City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 188 Nebula Quantum Computer, Stabilizing Quantum Hegemony!


Nebula University.

ground campus.

Ai Ping, host of Nebula TV, came to record the special program with the filming team.

The main purpose of their recording this time is to live broadcast the Nebula Quantum Center, which has just been completed by Nebula University.

Inside the Quantum Center.

Li Yi was introducing the basic situation to Ai Ping and his party.

He said slowly: "The Nebula Quantum Center, covering an area of ​​5 square kilometers, has many quantum information science institutions, covering all areas of quantum scientific research.

The Quantum Science and Engineering Laboratory, which houses various quantum interconnections, demonstration communication links, sensor networks and simulation test beds, has established a quantum device database to provide a way for the commercialization of quantum technology.

The Quantum Superiority Joint Design Lab aims to overcome the limitations of noisy quantum computer systems and achieve quantum superiority in high-energy, nuclear, chemical, and condensed matter physics scientific computing.

The Laboratory of Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems, aims to achieve the understanding and elimination of separation mechanisms in superconducting 2D and 3D devices, enabling the construction and deployment of superior quantum systems for computing and sensing.

The Quantum Systems Accelerator Laboratory, which aims to design the algorithms, quantum devices and engineering solutions needed to provide certified quantum advantage in scientific applications, explore the quantum technology trade space.

The Quantum Science 02 laboratory promotes the development of disruptive technologies by integrating the discovery, design and demonstration of revolutionary topological quantum materials, algorithms and sensors.

the existence of these laboratories.

It has made Nebula great progress in the field of quantum computing by leaps and bounds!"

Ai Ping nodded uneasily.

Then, the shooting team went to each quantum laboratory to shoot and frame the scene as material.

After a busy time.

Li Yi brought everyone to visit the quantum computer "Nebula" in the Nebula Quantum Center


The Nebula quantum computer is full of technology.

The optical path and receiving device composed of tens of thousands of components constitute the prototype of this nebula quantum computer.

The host, Ai Ping, asked curiously, "President Li, how does the Nebula quantum computer compare to our Xia Guo's Jiuzhang quantum computer?"

before she came to interview.

Specially made up some knowledge about quantum computers.

"Jiuzhang" is a quantum computer with 76 photons and 100 modes, which was developed by the academician team of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences.

It processes "Gaussian Bose sampling" 100 trillion times faster than the supercomputer "Fuyue" and 10 billion times faster than Google's quantum computer "Plane Suzuki"!

Chapter Nine on the Emergence of Quantum Computers.

Make Xia Guo achieve quantum hegemony in the field of quantum computing!

Li Yi explained with a smile: "The Nebula quantum computer, similar to Chapter Nine, uses photons as particles.

Researchers at the Quantum Center have built a 124-photon quantum computing prototype through quantum light sources, quantum interference, and single-photon detectors.

Simply put, the computing power of the Nebula quantum computer is 281 trillion times that of the Jiuzhang quantum computer!

Hearing this, Ai Ping couldn't help taking a deep breath.

The computing power of the Jiuzhang quantum computer is 100 trillion times that of the supercomputer Fuyue.

The computing power of the Nebula quantum computer is 281 trillion times that of the Jiuzhang quantum computer.

This data is too exaggerated!

After a moment of shock.

Ai Ping asked: "President Li, I would like to ask, what does the emergence of the Nebula quantum computer mean to Nebula University?

"It means a lot!

Li Yi said bluntly: "The advent of the Nebula quantum computer can solve problems in various fields through its powerful algorithms.

Such as academic field, scientific research field, medical field, artificial intelligence field, material field, meteorological field, aerospace field, simulated space, construction of virtual world and so on.

Overall, this is a major breakthrough in the field of quantum technology.

Our Xiaguo quantum technology field has reached a new level!"

Hear this.

Ai Ping nodded proudly.

Xia Guo has become the world's first in the field of quantum computing a few years ago.

Now the birth of the Nebula quantum computer.

It will undoubtedly continue to widen the gap with other countries.

At this time, Ai Ping asked curiously: "President Li, you studied economics back then, how do you know so much about the quantum field?"

Li Yi laughed: "Live until you are old and learn, as a principal who teaches and educates people, you can't do it without knowledge!"

Ai Ping asked again: "President Li, now that the Quantum Center has developed the Nebula quantum computer, what is the next development direction?"

Li Yi replied without hesitation: "The research in the field of scientific research is endless.

Our next direction is to use optics to implement programmable quantum computers that can handle many practical problems.

When the train was first invented, it was not as fast as the horse-drawn carriage.

When the airplane was first invented, it could only fly in the sky for one minute.

When computers were first invented, they were the size of a house.

When quantum computers were first invented, the calculation process did not last for a few minutes.

But now...

Trains, planes, and computers have already entered people's lives.

Maybe in the near future.

Like ordinary computers, quantum computers will enter every household and be widely used. ""

Ai Ping nodded sympathetically.

She said to the camera: "Any major technological innovation is never easy.

The reason why the Nebula Quantum Center has been able to make major breakthroughs in the field of quantum technology is all because scientists and researchers bravely climbed scientific peaks despite difficulties and obstacles.

In this regard, I hope everyone can give applause to these obscure researchers.

It is they who have propped up our Xiaguo scientific research field!

After this episode airs.

All walks of life suddenly became sensational.

"Professor of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences: Nebula Quantum Computer is an epoch-making achievement!"

"Professor from Stanford University: Nebula Quantum Computer, a great scientific achievement!"

"MIT Professor: Nebula Quantum Computer, a milestone in the field of quantum computing!"

"Professor of Huaqing University: Nebula Quantum Center, the strongest king in the field of quantum scientific research!"

When the nine chapters quantum computer was born, countless Chinese people were ecstatic.

This time, no exception.

on major social media platforms.

Netizens were talking.

"Niubei of Nebula University! Niubei of Nebula Quantum Center! They actually developed a 124-photon Nebula quantum computer!"

"The computing power of the Nebula quantum computer is 281 trillion times that of the Jiuzhang quantum computer. Is this too outrageous?

"Haha, our Xia Kingdom's quantum hegemony has become more stable!"

"Maybe home quantum computers can appear in our lives in the future, I really look forward to it!"

"Yes, technology changes the world! Technology changes the future!"

"Hopefully, one day, we can see the day when dreams come true!

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