City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 161 Co-election of academicians of the two academies, Nebula students shocked the world!

Early April.

Nebula University.

Principal's office.

Li Yi just checked out the list of properties.

In the column of reputation value, it has accumulated 1-0.87 billion points.

He did not hesitate, and immediately spent 10 billion reputation points to exchange for Nebula Hologram-Center.

The holographic center produced by this system covers a series of holographic technologies such as holographic projection, 360-degree phantom imaging, holography, mathematical holography, computational holography, and metasurface holography.

Nowadays, artificial intelligence and intelligent robots have gradually changed people's lives.

Once the real holographic technology is born.

The advancement of technology will be a leap!

The process of holography will subvert cinemas, home theaters, communication methods, game methods, school education methods, military simulations, etc., changing the pattern and all aspects of the world.

If the speed of the network makes up the distance between time and space.

The holographic technology completely ignored the gap between the universe and history.

Heaven and earth are dark yellow, the universe is prehistoric.

Holographic in hand, everywhere.

Wait until the day when holographic projection technology appears.

The world will definitely become more colorful!

For a long time, the highest honors of Xia Guo's scientific community are academicians of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences and Xia Guo Academy of Engineering.

The scientific researchers who can obtain the honor of "Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences" are all leaders and elite talents in various scientific research fronts of national borders.

According to relevant regulations, academicians of the two academies are elected every two years.

And 2029 is the day when the co-opted officers are announced.


The Xia State Academy of Sciences and the Xia State Academy of Engineering also announced to the outside world the co-opted list of academicians of the two academies.

The list of academicians of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences is as follows:

Luo Jiewen, postgraduate student of Nebula University, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Liao Jie, graduate student of Nebula University, Nobel Prize winner in Physics.

Shi Kexin is a graduate student of Nebula University and a Nobel Prize winner in medicine.

Ren Jiahe, postgraduate student of Xingyun University, winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Lin Yikai is a graduate student at Nebula University and a Fields Medal winner.

Zhou Zisheng, graduate student of Nebula University, winner of the Turing Award.

Tang Shiyun, a graduate student at Nebula University, is a Turing Award winner.

Qian Shengjie, graduate student of Nebula University, winner of the Turing Award.

in this list.

The total number of academicians of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences is 81.

Among them, 31 Nobel laureates from Nebula University were all selected.

And among the 81 co-opted places, Nebula University accounted for 75!

The newly elected academician of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences covers multiple interdisciplinary subjects such as mathematical geophysics, chemical biology, life science and chemistry, information science and life health, and energy science.

The list of academicians of Xia Guo Academy of Engineering is as follows:

Xu Yuemeng, a graduate student of Nebula University, winner of the Eni Prize.

Wei Wenbin, a postgraduate student at Nebula University, winner of the World Agriculture Prize.

Huang Sirui, graduate student of Nebula University, winner of the Wolf Prize in Chemistry.

He Lingqi, a graduate student at Xingyun University, winner of the Einstein World Science Prize.

Zhu Xuefeng, a postgraduate student of Nebula University, received the Fei Dike Centennial Major Civil Engineering Project Excellence Award.

in this list.

The total number of academicians of the Xia Guo Academy of Engineering is 75.

Among them, Nebula University accounted for 65 places.

The newly elected academician of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences covers interdisciplinary subjects such as mechanical and transportation engineering, information and electronic engineering, chemical metallurgy and materials engineering, energy and mining engineering, civil and architectural engineering, agriculture, medicine and health.

at a press conference.

Xia Guo Academy of Sciences and Xia Guo Academy of Engineering jointly announced: "In recent years, when academicians of the two academies nominate candidates, under the premise of adhering to high standards and strict requirements, we pay more attention to the nomination of outstanding young and middle-aged people.

However, the outstanding Nebula students broke the convention of academician co-election.

They have made outstanding contributions and unparalleled achievements in their respective fields.

So far, under the multiple nominations of other academicians of the two academies.

The young Nebula students were co-opted into the Xia Guo Academy of Sciences and the Xia Guo Academy of Engineering, and became honorable academicians of the two academies.

The Xia State Academy of Sciences and the Xia State Academy of Engineering do not judge heroes based on age or seniority, but based on scientific research achievements!

The two institutes attach great importance to the development of science and technology and attach great importance to scientific research personnel.

We want talents who have made outstanding contributions to fully enjoy the respect of the society and their matching identities..."

after the press conference.

The co-election of the academicians of the two academies caused an instant sensation across the country.

On major social media, netizens were talking about it.

"What the fuck? Nebula students are too good? This year's 156 academician places of the two academies, and Nebula students accounted for 140!"

"They are still students, and they have become academicians of the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Engineering without graduating. This is simply against the sky! 35

"I remember that the youngest academicians of the two academies were 38-year-old academicians Lu Ke and Ren Yonghua. Nebula students broke the youngest record. 35

"The election of new academicians requires the help of old academicians. It seems that Nebula students are highly valued by the older generation of researchers!"

0.. ask for flowers ·

"Yeah, I remember that the academicians of the two academies were co-opted a few years ago. Their average age was 56.7 years old. Compared with them, the Nebula students are really young.""

In the discussion room.

A netizen whose id is [Ye Qi Sin] said inexplicably: "The sum of the number of academicians of the two academies of Xia Guo adds up to more than 1,900 people.

Evenly distributed to each province, there are as many as 56 academicians, a considerable number!

What are you making a fuss about?"

The post was just posted not long ago.

The netizen whose id is [Qi Yu Xuan Ang] quickly explained: "There are 1,900 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which seems to be a lot, but in fact there are not many.

Compared with 3006 colleges and universities nationwide, 1900 people are pitifully small.

Compared with the 17 million teachers nationwide, 1,900 people are even more pitiful.

The reason why we are so excited is because Nebula University has created history with the birth of 140 academicians of the two academies this year.

Seeing this reply, [Night Seven Sins] suddenly realized and nodded.

He asked again: "Since the academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences are so good, then the benefits should be very high, right?"

[Qi Yu Xuan An] replied: "I don't know about other treatment.

However, every time we introduce an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, we will receive a one-time reward of 6 million yuan and 1 million yuan in research funding.

In addition, academicians can enjoy a 200-square-meter housing, rent-free for 10 years!

I heard that some universities recruit academicians of the two academies, with an annual salary of 3 million yuan, a settlement fee of 2 million yuan, and a research fund of 10 million yuan.

Hearing this, [Seven Sins of the Night] took a deep breath.

He felt the "value" of knowledge for the first time


The discussion among netizens continues.

"In the ranking of the number of academicians of the two academies of domestic universities, excluding Xiaguo University of Science and Technology, the 140 academicians of the two academies of Xingyun University should be the most!"

"That's for sure! There are 90 academicians of the two academies of Huaqing University, 76 academicians of the two academies of Yanjing University, and 50 academicians of the two academies of Xiaguo University of Science and Technology, none of which can be compared with Xingyun University!"

"No, the 140 academicians of the two academies of Xingyun University are just students. If you count the academicians and teachers of the two academies of the school, the total number of academicians of the two academies of Xingyun University exceeds 400, which is more than that of the Xiaguo Academy of Sciences University!

"Tsk tsk tsk... Nebula University is indeed the No. 1 university in the world! It is an invincible existence in every aspect!" On.

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