City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 15 Disease Nemesis, Magical Health Halo!

Wang Xiao is a senior in Xingyun Middle School.

He is a hyperthyroid patient who has been ill for three years.

Since he was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism in the third year of junior high school, Wang Xiao's life has been dark.

At that time, he lost weight all night, while he had insomnia, trembling hands, bulging eyes, hair loss, fear of heat, and a strong appetite.

Most seriously, hypokalemia caused by hyperthyroidism made him miserable.

After being sick.

Naturally, Wang Xiao had no intention of studying, and his grades plummeted. Finally, he entered the worst high school in the magic capital—Xingyun Middle School!

During that summer vacation, Wang Xiao received active treatment and his condition improved slightly.

However, hyperthyroidism is a chronic disease.

Full recovery requires long-term medication.

At present, according to the doctor's advice, Wang Xiao takes two capsules of Saizhi every day, and rechecks it once a month.

Take advantage of this National Day holiday.

Accompanied by his mother, Wang Xiao went to the Tenth People's Hospital of Modu for a re-examination.

Endocrinology, specialist outpatient clinic.

The chief physician, Dr. Wang, patiently looked at Wang Xiao's test report.

I only see three items of thyroid function on the report sheet.

Free thyroxine 17.68, in the range of 12 to 22, is completely normal.

Free triiodothyronine was 5.45, within the range of 3.1 to 6.8, completely normal.

Serum thyrotropin was 1.24, within the range of 0.27 to 4.2, completely normal.

Then, Dr. Wang turned over Wang Xiao's liver function test report and blood routine test report, and everything was normal.

Seeing this, he asked, "Little Wang, how do you take your medicine now?"

Wang Xiao replied truthfully, "According to your doctor's advice, I will take a Saizhi in the morning and a Saizhi in the evening."

Dr. Wang said strangely: "I have seen many patients with hyperthyroidism, and they have gradually reduced their doses.

From two capsules a day, reduce the dosage to one capsule a day, then reduce the dosage to one and a half capsules a day, and then reduce the dosage to two and a half capsules until completely discontinued.

But your dose has not been reduced, but all the indicators are normal all of a sudden, it is incredible! "

Hear this.

Wang Xiao's mother, who was on the side, said excitedly, "Doctor, what do you mean... Our Wang Xiao's hyperthyroidism is completely cured?"

In the past few years, my son has hyperthyroidism, and even their family is frowning.

Hyperthyroidism is a chronic disease and can only be recuperated slowly.

Dr. Wang smiled and nodded: "Yes, Xiao Wang's hyperthyroidism is completely cured!"

After the words fell, a smile appeared on Wang Xiao's face.

In the past few years, he has really had enough!

At this time, Dr. Wang warned: "Xiao Wang, your physical indicators have returned to normal now, and the medicine of Saizhi is completely stopped."

After he finished speaking, he added: "Fortunately, you came to review in time, otherwise, if you continue to take saizhi, hyperthyroidism will turn into hypothyroidism sooner or later. Over the years, I have seen too many patients with hyperthyroidism who did not come for review on time, living and living. Become a hypothyroid patient."

Wang Xiao and his mother looked at each other with lingering fears.

A long illness becomes a doctor!

Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism are two opposite diseases.

Hyperthyroidism can still be cured by taking medicine, but hypothyroidism has to take medicine for a lifetime!

Wang Xiao asked, "Doctor, will I not use it for re-examination in the future?"

Dr. Wang shook his head: "Your body has fully recovered, but there is no guarantee that hyperthyroidism will continue to recur.

I suggest that you come back to the hospital to check your thyroid function after two months. If the indicators are normal several times in a row, you don't need to come again! "

"Thank you doctor!"

Wang Xiao and his mother thanked them again and again.

Finally, Dr. Wang warned: "Xiao Wang, the cause of hyperthyroidism is, in the final analysis, low immunity. You can't stay up late in the future, and you must always pay attention to your work and rest."

"Thank you doctor, I will!" Wang Xiao nodded solemnly.

After Wang Xiao left the hospital.

There is a faint feeling in my heart.

The reason why his hyperthyroidism was able to recover was because of studying at Nebula Middle School.

Otherwise, why would hyperthyroidism suddenly disappear?

However, Song Ziyi, a senior in high school, has improved a lot.

Of course, there is no need to tell parents about this kind of nonsense.

Anyway, they wouldn't believe that a school could actually make the body healthier.


Wang Xiao left the hospital half an hour later.

Endocrinology specialist, specialist outpatient clinic.

Accompanied by her mother, Song Ziyi came to Dr. Wang.

Dr. Wang looked at Song Ziyi, who was ruddy in front of him, and asked, "Xiao Song, do I remember that you are a hypothyroid patient? I have an impression of you."

Song Ziyi nodded: "Doctor Wang, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism last year, and it was already serious at that time.

At that time, I was pale, puffy, apathetic, lethargic, hair loss, memory loss, dizzy, bradycardia, super cold, and depressed. "

Mother Song on the side said with lingering fears: "Doctor, Ziyi scared me last year.

She has no interest in anything. She just wants to lie in bed and sleep every day, let alone study. I thought she was depressed. "

Dr. Wang sighed: "Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism are two extremes, and the conditions are opposite.

In fact, as long as it is detected in time, the treatment is relatively simple.

I am afraid that the patient will not pay attention to it, and the treatment will be late when the condition is serious. "

After speaking, he asked again, "Xiao Song, what's your current dosage?"

Song Ziyi said truthfully: "I now eat half a capsule of Eucalyptus every day."

Dr. Wang smiled and nodded: "I just read your examination report, and all the indicators are normal. You can stop Ujiale!"

"Stop the drug?"

Mother Song said quickly, "Doctor, after stopping the drug, will the hypothyroidism recur?"

Dr. Wang said: "Generally speaking, hypothyroidism is incurable, and stopping or reducing the dose will lead to recurrence of hypothyroidism.

Most patients need to take medicines such as Euclidean for life.

Well... you stop taking the medicine first and come back to me next month.

In the past few months, Xiao Song has regularly reviewed to check the specific changes in the levels of the five hormones of thyroid. "

"Then thank you doctor!"

Song Ziyi and Song mother said in unison.

"By the way! Xiao Song, you have to maintain a regular schedule and must not stay up late." Dr. Wang added.

Song Ziyi said solemnly, "Don't worry, doctor, I will pay attention!"

After the two left.

Dr. Wang was very emotional.

Within one day, patients with hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism recovered continuously.

This was rare in his medical career.


There are many examples in Nebula Middle School similar to Wang Xiao and Song Ziyi.

Many students are more or less affected by various chronic diseases.

But after they went to the hospital for re-examination, they were surprised to find that their disease had completely recovered!

Obviously, under the "health halo" of Nebula Middle School, their bodies are getting healthier.

In addition, due to the school's "intellectual halo" blessing, their brains have also become much smarter.

Under various circumstances, these students who recovered their health guessed the magic of Nebula Middle School.

Once a person is afflicted with illness, the most desired thing is to have a healthy body.

But Nebula Middle School can keep them healthy.

For them, this is the best school in the world!

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