City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 192 The rise of a powerful country, the Nebula 1 spacecraft landed on the moon, congratulati

After the warp engine was born.

Domestic netizens cheered, sang and danced.

With the development of the warp engine, the speed of the spacecraft can reach the speed of light, which is undoubtedly a milestone achievement.

Since ancient times, human beings have hoped to explore the secrets of space.

However, the universe is infinite and the distance is too far.

It takes more than 8 minutes to travel from the earth to the sun, even at the speed of light of 300,000 kilometers per second.

It takes 2 years to fly out of the solar system!

If you want to reach the edge of the universe known to mankind, you need to travel 14.5 billion years at the speed of light!

Now, the development of the warp engine can at least give humans the opportunity to step out of the solar system and see the outside world with their own eyes!

on major social media.

Netizens were ecstatic, gongs and drums roared.

"Fuck!!! Nebula University is so good, it actually developed a warp engine!

"Long live Xingyun University, long live Xia Kingdom!"

"This time, we are really going to the space age!" "803"

"Yeah, maybe we can travel to Mars, Mercury and other planets in the future!"

"Not only that, we can also send intelligent robots to major planets to mine or build space bases.

"In the field of scientific research, you can always trust Nebula University!"

October 28.

Nebula Aerospace Center.

Countless media reporters gathered together.

Today, they will witness a historic moment.

The Nebula 1 moon landing spacecraft will lift off here.

Xia Guo TV, Nebula TV, and the official website of Nebula University will all broadcast the event live simultaneously.

On the Internet, countless netizens are watching the live broadcast.

in front of the Aerospace Center.

Bingbing, the location host, is introducing the basic situation to the audience.

She said impassively: "The Nebula 1 lunar spacecraft behind me is 180 meters long, 75 meters wide, 45 meters wide, and weighs 12,000 tons.

The whole body of the spacecraft uses the latest materials and is powered by nuclear fusion energy.

In addition, the spacecraft is equipped with anti-gravity technology and is loaded with the latest ion thrusters.

The anti-gravity technology allows the spacecraft to rush into the universe at will, and the distance between the ground and the universe cannot cause any obstacles to the spacecraft, and can smoothly rush out of the atmosphere.

After breaking out of gravity, after entering space.

The spacecraft will use nuclear fusion into energy, and propel it with ion thrusters, cross a journey of 380,000 kilometers, fly to the surface of the moon, and successfully land on the moon!""

Hear this.

The bullet screen took off on the Internet.

"Great! My country!"

"This time, let's go to the moon first, and then go to Mars after a while! 35

"Haven't we already developed a warp engine? Why don't we use a warp engine?

"Stupid! The warp engine has just been developed, isn't it? How can it be applied so quickly?"

"What is the use of a butcher's knife to kill a chicken? We are only going to the moon this time, not to other planets! 99

discussion room.

The host Bingbing started an interview with Principal Li Yi.

She asked: "President Li, this time the Nebula 1 lunar spacecraft landed on the moon, carrying a large number of intelligent robots, is this the plan to build a lunar base?"

"That's right!""

Li Yi nodded and said, "This moon landing mission was jointly developed by our Nebula Aerospace Center and Xia Guo Space Center.

In order to successfully complete this mission, the Nebula Artificial Intelligence Center and the Nebula Materials Center have developed a space intelligent robot made of special composite materials.

These robots have the characteristics of radiation resistance, high temperature resistance and low temperature resistance.

They will build a lunar base belonging to our Xia Kingdom on the moon.

After landing on the moon, space intelligent robots will solve a series of problems such as gravity, magnetic field, atmosphere, temperature, and water.

For example, they will build gravitational and magnetic field transmitters all over the moon, so that the gravitational force of the lunar base reaches a level close to that of the earth.

For example, they will exploit the water and ice that may be hidden on the moon, and electrolyze water to obtain hydrogen and oxygen.

