City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 163 Holographic projection changes the world, Nebula University ranks first in all disciplin

He's holographic bracelet evaluation video, which was shared by netizens, instantly became popular on the Internet.

Holographic projection technology has always been standard in science fiction movies.

Who would have thought that Nebula University would have conquered the holographic projection technology without a sound?

And, most importantly, the price of the holographic bracelet is only 18,888 yuan!

They can't afford a million-dollar intelligent robot.

But the holographic bracelet of 18888 yuan, most people can afford it!

on major social platforms.

Netizens cheered and excited.

"Xingyun University has created miracles many times. Artificial intelligence, intelligent robots, and holographic bracelets have really exploded!"

"The future will be the era of holographic projection! Traditional mobile phones and computers may be withdrawn from the stage of history!"

"Technology changes the world, and the whole society will usher in new changes!

"Hsing Yun University, with its own power, has set off the world!"

"People say that the social class is solidified now, but with the popularization of holographic projection technology, there will be many new outlets in the world!

"Hey, the stock prices of Apple and other mobile phone companies have plummeted, and I have made a profit by shorting their stocks!"

"Damn it! Is it too late to go short now?"

"50February 18th come quickly, I can't wait!"

Holographic projection technology has shocked the Internet.

The same is true in real society.

Artificial intelligence + holographic projection technology is a new outlet.

If they can't take advantage of the situation, many giant companies may fall out of the stage of history completely.

Countless businessmen with a keen sense of business, waving cheques in their hands, rushed to Nebula University, hoping to reach a cooperation with the school.

If they can't keep pace with the times, they will be eliminated by this society sooner or later.

May 18.

The official website of Nebula University officially launched the holographic smart bracelet.

Countless netizens placed orders and purchased at the first time.

Buy early and enjoy early, they never want to wait any longer!

from this day.

Douyin, Weibo, forums, station b, circle of friends and other major social media are full of videos of the use of holographic bracelets.

in these videos.

Some play holographic games.

There are holographic movies.

There are holographic phone calls.

There are holographic conferences.

Some have tried holographic blind date.

There are those who appreciate holographic dance.

The charm of holographic projection is completely unfolded to the world!

People wearing holographic bracelets can be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys of the country.

Merchants with a keen sense of business have set up holographic showcases in their stores and played holographic movies and holographic dances, attracting a lot of popularity.

Merchants who carry goods live online, use holographic projection technology to carry goods holographically.

Many traffic departments use holographic projection technology to turn road signs into holographic signs.

Holographic interviews, holographic live broadcasts, holographic wedding banquets, holographic car shows, holographic stages, holographic concerts, holographic runway shows, etc., have added another fire to the already extremely popular holographic bracelets!

Nebula University.

At this moment, it has completely turned into a holographic campus.

All faculties and departments have combined holographic projection technology, and the visual effect is extremely shocking.

In the classroom of medical school, professors can use holographic stereo projection imaging, so that students can understand the internal structure of patients at a glance, so as to achieve the purpose of efficient teaching.

In the classroom of the School of Astronomy, professors rely on interactive holographic projection technology to enter space, look at distant planets and stars, and explain key points of knowledge to students at close range.

In the classroom of the Department of History, the professors used holographic projection technology to take the students back to the era a thousand years ago and explain the people and events of that era.

In the classroom of the Department of Engineering, professors create an immersive holographic interactive teaching plan based on the syllabus and combined with virtual reality technology, so that students can master professional knowledge more carefully.

a time.

Every classroom in Xingyun University has become a holographic smart classroom, which has attracted a lot of applause from the students.

Major colleges and universities across the country have followed suit and adopted holographic projection teaching.

The birth of holographic projection technology has completely brought Xia Guo's education industry to a new level.

Early June.

The Education Department of Xiaguo announced the latest "Disciplinary Evaluation Results of Xiaguo Colleges and Universities".

Discipline evaluation is the overall level evaluation of the first-level disciplines that have the right to confer doctoral degrees and master's degrees nationwide by the education department.

no.1, Nebula University, with a total of 88 a+ subjects.

no.2, Huaqing University, with a total of 21 a+ subjects.

no.3, Yenching University, with a total of 21 a+ subjects.

No.4, Xiaguo Academy of Sciences, with a total of 18 a+ disciplines.

no.5, Zhejiang University, with a total of 11 a+ subjects.

no.6, Xiaguo Renmin University, with a total of 9 a+ subjects.

no.7, Xiaguo University of Science and Technology, with a total of 7 a+ disciplines.

no.8, Yenching Normal University, with a total of 6 a+ subjects.

no.9, Xiaguo Agricultural University, with a total of 6 a+ subjects.

no.10, Modu Jiaotong University, the total number of a+ subjects is 5.

in this list.

The subject evaluation results of Nebula University are the most eye-catching.

There are only 88 subjects in the school.

There is no class a, no class b, all are a+!

In the Xia Guo college circle.

It is very difficult to get an A+ subject.

In many well-known colleges and universities, a school only has one or two A+ subjects.


a Discipline, which represents the top 2%-5% of domestic colleges and universities.

The A+ subject ranks in the top 2%, and there is even only one in the whole country!

For example, Xia Guozheng 777 Law University, a+ subject, only "law".

For example, Zhongyang Conservatory of Music, a+ subject, only has "music and dance"


For example, Xiaguo Academy of Fine Arts, a+ subject, only has "Fine Arts" and "Design"


For example, Yenching Union Medical College, a+ subject, only has "basic medicine" and "pharmacy"


For example, Xiaguo Communication University, a+ subject, only has "journalism and communication" and "drama and film and television"


The evaluation results of Nebula University made the outside world exclaimed.

"What the fuck?! Nebula University ranks first in all disciplines in China!

"It's too scary, isn't it? Nebula University ranks first in all disciplines in the country!"

"Mom! Come out and watch the fairy school!"

"First in all disciplines! Nebula University did it!"

"How did Nebula University achieve the first place in all disciplines? Do you want to be so exaggerated?

"Unbelievable! Huaqing Yan University has only 21 A+ subjects, and Nebula University has more than four times as many!"

"Xingyun University is not giving other schools a chance. All disciplines are the first in the country, so let's not let other schools live!"

"Haha, it will be much more convenient for students to fill in the college entrance examination in the future. Because every subject of Xingyun University is the first in the country!""

"Yes, you can choose a subject in the future and fill in the report without thinking! Of course, the premise is that you have to be admitted to Nebula University. (Squint smile)

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