City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 137 The National Music Team kicks the hall, and the Nebula students reduce their dimensional

November 21.

19:25 in the evening.

Nebula University Gymnasium.

The atmosphere in the hall was in full swing, and nearly 20,000 Nebula students gathered together.

Tonight, there will be a special music challenge here.

both sides of the game.

One side is the national singer of the highest level in the Xia Guo music circle, with amazing singing skills, which is commonly known as the national music team.

The other side is a student of the music department of Nebula University.

a corner of the auditorium.

Miao Qi and Xia Jinshi were on the list.

The two of them were admitted to Nebula University last year and became graduate students of Nebula, and now they are studying for the second year of graduate school.

At the moment, the two are talking about the upcoming PK match.

Miao Qi said, "Jin Shi, do you think our school has a chance of winning?"

Xia Jinshi shook his head and said uncertainly: "The national team is the group with the highest level of singing in our country, and they are all real singers.

The Great Demon King Tan Jing, Dongfang Nightingale Teacher Wu Bixia, Sadingine Teacher, Huang Lin Teacher, Tengger Teacher, Li Yugang Teacher, Han Lei Teacher, etc., all of them are famous figures in the music industry!"

Of course, the students in the music department of our school are also of very high level.

Win or lose can only be played on the spot.

conversation room.

The "Seven Six Three" Music Challenge has officially started.

The first to appear is the teacher Wu Bixia, who is known as the Oriental Nightingale.

With the combination of accompaniment and choreography, Mr. Wu began to sing the song "Guanghan Palace".

"At midnight, on the branches of the moon, who cares for whom.

A glass of turbid wine, poured into the heart, whoever makes the heart cold.

The mica screen and candles reflect the deep shadow,

A song of feathers dancing on the edge, I don't know who to read,

The long river is falling, the dawn is falling, the meteorites are sinking,

The Moon Palace Night Changyu Rabbit invites me to accompany my lord in my dreams..."

Teacher Wu's singing ability is extremely powerful, and the scene is instantly boiling.

In the webcast room.

Netizens watching the live broadcast, the barrage flew.

"Mr. Wu is truly a lark in the world!""

"Microphone, Danger!"

"Topic: Mr. Wu, don't come here!"

"The national team is forbidden to participate! This is simply a massacre of the novice village!

"Is this the word of the national team? It's awesome!"

Sing a song.

The students applauded one after another, sending the most enthusiastic applause to the country's most representative coloratura soprano.

Then, Zeng Yueting, a student of Nebula, appeared.

The song she sang was also "Guanghan Palace".

With the combination of accompaniment and choreography, a kneeling voice echoed in the gymnasium.

"In the vast cold and bright light,

The moon's shadow flickers like a dream,

Osmanthus drunken print neon,

No matter how he carved beams and painted buildings,

I wish only the morning drum and evening bell,

become a touch of tenderness,

Clouds surged up in the sky.

It's her resentment and lovesickness,

The mica screen and candles reflect the deep shadow,

A song of feathers dancing on the edge, I don't know who to read,

The long river is falling, the dawn is falling, the meteorites are sinking,

Moon Palace Night Chang Jade Rabbit invites me to dream with my lord...

Netizens immediately exploded when they heard this celestial sound.

"Everyone give in, I'll kneel first!

"Don't let me! I'm already on my knees and kowtow, this is the real lark!"

"Passive nirvana - scalp tingling! 99

"The immortals are singing, and this Nebula student feels like he has reached the ceiling of the national coloratura soprano! 39

"There are only two words left in a thousand words, so nice!

The layman watches the fun, the layman watches the doorway.

Teacher Wu smiled at several teammates, because the outcome was already divided!

Nebula student Zeng Yueting won!

inside the gym.

The second pk of the two sides was announced to begin.

The player on the national team is the extremely popular Tan Jing the Great Demon King.

The song she sings is "Chi Ling".

With the accompaniment of the beautiful dance, a sound of nature sounded.

"When the play breaks, the sleeves rise and fall.

Sing the joys and sorrows, and sing the clutches and reunions, it has nothing to do with me.

Fans opened and closed, gongs and drums sounded and silent.

In the play, the outsider is in the play, who can tell.

I am used to blending joys, sorrows and joys into ink,

So what if the words are sung and worn, the bones and ashes are all mine.

In troubled times, duckweed endures watching beacon fires burn mountains and rivers,

The humble do not dare to forget about the country, even if no one knows me...

People in the audience walked by, but the old colors were not seen.

The people on the stage sang the heartbreaking farewell song.

The words of love are hard to fall into, and she must be reconciled with blood when she sings.

The curtain rises and the curtain ends, who is the guest..."

in the live room.

Netizens were talking.

"The big devil is the big devil, and his singing level has reached the pinnacle!"

"My soul has been washed by the great devil! Why is there such a beautiful voice in the world?"