For example, they will use orbital mirrors around their orbits to adjust the intensity of sunlight to achieve the temperature and energy suitable for biological survival.

For example, they will mine a large amount of helium-3 on the moon as a fusion energy source and build a lunar fusion power station.

Hearing this, Bingbing nodded suddenly.

She suddenly remembered something and asked: "Principal Li, after these space intelligent robots land on the moon, can our existing communication technology be able to contact them at any time?

Li Yi nodded and said, "As early as a month ago, Nebula University sent several Nebula quantum communication satellites to the sky, which can realize space communication.

Of course, even without these quantum communication satellites.

Our original quantum communication satellites, microwave satellites, remote control and telemetry satellites, communication satellites, laser satellites, etc., can achieve instant communication.

Moreover, the Nebula 1 lunar spacecraft itself is equivalent to a relay station.

Real-time communication can be realized. "

Bingbing nodded again and asked, "Principal Li, in addition to intelligent robots in space, do we have astronauts to land on the moon?"

"Of course there is!

Li Yi smiled, "This moon landing mission, eight astronauts from the Xia Guo Aviation Center will go there at the same time to complete a series of missions.

9:00 am.

The Nebula 1 moon landing spacecraft.

Under the attention of the people of the whole country, it was officially launched 0..

The spaceship lifted off slowly, with a faint blue light at the bottom.

Soon, the spacecraft flew higher and higher, broke through the atmosphere, and came to the surface of outer space.

From the perspective of the porthole of the spacecraft, netizens saw an azure planet.

Pictures and videos of the Earth, they have seen many times.

But every time I watch it, it's still amazing!

Coming to the cosmic environment, the ion thruster is activated.

The speed of the spacecraft quickly climbed to the extreme, and it swept towards the moon!

on the live screen.

Expert popular science said: "The Nebula 1 moon landing spacecraft uses a lithium-ion thruster driven by a laser beam, with a speed of 2 million kilometers per hour.

The distance between the moon and the earth is 384,400 kilometers.

In other words, it will take about 12 minutes for the spacecraft to officially reach the lunar surface.


Countless netizens were excited.

"12 minutes, it's amazing to be able to reach the moon so quickly! 99

"Haha, in the future, the spacecraft will be equipped with a warp engine, and it will reach the moon in more than 1 second!

"It's so awesome, we, Xiaguo Aerospace, are invincible in the world! 35

12 minutes are fleeting.

The Nebula 1 lunar spacecraft landed on the lunar surface under the watchful eyes of the whole nation.

Immediately afterwards, a group of space robots swarmed out.

They will assemble the various lunar module modules carried by the lunar spacecraft.

And eight astronauts from Xia Guo also appeared in front of the camera.

They held flags in their hands and shoved them into the soil of the moon!

At this moment, the national anthem was played on the live broadcast screen.

All the people of Xia Kingdom are boiling, celebrating this historic moment of March 7th.

The host burst into tears and choked: "Our Xia country's manned spaceflight career has achieved unprecedented achievements, and it has written a magnificent poem of Xia country's continuous self-improvement.

Manned landing on the moon is an achievement that Xia Kingdom's five thousand years of civilization has not achieved.

Now, we did it! Xia Guo did it!

From now on, Xia Guo will continue to make unremitting exploration and pursuit in the high-tech field of aerospace industry!

From now on, Xia Guo will have more astronauts landing on the moon, contributing their own strength to Xia Guo aerospace industry!

All the netizens who watched the live broadcast burst into tears.

"Tears! Salute to our aerospace heroes in Xia!""

"The sons and daughters of the Xia Kingdom have many aspirations, and they wander the universe and ask the sky.""

"Heaven walks around the world, and the whole country celebrates and celebrates.""

"And pass in front of Chang'e Gate, and then go to the middle reaches of the Jade Emperor Palace! This is Xiaguo Aerospace!

"Congratulations to the Nebula 1 moon landing spacecraft! Congratulations to Xiaguo Aerospace! 35

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