City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 106 Xia Guo's colleges and universities line up, one school arrives in one country!

end of December.

letpub company, announced the "2025 Xiaguo Universities Published SCI Papers Ranking".

Nebula University has 107,550 SCI papers, ranking first in the country.

Xiaguo University of Science and Technology, with 28,240 SCI papers, ranks second in the country.

Modu Jiaotong University has 18,565 SCI papers, ranking third in the country.

Zhejiang University has 14,842 SCI papers, ranking fourth in the country.

Huaqing University has 12,045 SCI papers, ranking fifth in the country.

Yenching University has 11,054 SCI papers, ranking sixth in the country.

Sun Yat-Sen University, with 10,128 SCI papers, ranked seventh in the country.

Huazhong University of Science and Technology has 8548 SCI papers, ranking eighth in the country.

Fudan University has 8002 SCI papers, ranking ninth in the country.

Sichuan-Chongqing University has 7524 SCI papers, ranking tenth in the country.

in this list.

Nebula University once again topped the list!

Last year, the number of SCI papers of Nebula University was 20,156, ranking first in the country.

However, this year, the number of SCI papers of Nebula University has increased by 5.33 times on the basis of 20156 papers!

You must know that the total number of Nebula students is only 117,200.

On average, each student publishes 0.92 SCI papers.

What an exaggerated achievement this is!

Netizens were amazed.

letpub company also announced the "2025 ranking of the number of papers published by Xiaguo universities in the three top journals",


Nebula University has 512 articles, ranking first in the country.

Xia Guo Academy of Sciences University has 38 articles, ranking second in the country.

Huaqing University has 31 papers, ranking third in the country.

Yenching University has 27 papers, ranking fourth in the country.

Fudan University has 21 papers, ranking fifth in the country.

Xiaguo University of Science and Technology has 18 papers, ranking sixth in the country.

Magic University of Science and Technology has 15 articles, ranking seventh in the country.

Zhejiang University has 14 papers, ranking eighth in the country.

There are 12 articles by Modu Jiaotong University, ranking ninth in the country.

Southern University of Science and Technology has 10 articles, ranking tenth in the country.

"Nature", "Science", "Cell", the three top international academic journals, every paper included is one of a kind.

In 2025, Nebula University will have 512 papers included!

In terms of basic scientific research and academic fields, Nebula University is the only one in the country!


letpub company also announced the "2025 ranking of the number of SCI papers in various countries in the world".

The United States has 731,400 articles, ranking first in the world.

Xia Guo has 607,400 articles, ranking second in the world.

Eagle Country has 233,600 articles, ranking third in the world.

German 171,500 articles, ranking fourth in the world.

A Sanguo has 125,000 articles, ranking fifth in the world.

Neon Country has 124,700 articles, ranking sixth in the world.

Italy has 115,300 articles, ranking seventh in the world.

Canada has 115,000 articles, ranking eighth in the world.

France has 112,900 articles, ranking ninth in the world.

Australia has 107,000 articles, ranking tenth in the world.

This list is out.

Immediately, many people took a deep breath.

The number of papers published by Xia Guo SCI is only 124,000 less than that of the United States!

How is this going?

In the past few years, the number of papers published by Xia Guo SCI was about 250,000 less than that of the United States every year.

Are the stats wrong this year?

Soon, netizens figured it out.

All because of Nebula University!

Nebula University released 107,500 SCI papers this year, instantly increasing the number of SCI papers in Xia Guo!

Even with the gap between the two sides further narrowed!

At this moment, on the major forums, netizens are talking about this.

"Xingyun University is so powerful! The number of sci papers published in our country this year is almost catching up with the United States!"

"Yeah, 107,500 papers, that's incredible!"

"The number of sci papers is an important indicator reflecting the level of national basic scientific research, scientific and technological strength, and the level of papers. Now, our country has really risen!""

"By the way, I found that Nebula University's 107,500 papers ranked 10th in the number of SCI papers in the country, 5,000 more than Australia!

"One school arrives in one country! Nebula University is blown away!

outside discussion.

Li Yi, President of Nebula University, held a press conference.

at the press conference.

Li Yi publicly announced to the media reporters:

"First, the Institute of Scientific Information of Nebula University has established the "Nebulas Science Citation Index", "Nebulas Engineering Index", "Nebulas Science and Technology Conference Proceedings Index", these three major scientific and technological literature retrieval systems.

The Nebula Science Citation Index will include more than 3,700 core journals in mathematics, physics, chemistry, agriculture, forestry, medicine, life sciences, astronomy, geography, environment, materials, engineering technology and other disciplines published around the world.

It will select journal sources through strict journal selection criteria and evaluation procedures and enter them into the core database.

Each document included in the Nebula Science Citation Index can comprehensively cover the most important and influential research results in the world.

The same is true for "Nebulas Engineering Index" and "Nebulas Science and Technology Conference Proceedings Index".

0.・Ask for flowers・

Second, Nebula University established the "Nebula Journal" magazine.

The journal will include top academic papers in various fields in the world.

The goal of "Nebula Journal" is to become a top international academic journal at the level of "Nature", "Science" and "Cell".

Global researchers are welcome to contribute actively.

Third, Nebula University established the Nebula Comprehensive Journal.

The journal will contain high-quality academic papers in various fields around the world.

Mathematics, physics, chemistry, agriculture, forestry, medicine, life sciences, astronomy, geography, environment, materials, engineering technology and other disciplines are all involved.

Global researchers are welcome to contribute actively.

Fourth, from January 1, 2026.

Nebula students no longer submit any papers to the outside world.

They will directly contribute to the Nebula Journal or the Nebula Comprehensive Journal.


After meeting the inclusion criteria.

We will directly include it in the core database of Nebula Science Citation Index.

One stone creates a thousand waves!

Li Yi's series of measures at the press conference immediately caused a sensation in the outside world.

People are aware.

Nebula University is a public arena.

National Institute for Scientific Information.

National Institute for Scientific Information.

Science, a journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science


American Cell Press journal "cell".

Eagle country natural science journal "nature"

And other large and small more than 3700 academic journals.

All of them have become "potential opponents" of Nebula University!

Netizens were talking about it.

"What is Nebula University doing? How can you provoke so many opponents all at once?

"This is bad! If no one contributes to the Nebula Journal and Nebula Comprehensive Journals, how embarrassing it will be!"

"From what I know about foreign countries, they probably won't submit papers to Nebula University. 35

"Ah...then what should I do?

"What are you panicking about? Nebula University is no longer what it used to be. Even if everyone from abroad contributes, the number of terrifying SCI annual papers of Nebula University alone can be self-sufficient!

"Yes, I almost forgot! Nebula University produces 0.92 SCI papers per capita, so don't panic!"

"The level of basic scientific research of Nebula University is the best in the world! The confidence and confidence of the school are also the best in the world!"

"That's right! Our top universities in Xia Kingdom should be so domineering!"

"I believe that within a few years, Nebula Journal will definitely become the top international academic journal!

"Xia Guo's colleges and universities are ranked, and Xingyun University should be like this!" Go.

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