City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 104 The Nobel Prize is born, and the glory of Nebula students peaks!

December 10.


The annual Nobel Prize ceremony is being held.

There are 5 Nobel Prizes in total.

The prizes are physics, chemistry, peace, literature, physiology or medicine.

At this moment, famous scientists from all over the world gathered together, and the conference room was full of stars.

The ceremony begins.

A grand Nobel concert was held on the spot.

Then, under the watchful eye of the audience.

The male host Charlie and the female host Cameron Diaz took to the stage together.

Charlie said: "More than 100 years ago, people predicted the existence of ferroelectric nematic liquid crystals.

And this year, ferroelectric nematic liquid crystal has finally been confirmed!

Luo Jiewen and Liao Jie of Xia Guoxingyun University discovered the ferroelectric nematic phase in liquid crystal, and showed the ferroelectric nematic phase rm734 organic molecule at room temperature.

From now on, ferroelectric nematic materials can be used in new display screens and reconstruct various fields of computer memory!"

Cameron Diaz said: "The confirmation and application of ferroelectric nematic liquid crystals will bring a lot of technological innovation to existing technologies.

To this end, we announce that the winners of the 2025 Nobel Prize in Physics are Luo Jiewen and Liao Jie!"

The voice just fell.

There was a sensation at the scene.

This year's Nobel Prize in Physics was actually won by Xia Guoren?

And there are two people from the Xia Kingdom!

Under the high stage.

Luo Jiewen and Liao Jie looked very excited.

This year, a team of Italian physicists detected neutrinos in the carbon-nitrogen-oxygen cycle of the sun.

A team of physicists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has discovered quantum correlations in giant mirrors.

These scientific research achievements are all major breakthroughs in the field of physics.

The competition for the Nobel Prize in Physics is fierce.

When the two came to the stage to accept the award.

There is a lot of discussion online.

"What the hell?! Luo Jiewen and Liao Jie have won the Nobel Prize in Physics. It's really incredible! 35

"My God! Our Xia Guo has finally achieved zero breakthroughs in the Nobel Prize in Physics, and there are still two!"

"No, I remember that Academician Yang won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1957 々 "?"

"The netizen upstairs, Academician Yang was a foreigner at the time, and it was not until 2017 that he regained the nationality of Xia Guo."5

"Luo Jiewen and Liao Jie are both students of Xingyun University, is this too exaggerated?"

"Great scientists, you are amazing!"

"The prize of the Nobel Prize is 1.1 million US dollars, which is divided equally between Luo Jiewen and Liao Jie! 95

on the high platform.

Luo Jiewen and Liao Jie delivered their acceptance speeches one after another after receiving the Nobel Prize.

Luo Jiewen said with a sincere expression: "I love the process of solving puzzles again and again in the scientific research field, and what makes me most happy is that I can study the field of physics with many like-minded scientists.

Curiosity, thirst for knowledge and understanding are always the strongest inner driving force of our team.

Also, we would like to thank Nebula University!

Without the support of school scientific research equipment.

Without the tireless training of school teachers.

There is no way we could have won this award.

Liao Jie's speech was more official: "We will continue to work hard in the future to achieve greater breakthroughs in the field of physics!

Finally, I would like to thank the motherland that gave birth to me and raised me.

Thank you to Nebula University for letting me change my freshman!"


All scientists applauded enthusiastically for the two men.

Scientific research, regardless of national boundaries, regardless of gender.

Everything is based on scientific research results!

Luo Jiewen and Liao Jie won this year's Nobel Prize in Physics, they are convinced!


The awards ceremony continues.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to two female scientists.

They are the same team that developed the sharpest tool in genetic technology: the CRISPR-cas9 gene editing technology.

This technology can change the DNA of animals, plants and microorganisms with extremely high precision, and has had a revolutionary impact on the field of life sciences.

The Nobel Prize in Literature was won by an American female poet laureate.

The Nobel Peace Prize, awarded by the World Food Programme agency.

on the high platform.

Charlie, the male host, said excitedly: "The HIV virus can lie dormant in the patient's cells for a long time without transcribing, so it will not be detected by the immune system.

But now, new treatment strategies have emerged, and the HIV virus has been completely conquered!"

Cameron Diaz: "The treatment strategy of Shi Kexin, a female scientist in Xia, has completely reversed the incubation period of the HIV virus.

She also used the newly developed drug to completely kill the HIV virus in the patient's cells, and successfully cured dozens of HIV patients.

The words fall.

There was a commotion offstage.

For a long time, the HIV virus cannot be cured and can only be treated with a combination of antiviral drugs.

If you want to completely eliminate this virus, the current level of scientific research cannot reach it!

in early February.

Shi Kexin once published a paper on the treatment strategy to activate and kill the HIV virus.

At that time, it caused a great sensation in the society and was regarded as a major breakthrough in the field of life sciences.

Now, Shi Kexin has actually developed the latest drug?

The speed of this research is too incredible!

Charlie announced: "The 2025 Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine - Shi Kexin!


Xia Guo netizens are boiling again.

"God, Shi Kexin won the Nobel Prize in Medicine! 99

"Shi Kexin is the second scientist from the Xia State to win the Nobel Prize in Medicine after becoming Lao Lao!"

"Shi Kexin is amazing, Xingyun University is well trained!"

"Yeah, it's incredible that Nebula University has produced three Nobel Prize winners.

"There is only one winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine, and Shi Kexin can only receive a prize of 1.1 million US dollars!

"It's amazing! She actually conquered the HIV virus! I'm finally saved!""

"Upstairs netizen, you are wrong! 99

on the high platform.

Shi Kexin took the medal and said, "I would like to thank the country, my parents, Xingyun University, and all those who have helped.

In the next scientific research career, I will continue to work hard to become a researcher who makes the motherland proud!

The audience burst into applause and gave it to the young female scientist.

After the Nobel Prize Ceremony.

On the Xia Guo Internet, there was an instant sensation.

All major media published the news of Luo Jiewen and Liao Jie winning the first time (Zhao Ma's) time.

"The Great Moment, Nebula students win glory for the country!"

"The Cradle of the Nobel Prize, Nebula University fulfills its promise!"

"Nobel Prize is born! Xia Guo's scientific research is on the rise!"

"The Second Nobel Prize in Medicine in the History of the Xia Kingdom!"

"The Youngest Nobel Prize Winner in History! Made by Xia Guo Scientists!"

"Nobel Prize in Physics Double Hit! Scientists of Xia Guo achieve new breakthroughs!"

at the same time.

The Xia Guo News Network program devoted 10 minutes to announcing the good news to the people of the country.

For a time, the people of the whole country rejoiced, and the gongs and drums roared.

What does the Nobel Prize stand for?

People couldn't be more clear!

The Nobel Prize is the highest honor in academia and the most influential award in the world!

This time, there are three Nobel Prize winners in Xia Guo.

Undoubtedly, it means that the national scientific research level is getting higher and higher, and on the road of becoming a scientific and technological country, it has reached a new level! Research.

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