City: The Lottery Starts From Settling Down

Chapter 160 The Little Guy Stabs The Sky【Please Subscribe】

Chapter 160: The little guy stabs the sky [Please subscribe]

Let's talk about Yunyang City, Qingyang Police Station. Lu Yuan was taken out of the interrogation room and directly taken to the detention room by the team members.

For a while, Wang Qiang, Lin Qingqing and others didn't know the situation and started asking questions one after another.

Jiang Lai even said sternly: "What are you doing? Lu Yuan is not a prisoner. Handcuffing you is already a violation, so why are you still being detained? I'm going to sue you."

When the two team members saw Jiang Lai's aggressive look, they couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then looked at Yang Hongwei who was coming out despite the pain.

"Let me tell you first, this is the police station. Don't interfere with official duties, otherwise I have the right to handcuff you!" Yang Hongwei was now furious and yelled loudly.

Before Lu Yuan could speak to Jiang Lai, he directly ordered the two team members: "Quick, lock him up for me."

Just at this time, a cold voice outside shouted: "What a great official authority. You are a small captain, who gave you the right?"

A middle-aged man walked in with several people.

Looking at the opponent's momentum, Yang Hongwei was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but raise his eyes to look at the opponent carefully, but he couldn't see anything at all from the opponent's face.

"Who are you, the parents of these students?" Yang Hongwei couldn't help but ask.

"I am the secretary of Deputy Director Li of the Organization Department. I am here to understand the situation. Have you investigated clearly about Lu Yuan?"

"Also, your current handling method has violated the principles and will be punished."

Yang Hongwei couldn't help but tremble when he heard that it was someone from the Organization Department.

However, now that things were like this, he could only hold on.

"Sorry, I'm following the rules. Lu Yuan participated in the fight and sent someone to the hospital. Our police station has the right to detain him!"

Yang Hongwei directly defined the matter as a fight between the two parties.

In this way, there is no problem at all at the police station.

But the truth is that Lu Yuan is completely the victim.

The cause of the incident was that Li Hui asked someone to beat him, but the conflict between the two parties led to a fight.

It can be said that Yang Hongwei confuses right and wrong.

Then Yang Hongwei kept an eye on it and said, "If you have any questions, I can contact our Chief S."

Having said this, he couldn't help but take out his phone and call his boss.

After the call was connected, the person on the other end seemed to be attending a dinner, and it could be heard that the other person was drunk during his speech.

"Awei, what's the matter?"

Yang Hongwei hurriedly said: "Captain S, I received an alarm here. There was a fight, and the person was seriously injured and hospitalized. Now there is someone from the organization department coming to ask for connections. "Do you see?"

Captain Li from the Qingyang Police Station would nod his head after hearing this, and then asked: "Did you follow the procedures and did you understand everything?"

"No problem at all, Chief S. The matter is very clear. We arrested the person who did it, and he confessed to the beating."

Yang Hongwei told the story from beginning to end.

It can't be said that he is trying to trick his boss, but he definitely wants to drag the other person into a pit of fire.

When the two were talking on the phone, Yang Hongwei deliberately turned on the speakerphone, with the obvious intention of letting the medical secretary hear.

Li Jun also had a bad temper and said coldly: "I don't care about the organization department. They want to go through the back door. It won't work with me. Just follow the procedures and I will handle it."

Secretary Wu also said: "Director Li, I am Wu Wensong. There is something hidden in this matter. You'd better come over in person."

"We, Minister Li, have told us that we must handle matters in a matter-of-fact and practical manner."

"But now your people are handcuffing people indiscriminately. I'm afraid it's against the rules!"

It has to be said that under normal circumstances, when things come to this point, they can be resolved smoothly or even digested internally.

However, the problem is that Li Jun and Li Shugui are not in the same line, and there are still many differences and even conflicts between his boss and Li Shugui.

This resulted in Li Jun not being prepared to give Wu Wensong face at all.

Then Li Jun said coldly: "Secretary Wu, I believe in the rules of my subordinates. If it is an ordinary fight, I can give you face."

"But now someone is seriously injured and sent to the hospital. This is not an ordinary matter. If there is any problem, I won't talk nonsense to you and just follow the normal procedures.

0...Please give me flowers...

After hanging up the phone, Yang Hongwei felt more confident.

He ignored Wu Wensong at all and imprisoned Lu Yuan directly.

Lu Yuan did not resist at all, but simply said: "You'd better pray that your boss can keep you.

Yang Hongwei's eyes were red, he snorted coldly and said: "You are still pretending to me now? No one can help you today."

Wu Wensong didn't know why it turned out like this, so he had to call Li Shugui.

When Li Shugui answered the phone, he was about to tell the story.

Li Shugui said directly: "You don't have to worry about the matter, just wait at the police station, and someone will handle it soon.


Then he said helplessly: "Now the entire top management of Yunyang City is in a state of chaos. I never thought that this little friend Lu Yuan would have such great energy.

"Now there are not only calls from the Magic City, but also calls from someone from Yanjing. If you add in the calls from Hong Kong Province, the matter is no longer an ordinary fight."

"I can't say anything right now. The senior management of the JC system will handle it personally later."

After listening to Li Shugui's call, Wu Wensong couldn't help but be stunned.

Previously, he received a call from Li Shugui asking them to come here to deal with Lu Yuan's matter, treating it as an ordinary fight.

It was indeed an ordinary incident before, at most it was just a fight between young people.

But now, I'm afraid it's not that simple.

However, even Li Shugui didn’t say anything.

What he doesn't know is that the phones of senior executives in Yunyang City are about to be bombarded.

At this time, the top leaders of Yunyang City have dispatched the top leaders of System C and are on their way to the Qingyang Police Station.

Lu Hongbin, who had previously spoken to Li Shugui on the phone, called Li Jun from Qingyang Police Station.

"What's going on with this Li Jun? He's been on the phone all the time. His subordinates are making trouble. What is he doing?"

Seeing that the other party was on the phone, Lu Hongbin did not call again, but sternly said to the driver: "Take the quick pill!".

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