City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 198 The great power is full of demeanor, and countless extinct species are resurrected!

Early February.

The state has issued a series of corresponding policies on the resurrection of ancient organisms.

Any extinct creature or plant can be brought back to the world as long as it is approved.

policy out.

The Nebula Biological Gene Center applied for the resurrection of dinosaurs and other species at the first time, which was approved, and held a press conference.

at the press conference.

Academician Suren announced four major events.

The first, the Nebula Bio-Gene Center, will cooperate with the Nebula Construction Group.

The two sides will build an artificial island "Dinosaur Island" above the East China Sea

The construction of Dinosaur Island will adopt various advanced technological means.

The oxygen content, carbon dioxide content, temperature, humidity, tropical rain forest, vegetation, etc. of the island air will perfectly simulate the environment of 65 million years ago, ensuring that dinosaurs can survive in the present.


Second, the Nebula Biological Gene Center, will cooperate with the Nebula Zoo.

The Biological Gene Center will revive extinct animals such as Wancheng clouded leopard, Przewalski's wild horse, small-toothed civet, Zhili macaque, high-nosed antelope, Xiaguo rhinoceros, white-headed stork, and Caspian tiger.

The resurrected animals will appear in the Nebula Zoo for tourists from all over the world to watch.

Third, the Nebula Biological Gene Center will cooperate with the Nebula Botanical Garden.

The biological gene center will revive Xiaguo ancient fruit, seed fern, star wood, pith wood, seal wood, Bennei cycad, ancient fern and other extinct plants.

The resurrected plants will appear in the Nebula Botanical Garden for tourists from all over the world to watch.

Fourth, the Nebula Biological Gene Center will cooperate with the Nebula Aquarium.

The Biological Gene Center will revive the extinct marine creatures such as the Yangtze river white sturgeon, Marion giant tortoise, Stella manatee, gilthead fish, sand-headed salamander, hot plate shark, ancient giant tortoise, and coelacanth.

The resurrected sea creatures will appear in the Nebula Aquarium for tourists from all over the world to watch.

After the conference is over.

The world was shocked by it.

For hundreds of years, too many animals and plants have become extinct in countries around the world.

In terms of animals, there are dodo, thylacine, Bali tiger, quagga, passenger pigeon, golden toad, Java tiger, black-footed ferret, giant lemur, Barbary lion, Eurasian mink, great auk and so on.

In terms of plants, there are tolomiro tree, amber golden horse, araucaria tree, coniferous pine vanilla, Prototheca, scaly tree, rhubarb flower, egret flower and so on.

Countless species have gone extinct over the centuries.

Some are caused by climate problems, some are caused by habitat destruction, some are caused by environmental pollution, some are extinct due to hunting, and some are extinct due to population reproduction problems.

This has long been a regret in the hearts of all countries.

At present, Xia Guo has mastered "black technology" technologies such as gene editing, gene regeneration, gene synthesis, gene cloning, etc. As long as there is a trace of DNA, the species can be completely resurrected.

They desperately hope that the Nebula Biological Gene Center can help them revive these extinct animals and plants.

In this regard, the Nebula Biological Gene Center will not refuse.

As long as countries can provide specimens or DNA genes of animals and plants, the Biological Gene Center can revive these species.

For a time, all countries in the world cheered.

Countless paleontologists, archaeologists, and botanists came with specimens of extinct creatures.

From late February.

Many extinct animals and plants have been resurrected.

The European bison, which was extinct in 1627, was resurrected by the Nebula Biological Gene Center and sent back to Europe.

The dodo, which was extinct in 1681, was resurrected by the Nebula Biogene Center and returned to the island of Mauritius.

Stella's manatee, which was extinct in 1768, was resurrected by the Nebula Biological Gene Center and sent back to the Bering Sea.

The great auk, which was extinct in 1844, was resurrected by the Nebula Biological Gene Center and sent back to the Atlantic islands.

The quagga, which was extinct in 1883, was resurrected by the Nebula Biological Gene Center and sent back to Africa.

The thylacine, which was extinct in 1936, was resurrected by the Nebula Biogene Center and returned to Australia.

The Javan tiger, which became extinct in 1983, was resurrected by the Nebula Biological Gene Center and returned to Java Island.

on the Internet.

Netizens were talking.

"The Nebula Biological Gene Center is mighty and domineering! It has become a living Buddha of all countries in the world!

"807 Why should we help them? Isn't this thankless!

"Who says thankless? For the researchers at the Nebula Bio-Gene Center, these extinct animal and plant specimens have a lot of research value and are invaluable treasures!"

"That's right! Extinct animal and plant specimens from all over the world are well treasured by them. Now they take the initiative to send them over to us for research, which is definitely a good thing! 35

"But I still think that helping others unconditionally like this may not be a good thing!

"Upstairs netizens, please relax, we are a big country, we should have the bearing of a big country!"

"To give a simple example, during the prosperous Tang Dynasty in ancient my country, when the barbarians came to brag about how powerful their country was, the Tang people were not bothered, but humbly praised the other's country!

"I get it! Punching and kicking in our country is actually a manifestation of psychological inferiority, just like a real scholar won't be complacent because his grades crush the scumbags! 35

"Now that these extinct species are resurrected, I hope all countries in the world can treat them kindly, and don't let them go extinct again.

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