"National first-class actor, so terrifying! 35

"The national team has fouled, how can they bully students like this? 35

"Uh... Teacher Wu lost just now..."


Sing a song.

Nebula students applauded.

They all grew up listening to the songs of the Great Demon King, and they are all her fans.


Wang Chenlu, a student of Nebula, appeared on the stage, and also sang "Chi Ling".

"People in the audience walked by, but the old colors were not seen.

The people on the stage sang the heartbreaking farewell song.

The words of love are hard to fall into, and she must be reconciled with blood when she sings.

The curtain rises, the curtain ends, and there are guests in the end.

After you sing, I appear,

Don't laugh at Fengyue Opera, don't laugh at people's absurdity.

I also asked about Qinghuang, and I also sang the rise and fall.

Dao is ruthless, Dao is affectionate, and thinks.

Dao is ruthless, Dao is affectionate, Fei thinks…”


Netizens exploded again.

"Good guy! The word 'sounding' is absolutely amazing!"

"This tone is so beautiful, it's like listening to the fairy moon's ears.""

"In ancient times, only emperors could hear this kind of music, right?"

"This star of the Nebula student, sang my soul out of my body! 35

"Her singing skills are too strong! The extreme sound pressure combined with the beautiful opera is even better than the Great Demon King Tan!"

"Please take my knee, ah ah!

on the stage.

The Great Demon King Tan smiled helplessly.

The other side sang "Chi Ling", which was indeed more shocking than hers.

The third national team player to debut is Mr. Sardinin.

The song she sang was "Under the Sea".

Under the gaze of the audience, an ethereal voice sounded to the extreme.

"The scattered moonlight pierced through the clouds,

lock the stars,

The scales of the sea.

The waves carry the canoe,

Floating to the bottom of the abyss.

The holy relics of Donghaiyuan,

Whispering Dreams 0..

listen to the depths of the sea,

whose voice guides.

the sleeping heart of the colossus,

No one woke it up.

You like the salty smell of the sea breeze,

Chasing the blue tide,

You say bitter tears,

should be thrown into the sea,

You ask me where to float tomorrow,

When will life fade away,


During the singing process, everyone felt that they rushed into the sky with the singing and fell to the bottom of the sea for a while.

This feeling is hard to describe in words.

"As soon as I opened my mouth, I knelt down!

"Teacher Sa's voice is so ethereal! 99

"So the Kraken is real!""

"Teacher Sa's voice has no impurities, it is ethereal and ethereal, so the bottom of the sea is like this!""

"Vast and distant, ethereal and clear, this song hits the soul directly.


Lin Nuanting, a female student of Nebula, began to sing "Under the Sea".

Compared to the long-established teacher Sa.

Lin Nuanting's voice, as if possessed by a Kraken, interprets the most distant and ethereal seabed.

The reverberation lingers around the bottom of the sea for three days!

In this regard, netizens in the live broadcast room fell to their knees.

Obviously, Lin Nuanting defeated Teacher Sa and won the third game.

The fourth person to appear is the teacher Huang Lin of the national team.

She sang "The Play of Pulling the Silk", which showed a charming voice change and a beautiful opera.

However, "The Play of Pulling Silk" sung by Nebula student Chen Wanlin, gives people a sense of sight of a natural singer, a peerless actress, and a human-shaped record.

Nebula students, win another round!


Teacher Tengger of the national team, who sang "Mango", lost to a male student of Nebula.

Teacher Li Yugang, who sang "Red Wish", lost to a Nebula male student.

Teacher Han Lei, who sang "Wukong", lost to a Nebula male student.

Teacher Yang Hongji, who sang "Yun Gong Xun Yin", lost to a Nebula male student.

Teacher Gong Linna, who sang "Down the Mountain", lost to a Nebula female student.

Teacher Han Hong, who sang "The Cloud of Hometown" in 3.7, lost to a Nebula female student.

10 national team members, all lost!

Netizens were stunned by this.

"Oh my god, 10 national team singers have been wiped out? This is outrageous, isn't it?"

"I had a hunch that several national team singers would overturn today. I didn't expect them to overturn..."

"I said just now that the national team is bullying the students, but I didn't expect that the students were bullying the national team..."

"What kind of gods are the Music Department of Xingyun University?"

"Huh? Grammy Best Female Singer Liu Jingyan doesn't seem to be here today. Nebula University must have masters! 35

"The music department of Xingyun University is so strong that even the national team members are hard to win, let alone those music schools in China.""

"Xiaguo Zhongyang Conservatory of Music, Xiaguo Conservatory of Music, Modu Conservatory of Music, Sichuan-Chongqing Art Institute, and Jincheng Conservatory of Music have been surpassed by Xingyun University in their areas of expertise!"

"Let's not talk about China, even the world's strongest Eastman School of Music, Juilliard School, Manhattan School of Music, Curtis School of Music, Berlin Academy of Arts, and the music department of Nebula University are not enough!

"The Music Department of Nebula University will always be a goddess!

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