Su Hua hurriedly asked: "Uncle, I heard that the murderer of the corpse on Linhai Beach has turned himself in......?

"Xiaohua...... This case is not ordinary...... There are some more important things involved, and our director has spoken before, and we must not let the facts of this case be revealed. "

Hearing this, Su Hua's heart became more and more excited, he knew very well that there must be something in this that could cause a huge impact on society, otherwise the police station would not be so secretive.

"Uncle...... If you know anything inside, send me a message on your mobile phone, don't worry, if you make money as a nephew, can you lose your share? No one will know that you sent it out, didn't we do this the first few times?"

After a burst of good talk from Su Hua, his uncle finally agreed to tell him some information he knew.

With the sound of the mobile phone, Su Hua couldn't wait to turn on the phone, and his uncle told him that the reason why the police have been blocking the news about Zhang Feng's surrender is because this Zhang Feng is the leader of the "demolition protest organization"!

The reason for the establishment of this demolition protest organization is related to the development of the [Splendid Peninsula] community a few years ago, which is related to the government's expropriation of villagers' land at a low price and violent demolition.

Once these things are publicized by the media, it will damage the image of the government, so the police department decided to block these news from the public's attention from the events of a few years ago.

After getting the news, Su Hua's heart suddenly jumped, once this news was made into news and announced, it would bring no less attention than any case he had announced before.

Half an hour later, such a news item was published on the Internet headline of the XX newspaper.

"Shocked! The murderer of the beach dumping case voluntarily surrendered because of ......"

After clicking on this news, it reported in detail that the murderer Zhang Feng, because he protested the demolition, so he used dismemberment and murder to win the attention of the society, hoping that people could pay more attention to the demolition, and finally turned himself in.

As soon as this news was reported, the entire Internet suddenly set off an uproar~ wave.

Many netizens not only felt extremely panicked when they saw that the murderer Zhang Feng actually used murder to gain attention in order to cause repercussions in society.

"This is too perverted~ right? Even if his house has been demolished before, he won't use murder to get attention, right?"

"Isn't it, the matter is already very clear, Zhang Feng just wants to take such extreme measures to attract the attention of the society, and he has succeeded in this. "

"But his methods are too cruel, I saw a post on the Internet before, it was sent by several college students, they had seen the body at the scene of the crime, and they also filmed it, and the woman who died was called a miserable ...... The corpses have been sawn into knots!"

"It's so annoying, I just hate that I didn't pay attention to it at the time, and now those photos have been blocked on the Internet, and I can't see them at all......"

Netizens were indignant and discussed, and many people were very panicked by the cruelty of the murderer's methods after seeing the pictures circulating on the Internet.

Other media outlets have keenly smelled the heat and value of this news, and rushed to report it, not only on the Internet, but also on the newspaper news.

And the government's violent demolition a few years ago was suddenly brought out by the media and netizens.

After learning about the demolition of [Splendid Peninsula] a few years ago, many people realized that Zhang Feng's crime was really because of the problem of demolition.

"The village of Zhang Feng has suffered such unfair treatment! No wonder this Zhang Feng did such a thing. "

"It is hateful for the government and developers to violently expropriate land and demolish it, but this Zhang Feng will not use this means to express his protest, which is too inhumane......

"That's what I said, but no one will have a good time with this kind of thing, right? Such a forced demolition, completely ignoring whether the people in the village can live a normal life, is it illegal at all?"

Due to the wide spread of the Internet, the popularity of the [Beach Dumping Case] in Dongcheng District once topped the hot search list on the Internet, and in one day, the number of discussion posts about this case increased by hundreds of thousands.

In addition to the case, the [Splendid Peninsula] project has also been discussed by many netizens, and for a time this case caused a storm in the city, and the attention of the public has shifted to the police station.

Considering the fishing boats on social media and the pressure from the government, the city bureau immediately issued an order to the Dongcheng sub-district, asking the Dongcheng sub-bureau to solve the case as soon as possible and try to turn over the matter as soon as possible.

As soon as the case is solved, people's attention to the issue of demolition will gradually decrease.

Although it is not clear how the news of Chu leaked out, since the incident has happened, the director of Dongcheng District immediately responded.

At this time, although the murderer had already surrendered, the serious crime team did not dare to close the case easily, and they must immediately and actively look for physical evidence of Zhang Feng's murder, otherwise if the case is reversed a day later, it will be a major blow to the reputation of the police.

Xu Wenchang, director of the Dongcheng Branch Bureau, did not allow such a situation to happen, so he immediately ordered that the three serious crime teams must find evidence in the shortest possible time.

However, after Zhang Feng readily admitted that he had killed someone, he had been silent about other things.

Therefore, the police could only go to Zhang Feng's residence and the vicinity of the crime scene like a needle in a haystack to find Zhang Feng's murder weapon.


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