City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 202 Nebula Nano Center, Nano Robots, Human Immortality?

June 1.

Smart Island.

Nebula SpaceX.

Thousands of tourists from all over the country boarded the Nebula Space 1 spacecraft.

Some of these tourists signed up for the seven-day lunar tour, some signed up for the three-day tour of the moon + four-day tour of Mars, and some signed up for the seven-day tour of the moon + seven-day tour of Mars.

The price that ordinary people can't bear is nothing to them.

Soon, the spaceship took off and shot into the sky.

The tourists are very excited.

And pass in front of Chang'e Gate, and then go to the middle of Jade Emperor Palace!

Traveling in space, landing on the moon and Mars, this is destined to be an unprecedented experience!

June 10.

Nebula University.

ground campus.

A large-scale press conference is being held.

Thousands of media reporters gathered to attend the press conference held by the Nebula Nano Center.

at the press conference.

Academician Guo Ming of the Nebula Nano Center said to everyone, "Some time ago, the Nebula Nano Center officially developed the Nebula Nano Robot.

Nebula nano-robots can perform different degrees of repair, cleaning and "August 10" improvement at different levels of human tissues, organs, cells, and genes.

In addition, nanorobots will take over the body's immune system, repair the body's genetic defects, repair cells from the inside, reverse the telomere cycle, prevent cells from weakening, and correct them.

In other words, the birth of nanorobots means that the end of medicine has come and will lead a new era!

The voice just fell.

All the media reporters present were instantly sensational.

Are Nanobots Really Developed?

If it is really like what Academician Guo Ming said, wouldn't human beings be able to achieve immortality?

Why do people get old?

Why do people die?

The reason is the human genetic setting, which is related to cell activity.

During infancy, the cell activity is extremely high, countless cells are newly born, and a few cells age and die.

The prime of life around the age of 30.

The number of new cells in the human body decreases one by one, and the aging and dead cells gradually increase.

Many cells become half-dead, “zombie cells that absorb nutrients but do not work. 35

In old age, more and more zombie cells appear, which leads to people becoming weaker and weaker, and eventually to death.

And nanorobots can repair cells, prevent cells from weakening, delay aging, and achieve immortality in the true sense!

At this time, Academician Guo Ming continued: "Nano-robots are actually not unfamiliar to everyone, and have heard of them more or less.

There are two types of nanorobots.

The first is a robot whose volume reaches the nanoscale and can operate at the molecular level.

The second is nanoscale manipulation devices.

With the current level of technology, only the second type, that is, the nano-scale operating device, can be realized.

To achieve the first one, there is still a long way to go.

But this time...

The Nebula Nano Center has reached a deep level of cooperation with the Nebula Artificial Intelligence Center and the Nebula Intelligent Robot Center.

Finally, we have developed a real nanorobot!

Its volume reaches the nanometer level, and it can realize the operation at the molecular level.

After entering the human body, nanorobots will kill zombie cells, repair damaged cells, kill cancer cells, delay aging, and regenerate cells.

After the cells are regenerated, the human body will become younger and younger, from 60 years old to 30 years old, and achieve reverse growth.

In theory, nanorobots could keep people alive forever.

Really enter the stage of immortality!

The words fall.

Everyone in the audience took a deep breath, their faces full of shock.

eternal life!

This is something that thousands of people have hoped to do.

Even an ancient emperor like Qin Shihuang, at the end of his life, wanted to find the "elixir of life".


The nanorobots at the moment are the elixir of life at the medical level!

Then, all the media reporters raised their hands one after another.

Even though it didn't come to the question-and-answer session, they couldn't wait that long!

on the high platform.

Academician Guo Ming pressed his hands down to signal everyone to be quiet.

He said to the crowd: "Don't worry, everyone, now I'll show you the role of nanorobots."5

After he finished speaking, he invited three experimenters with nano-robots in their bodies to the high platform.

The first experimenter was a 30-year-old youth.

I saw him holding a knife and making a cut on his skin, blood flowing.

However, he did not bandage the wound, but waited for the wound to heal on its own.

Just ten minutes.

Everyone watched helplessly as the blood on his arm became less and less, and he healed himself at an astonishing speed.

