City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 149 Nebula Meteorological Center, the world's top meteorological power!

October 10.

Nebula Satellite TV, "Nebulas News" program.

Numerous viewers, as usual, tune in to the news.

Suddenly, a news caught people's attention.

The scene that appeared on the screen was the extremely high-end Nebula Meteorological Center.

The host introduced: "After the completion of the Nebula Aerospace Center.

In just over 20 days, 9 Nebula meteorological satellites were sent to the sky.

These satellites include polar-orbiting meteorological satellites, precipitation meteorological satellites, observation meteorological satellites, optical breath satellites, microwave meteorological satellites, etc., wind field meteorological satellites, operational meteorological satellites, and so on.

The Nebula meteorological satellite series can continuously predict data such as surface temperature, ocean temperature, atmospheric temperature, earth wind field, typhoon area, precipitation, cloud cover, air pressure, and visibility 24 hours a day.

From now on.

The weather forecast of Magic City Smart Island will be more accurate and the resolution will be higher.

After a brief introduction.

Screen switching.

The host Ni Yue appeared at the Nebula Meteorological Center.

In the hall, there are satellite cloud images everywhere.

Hundreds of staff members are meticulously analyzing the cloud images taken by the Nebula meteorological satellite.

The dense data changes are very intuitively presented in front of all audiences.

At this time, Li Yi, President of Nebula University, appeared.

Ni Yue interviewed: "President Li, is there any difference between the Nebula Meteorological Center and other meteorological centers?

Li Yi said slowly: "There are three main differences.

First, all the cloud images and data here are real-time data sent by meteorological satellites. Without the Nebula series of meteorological satellites, we would not be able to do this at all.

Second, the Nebula Meteorological Center has a supercomputer with a peak value of 2 billion floating-point operations, and its computing efficiency ranks among the top in the world.

Third, the Nebula Meteorological Center has established 500 regional automated meteorological observation stations on Smart Island, covering the entire island.

under the combination of many factors.

The prediction accuracy of the Nebula Meteorological Center can reach a range of 250 meters.

The mean absolute error within 72 hours was within 1.3°C.

The forecast accuracy is amazing!

At present, the Nebula Weather Center has launched a weather app.

It can provide the most powerful information support for the officials, business circles, people, teachers and students of Smart Island.

And improve everyone's ability to prevent extreme weather and environment.

Reduce losses caused by natural disasters”.

Hearing this, Ni Yue couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Is this a school weather center?

It is comparable to the Xia Guo Meteorological Bureau!

At this time, Ni Yue asked: "Principal Li, Nebula Meteorology has 9 major meteorological satellites. If we only observe Smart Island, will it cause a waste of resources? 95

Li Yi shook his head and said, "We Xia Guo is one of the nine major meteorological centers in the world, and we need to contribute to the World Meteorological Organization to forecast the global weather conditions.

Many years ago, our country's meteorological business just started.

If you want to observe satellite cloud images, you have to borrow satellite data from other countries.

Now, the nation has risen.

Xia Guo has its own meteorological satellite, standing among the world's meteorological powers.

Nebula Meteorological Center as part of the country.

Naturally, while taking into account the smart island, it is necessary to contribute to the national weather and the earth's weather.

After the news is over.

The Nebula Weather Forecast begins.

Fang Lan, the host who reported the weather, appeared in front of the audience.

She said slowly: "Earthquake typhoons are just a little disturbance on the surface of the earth, but for human beings, they are a disaster! 35

As soon as the welcome fell, the scene in the studio changed.

"Earthquake and Typhoon" appeared in the studio.

The scene is lifelike and seems to be immersive.

The satellite cloud map and various data were still broadcast in the previous second.

In the next second, it was transformed into a violent storm.

The audience watching the live broadcast was stunned for a moment.

what's the situation?

They see the weather forecast every day, which is a few satellite cloud images, and then broadcast the reporter's dictation.

Why is it so high-tech all of a sudden?

The announcer Fang Lan said with a smile: "Everyone should have seen the earthquake and typhoon around me, right?

Actually, this is mr mixed reality technology.

This technology combines real-time rendered CG scene images, augmented reality, and virtual reality to fully display the effects of VR and AR, and to make up for the lack of clarity and limited viewing angles in augmented reality.

Belong to the third world where virtual and reality interact!

Of course, "Nebula Weather Forecast" is not to show everyone how good their technology is.

Instead, let everyone improve their awareness of prevention and understand the serious consequences of extreme weather more intuitively! 35

After Fang Lan introduced the mr mixed reality technology, he officially started broadcasting the weather.

under this technique.

Netizens watched the weather forecast with relish and didn't feel bored at all.


Countless netizens who watched this episode of the show had a lot of discussion.

"Nima is the weather forecast? It's a sci-fi blockbuster! 35

"Amazing, is this the "Weather Forecast" of Nebula Satellite TV? Love, love!"

"Speaking of which, the Nebula Meteorological Center is too good, it can be compared with the Xia Guo Meteorological Bureau!"

"How can the Xia Guo Meteorological Bureau have a floating-point supercomputer with a speed of 2 billion billion times? It feels like there is no Nebula Meteorological Center!"

"We have 17 meteorological satellites in Xia, plus these 9 nebula series meteorological satellites, the number is as high as 26!

"Xingyun University has made a major breakthrough in the field of meteorology, and the students of Nebula Meteorology College will be blessed in the future!"

"The strongest majors in the School of Meteorology in China are Jinling University of Information Engineering and Yenching University, and now Xingyun University is behind to achieve overtaking on curves!

"`" Terrible! How do I feel that Nebula University wants to be the first in all disciplines!"

"No, no, no? No school can really be the first in all subjects, right?"

October 15.

The World Meteorological Organization (wmo) urgently convened its executive council.

The main content of the meeting is to discuss whether the Nebula Meteorological Center can qualify to be recognized as a World Meteorological Center.

The Starry Sky Weather Center has a floating-point supercomputer with a speed of 2 billion teraflops, 9 Nebula series weather satellites, and the ability to predict weather forecasts has reached the world's top level!

If even the Nebula Meteorological Center can't get the honor of the World Meteorological Center.

Can the World Meteorological Organization still convince the public?

After repeated discussions by the executive board, the results came out.

The World Meteorological Organization held a grand press conference to the outside world.

At the press conference, the Nebula Meteorological Center was officially certified as the World Meteorological Center.

So far.

Among the top 10 world meteorological centers in the world, Xia Guo has 2 places.

A single country (Zhao Zhao's) has 2 places, which is the first time since the establishment of the World Meteorological Organization.

As soon as the news came out.

Netizens once again celebrated the historic news.

"What the fuck?! Such a bullshit? There are more than 200 countries in the world, and our Xia Kingdom has occupied 2 places! 35

"Xia Guo Meteorological Bureau + Nebula Meteorological Center = the world's top meteorological power!

"That's right! Xia Guo's meteorological field has officially reached the forefront of the world!"

"A weak question, what are the benefits of being certified as a World Meteorological Center? Is it possible to manage the weather of the whole earth?"

"Hey! You are so right, the World Meteorological Center can manage the global weather!

"The World Meteorological Center needs to operate the Global Deterministic Numerical Weather Prediction System, the Global Ensemble Numerical Weather Prediction System and the Global Long-Term Numerical Prediction System. In the future, no matter how the weather around the earth changes, the Nebula Meteorological Center can make forecasts!

"What's more worth mentioning is that among the top 10 meteorological centers in the world, the other 9 are national-level meteorological centers. However, the Nebula Weather Center is directly affiliated to Nebula University!

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