with a smile.

It made Ye Chen's teeth itch.

Su Yu's current appearance is really too arrogant.

Invisible arrogance.

Ye Chen, who always felt invincible in his heart, was very hurt.

How could I not get any benefit from a wasteful rich second generation who was just eating and waiting to die?!

"Shut up W||!"

Ye Chen roared angrily, put his palms on the ground, and kicked him sideways.

Of course, this kind of attack will never work against Su Yu.

His current strength is over 400, other attributes are also over 300, and he can react quickly to Ye Chen's attack.


He is able to fight the tug of war and directly hit Ye Chen to consume!


His system bug is still there!

As long as he increases his strength and physique when he is exhausted, he can be revived immediately with full blood!

As a bug brushed from Liu Ruyan, Su Yu has been hiding it all the time.

On the other side, Chen Fa and the four peripheral members of the Palace of Heavenly Kings were also fighting in full swing.

But Chen Fa was more than capable.

With every punch and kick, almost one person will fall to the ground and cannot get up.

Soon he cleaned up all four of them.

Just as he tied up the four of them and was about to fight Ye Chen with Su Yu, Su Yu stopped him.

"Don't come here!"

Hearing Su Yu's shout, Chen Fa stopped in his tracks, and said doubtfully, "President Su

Su Yu said in a calm voice: "Don't worry, I can handle it well, you just need to watch from the sidelines."

As for what to look at, Chen Fa also understood.

He nodded hesitantly at the moment, and then ran towards Chen Mengli.

"Do you think you can really beat me?" Stimulated by Su Yu's humiliating move, Ye Chen immediately stopped his attack and said in a cold voice.

Su Yu shrugged his shoulders: "I don't know if I can beat you, but I'm sure that if you can't kill me, that's right!"

Only after he overdraws his potential can he have the power of 555. Normally speaking, Ye Chen's current attributes are actually about the same as him.

Even if he overdraws his potential, if Su Yu doesn't talk about martial arts from time to time to restore his strength and physique, Ye Chen can't help it.

As long as you are not killed with one blow, I can be resurrected with full blood.

Eh, are you angry?

If you don't kill me, I will kill you!

Ye Chen smiled coldly, did not speak, and then silently closed his eyes.


When he opened his eyes again, a frightening light flashed out from them.

The temperament on the body suddenly undergoes a qualitative change!

Power breaks through 500!

Su Yu couldn't help being startled in his heart, although he said that he was not in a hurry, but he must still be in a panic in his heart!

After all, there is still a big difference between the two now.

"Next, I'll let you know what the real gap is!" Ye Chen said calmly.

"I'll let you know that you're just a rich, trash rich second generation."

".々And I, as a person who grew up in devil training, have been killing people on the battlefield since I was twelve years old, mercenaries, killers..."

"Among the chaebol forces abroad, which one of the top chaebols is not afraid of my Qinglong name?"

"How about you, you are just a waste who can stand at the top by relying on your family background, what right do you have to be arrogant in front of me?"

"Overseas, superstars and socialites, whoever sees me, who doesn't fall in love with me?"

"What are you? A frog in a well!"

Ye Chen lowered his head and murmured to himself: "I have never conceded defeat since I was a child, and I have never lost before. I stood out from the many disciples adopted by my master and became the master of the Weizhu hall."

"Since I was twelve years old, the number of people who have died at my hands has exceeded three figures. Countless big shots have seen me, who dares to speak condescendingly to me?"

"What are you, Su Yu!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Chen suddenly raised his head, his (already done) eyes glowed coldly, staring at Su Yu's face that was even more perfect than his.

A rare gleam of jealousy appeared.

"You didn't know where to play in the mud while I was killing people!"

"Now what right do you have to be arrogant in front of me!"

"It's just that you were born better than me, what right do you have to look down on me?"

Ye Chen clenched his fists tightly, eyes full of murderous intent, and shouted directly: "I will let you know today what it means that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people!"

After saying this, Ye Chen bent his legs slightly, and then jumped vigorously.


The ground caved in.

The whole person rushed towards Su Yu with a whistling sound like a bullet being fired.

"You...go to death for me!"

With a faint white mist in his fist, Ye Chen slammed fiercely at Su Yu's lower abdomen.


PS: Today's third update has been sent to Dato. .

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