In the end, this bleeding opening turned into a white seal.

As if everything just now had never happened.

Academician Guo Ming said: "This is the repairing cell function of nanorobots.

They are constantly repairing damaged cells, repairing and maintaining the body from the cellular level. "

The second experimenter was a 60-year-old man.

He quickly took out his ID card.

Through the lens, everyone can clearly see the font of the ID card.

The ID card shows that the real age of the old man has reached 88 years old.

Seeing this, everyone exclaimed again.

If it weren't for the age shown on the ID card, they wouldn't be able to tell that this person was 88!

The third experimenter was a 70-year-old man.

His real age has reached 96 years old.

But with the help of nanorobots, he looks like an ordinary 70-year-old!

After the three experimenters stepped down.

Academician Guo Ming talked eloquently on the stage, using holographic projection technology, to tell everyone the working principle of nano-robots.

How do nanorobots repair cells, how to regenerate cells, how to delay aging, and how to take over the human immune system.

All the working principles are clearly and straightforwardly displayed in front of everyone.

As he spoke slowly.

The media reporters present also understood how amazing the nano-robots are.

After half an hour.

The media question and answer session begins.

A reporter from Xia Guo TV asked: "Academician Guo, will these nanorobots be harmful to the human body after they enter the human body? Will there be any rejection?"

Guo Ming shook his head and said bluntly: "No! Nano-robots are made of organic materials, which are safe and harmless, and the human body will not produce any rejection reaction 0.."

A reporter from Xia Guo Youth Daily asked: "Academician Guo, how many nanorobots does the human body need to achieve eternal youth and eternal life?"

Guo Ming pondered for a moment and said, "It is still relatively difficult to achieve immortality in an absolute sense.

There are about 40-60 trillion cells in the human body, and an average of 100 million cells die every minute.

Such a large number of cells, which need to be equipped with nanorobots, is absolutely an astronomical number.

Even a nano-robot costs 1 yuan.

The amount of money needed every year to maintain eternal life is also astronomical.

But what is certain is that once equipped with nano-robots, human life will become younger and more energetic, and it will play a role in prolonging life. ""

Hearing this, everyone present nodded suddenly.

The cells of the human body are scary to death.

What's more, the price of nano-robots is such a high-tech product that the price will definitely be very expensive.

If you want to rely on nanorobots to achieve immortality, the financial resources will be spent, I am afraid that Principal Li Yi, the richest man on the Forbes rich list, can't stand it!

A reporter from the People's Daily asked: "Academician Guo, how are these nano-robots controlled, what if they cannot work without electricity?

Ming Guo smiled and said: "The nanorobots are controlled by artificial intelligence, and they will appear in the most correct position to repair the cells that need to be repaired.

As for the power issue, don't worry at all.

Now super wireless charging towers are being installed all over the country, and the power will be replenished at all times. ""


After Guo Ming answered the reporters' questions one after another, he ended the press conference.

After the conference is over.

There was an uproar on the Internet.

"What the hell? Real nanobots appear! Can we achieve immortality?"

"Theoretically, yes, as long as you have the ability to make money in 3.7, it is really possible to achieve immortality! 99

"I watched the whole press conference of the Nebula Nano Center, these nano-robots are the end of the medical field! 39

"Eternal Emperor Qin Shi Huang did not realize his dream of immortality, and he never thought that an 'elixir of immortality' would appear in our generation! 55

"Yeah, who could have imagined that we would land on the moon and Mars thousands of years ago, isn't it all realized now?"

"I don't expect immortality. I hope that when I get old, I can have the opportunity to live a few more years with nano-robots!"

"The current nanorobots are definitely something that can only be enjoyed by the wealthy.

"Oops! If human life expectancy increases on a large scale in the future, and real estate companies offer 100-year mortgages, 500-year mortgages, and 1,000-year mortgages, who can withstand this?"5

"Ma Dan, I used to live for seventy or eighty years, and I could be a laborer for 50 years at most. When I think of being a laborer for 500 years and a laborer for 1,000 years, I would rather die!"

"Upstairs netizens wake up, really at that time, the capitalists will not let you die! (dog head saves your life)"

"Chilling! When will we poor people be able to stand up?"

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