City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 120 Xia Guo's Strongest Military University, Nebula University!

Yenching University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

In the school meeting room, a special meeting unfolds.

The presidents of 7 "double first-class" universities, including Yanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Yanjing University of Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin Engineering University, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Jinling University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and Jinling University of Technology, are impressively listed!

They have a well-known name in the country, namely "the seven sons of national defense"!

Xu Huibing, the president of Yan Hang, said, "Everyone knows about the Nebula University Industrial Center, right?"

The principal at the scene nodded, looking a little helpless.

The Nebula Industrial Center has been able to independently build aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines, destroyers, fighter jets and other military weapons.

The military capability is outrageous!

Xu Huibing said solemnly: "Our seven colleges and universities are the seven strongest military colleges and universities in Xia State, and they are also leaders in the field of national defense construction.

Our Yanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the main advantages in aviation, aerospace, power, information, materials, manufacturing and other fields.

The main advantages of Yanjing University of Technology are in the areas of surface-to-air missiles, precise strikes, efficient destruction, mobile penetration, long-range suppression, and military information systems.

The main advantages of Harbin Institute of Technology are in the fields of manned spaceflight, lunar exploration, manned deep diving, and radar research.

Harbin Engineering University, the main advantages of ship factory, naval construction, 750 marine development, nuclear power plant, aerospace engineering, anti-ship missiles, nuclear submarine research and development.

Northwestern Polytechnical University, the main advantage is the research and development of various new fighter aircraft, Shenzhou spacecraft, large aircraft, new unmanned aerial vehicles and other fields.

The main advantages of Jinling University of Aeronautics and Astronautics are in the fields of aerospace, civil aviation and helicopters.

Jinling University of Science and Technology has its main advantages in the field of weapon manufacturing such as artillery research and development, artillery shell research and development, gunpowder research and development, and explosive research and development.

In general, we each have our own division of labor and are worthy of the name of the seven sons of national defense!

But now, Nebula University has made progress with us in aviation, aerospace, navigation, weapon manufacturing, fighter research and development, etc.!

Tell me, how should we deal with ourselves in the future?"

Zhang Jun, the president of Yan Institute of Technology, frowned and said, "Xingyun University is very strong, and the school's comprehensive strength ranks first in the country.

However, their current achievements in the military industry should not be as good as ours, right? 35

Zhou Yu, president of Harbin Institute of Technology, echoed: "Lao Xu, many of our military academies have not made public their scientific research results, so they are not prominent in various rankings.

Outsiders don't know about this, and how many of us don't know?

If we make all our scientific research results public, Nebula University will definitely not be able to match us in the field of military industry!

Hearing this, Xu Huibing said with a wry smile: "We have scientific research results that we haven't made public yet, so is Xingyun University going to make it public?

What they disclose to the outside world is just the tip of the iceberg!


The principals took a deep breath and were a little surprised.

Xu Huibing seemed to feel that the words were not astonishing, and he said bluntly: "I asked the leaders of the directly affiliated departments of the school yesterday, and asked them how the military strength of Xingyun University is?

The leader used 4 words to describe Nebula University - the most important weapon of the country!


The principals breathed in again.

The weight of the country!

The gold content of these 4 words is too high!

In the past, the leaders described their entire "seven sons of national defense" as only the mainstay.

On one side is a high school.

On one side are seven colleges.

The difference between the two sides can be imagined!

For a long time.

President Yao of Harbin Engineering said with a wry smile: "Our Harbin Engineering is so strong in the field of 'three seas, one core, one day', and we have never received such praise from leaders. Nebula University is indeed extraordinary!

At this time, the president of Jinling University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Shan, asked: "Lao Xu, you Yanhang's aerospace engineering discipline is number one in the world. In this field, you shouldn't be worse than Xingyun University, right?

Xu Huibing shook his head and said, "No! I have also asked my immediate leaders about this question.

The leader said that Nebula University has made a major breakthrough in the field of aerospace!

In the future, the fields of manned spaceflight, lunar exploration, aerospace engineering, Shenzhou spacecraft, and space satellites in our Xia Kingdom will reach a new (acdh) level.

While the principals were shocked, they were very puzzled.

How does Nebula University do it?

The ranking of the school is good, but the strength of the military industry is not good!

Xu Huibing continued: "Now, Xingyun University has become the strongest military university in the Xia Kingdom, and one school is comparable to our seven schools.

I hope everyone can feel more urgency and make greater breakthroughs in the field of military industry.

Otherwise, in the future, the world will only know about Nebula University, but not the Seven Masters of National Defense.

In addition, we can organize students to go to Xingyun University to exchange and discuss with each other and make progress together.

Everyone present nodded in unison, expressing their understanding.

When there is pressure, there is motivation!

The military field of Nebula University is so strong that it can inspire all schools to catch up!

the next few days.

The principals of the "Seven Children of the Military Industry" and the "Six Military Schools" also held a meeting.

The seven sons of the military industry are Yanjing University of Technology, Jinling University of Technology, North Central University, Chuncheng University of Technology, Yangcheng University of Technology, and Western Eucalyptus University of Technology.

There are six military schools, namely Harbin Engineering University, Jinling University of Technology, National Defense Science and Technology University, Xia Guo Armored Forces Engineering College, Xia Guo National Defense Engineering College, and Xia National Defense Command Engineering College.

in these schools.

Jinling University of Science and Technology is not only the seventh son of national defense, but also the seventh son of military industry, and the sixth school of military industry.

As a result, President Fu of Jinling University of Technology attended three meetings in full.

The content of the meeting is only one.

That is to try to catch up with Nebula University as soon as possible!

At first, the principals were at a loss.

They are all military colleges, and Nebula University is completely two concepts.

Until Principal Fu explained.

They realize that times have really changed!

The military industry field of Nebula University has also become the most dazzling existence in China!

after the meeting.

The principals issued documents in their respective schools for students to learn from Nebula University.

This time, the students were also stunned.

what's the situation?

The field of military industry they are most proud of has been surpassed by Nebula University?

Don't be so outrageous!

Among them, the students of the Seventh National Defense School suffered the most.

For a long time, their characteristic disciplines and sturdy strength in the field of national defense have been looked up to by major universities across the country.

Perhaps the overall ranking of the school is not high.

But the self-confidence exuded by them is no worse than the students of Huaqingyan University!

You Huaqingyan are great, but the military field of the Seventh National Defense School can still beat you.

However, the birth of Nebula University made them understand the truth that there are people outside people and heaven outside people.

They can not only beat you in the academic field, but also beat you in the military field.

At this moment, the students of the Seventh National Defense School doubted their life...

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