"Miss Ye, who should go first, you or me?"

Mo Chen put down the bottle and asked with a smile.


Ye Bier had prepared herself for the matter for a long time, but when the time came, she couldn't help but back out.

"You first? Okay!"

Mo Chen didn't care what Ye Bier meant by"I", and he made the decision directly.

He took a sip of the wine in front of him.

Then he waved to Ye Bier.

Ye Bier's brain suddenly"buzzed".

Cold sweat broke out all over her body in an instant.

Even when she faced the murderous bandits in the past, she had never been so scared.

Tong Ni didn't urge her.

This kind of psychological hurdle had to be overcome by herself.

Ye Bier could do this, which was worthy of her master.

After hesitating for a moment, Ye Bier finally forced to move. She moved her legs and came to Mo Chen.

Mo Chen sat there without moving and waved his hand again.

Ye Bier made up her mind and kissed Mo Chen's mouth with her rosy lips.

A strong smell of alcohol came from his mouth.

It rushed into Ye Bier's brain.

In an instant, her mind became blank.

At this time, Mo Chen also popped up a word in his mind: five bowls a day!

After a long time,

Ye Bier finally came back to her senses.

She found that she had fallen limply in Mo Chen's arms.

In a hurry, she pushed Mo Chen hard on the chest and stood up straight.

"you you……"

Her cheeks were flushed, and she even had difficulty breathing.

She pointed at Mo Chen and wanted to say something, but she couldn't say a word.

"Miss Ye has a good alcohol tolerance."

Mo Chen smacked his lips and laughed.

As soon as the teasing words came out, another wave of rewards appeared.

"This time, it's my turn!"

Mo Chen said, pointing to the glass of wine in front of Ye Bier.

They had already had their first contact.

Ye Bier did not hesitate any longer, took a big sip of her own glass of wine, and ran towards Mo Chen.

A few minutes later, the glasses in front of the two were all empty.

Ye Bier wiped her lips gently with the back of her hand, and sat back in her seat with a red face.

At the same time, those who pretended to be customers but were actually filming in the restaurant were all dumbfounded.

Even those who were hiding in a room with Tong Ni and watching the monitor opened their mouths and could not make a sound.

Everyone had the same thought in their minds: Mo Chen is so lucky, isn't he? He even took advantage of the beautiful Ye!

Mo Chen licked his fragrant lips with his tongue, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

He knew that the scene just now must have been recorded by the camera.

If these videos were leaked to Ye Fan, would the protagonist be so angry that he would vomit blood?

"Miss Ye's skills are a bit clumsy."

Mo Chen suddenly said

"What's the awkwardness? I didn't connect with you.……"

Ye Bier's mood hadn't recovered yet, but she was provoked by Mo Chen and her eyes were full of resentment.

They didn't kiss at all just now, right? What does it have to do with awkwardness?

And, and even if it was really a kiss, it was her first time, so isn't it normal to be awkward?

"Alas, Miss Ye may not have much experience, it's okay, I have more experience in this area, I will teach you slowly when I have the chance in the future."

Mo Chen said generously

"Who wants you to teach?……"

Ye Bier was almost mad at Mo Chen.

She once again contributed reward points to Mo Chen.

"Well, I have to say, the food in this restaurant tastes really good."

Mo Chen ignored Ye Bier's slightly angry expression and picked up his chopsticks to eat.

Facing this uneducated, impolite and psychopathic guy, Ye Bier was speechless.

After she complained for a while, she began to prepare for the next thing.

There was a pair of bowls and chopsticks in front of her. A kind of medicinal powder was smeared on them.

Simply taking this medicinal powder would not have any reaction.

To be effective, two other things are needed.

One has been added to the dishes.

The other is wine.

Even if Mo Chen did not order wine when ordering, Ye Bier would have ordered it. What she had to do next was to pick up the chopsticks and eat two cups of the food on the plate. The combination of these three things will produce a special effect.

They are actually not harmful to the human body, but will only give a false appearance of poisoning.

If not treated in time, people will enter a state of suspended animation after a period of time.

This state of suspended animation will last for a while.

Until the effect of the drug wears off, the poisoned person will naturally wake up.

The duration of the drug effect varies from person to person. Some people need thirty minutes, some forty minutes, and some people need an hour or even more.

It is a drug secretly developed by the Biological Research Institute for the purpose of being used by some people performing special tasks at critical times.

And now, it has become a tool used by Tong Ni and Ye Bier to test Mo Chen. tools.

Ye Bier has been poisoned, Mo Chen will certainly come to her rescue. As long as he makes a move, the secret of mastering traditional medicine will be revealed!

For this moment, Tong Ni led people to rehearse for two full days!

Now, all that's left is to actually implement it.

Ye Bier slowly picked up the chopsticks and reached for the dishes on the plate.

But just when her chopsticks were about to touch the food.

Mo Chen, who had eaten nearly half of the food in a flash, stretched out his hand, picked up the plate before Ye Bier, poured all the food in it into his own bowl, and put the plate back.

Ye Bier looked at him in surprise, and had no choice but to turn her chopsticks to other food.

When she knew where she was going to pick up the food, she was shocked. , Mo Chen reached out to take the food away.

As a lady, Ye Bier couldn't grab the food from Mo Chen with chopsticks, could she?

Mo Chen looked like a starving ghost when he was eating. He had no manners or grace at all.

Soon, all the dishes on the table were swept away.

Only the bare plates were left for Ye Bier.

Looking at the table full of plates, Ye Bier wanted to cry but had no tears.

She wanted to curse.

Who has ever seen someone take away all the food when eating with a girl?

Is he crazy?

Not to mention Ye Bier, even Tong Ni in the monitoring room was dumbfounded. No matter how much she planned, she couldn't have expected Mo Chen to come up with such a magical operation.

What to do?

Could he order another table of dishes?


Mo Chen burped for a long time.

"Not bad, really not bad, the taste of this restaurant is really good! I am full, is Miss Ye full too?"

Ye Bier was so angry that her teeth itched.

Are you blind?

You ate all the food, how can I be full? I haven't even touched a bite, okay?

Just when she was worried, the waiter came over quickly, put four dishes on the table in a row, and smiled respectfully to Mo Chen and Ye Bier:"Miss Ye is a frequent customer of our store. This is the specialty of our store given by our boss. Please taste it and give some suggestions."

Ye Bier knew that this must be arranged by Master Tong Ni.

She did not dare to hesitate and stretched out her chopsticks to pick up the food, for fear that if she was a step slower, Mo Chen would grab it all. It would be too far-fetched to say that the food was given as a gift. To her surprise, Mo Chen did not stretch out his hand again, but just sat there and looked at her with a smile.

Watching her fill the food into her mouth again and again. His slightly narrowed eyes seemed to be expecting something.

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