City: World's No. 1 College

Chapter 204 Nebula University vs Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? Sorry, I choose Nebula

June 20.

On the eve of the release of the college entrance examination results.

Many senior high school graduates are chatting and irrigating in the forum.

A netizen whose network id is [ham and pork] made a post.

Nebula University vs Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which one do you prefer?

The content of the theme is:

"Xingyun University, founded in August 2023, is a comprehensive multidisciplinary institution of higher learning.

Now it is a first-class construction university in Xia Guoshuang, a member of the c11 alliance, and it is a well-deserved world's first university.

All disciplines of the school are ranked first in the world.

So far, it has trained countless outstanding talents for all walks of life in the world.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, founded in the 10th century AD, is a wizarding school that trains senior talents for the wizarding world.

The school has four colleges: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw.

Now it is a key construction school in Europe, shouldering the historical mission of cultivating senior wizards and promoting the progress of the magical world in the fields of Transfiguration, Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Flying, Apparition, etc.

So far, more than 100,000 wizards of various types have been trained for the magic world.

More than 60% of the school's graduates work in key units such as the Ministry of Magic, Gringotts Bank, the Office of the International Federation of Wizards, the Daily Prophet, and Azkaban Prison.

Every summer, owls are sent to send admission notices to incoming freshmen who have reached the age of 11.

The results of the college entrance examination will be released soon.

If only Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry existed.

If you were asked to study at one of these schools, which one would you choose?

The post was just posted not long ago.

Everyone in the forum responded.

"Lord, are you really stupid? Is there any comparability between the two? 99

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the school in the novel "Harry Potter", is completely fictional, okay?"

"Landlord, are you here to experience fishing? The school in the novel should be compared to Xingyun University?

"In terms of school strength, Nebula University beats 100 Hogwarts Schools of Witchcraft and Wizardry 々"!"

"That's right! Even if Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry existed, it wouldn't be enough for Nebula University! 35

In the Harry Potter novels, there are also Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, these three magic schools combined are not qualified to compare with Nebula University!"5

"I choose Xingyun University, may I ask you, landlord, can you send the admission letter of Xingyun University? 39

In the face of public doubts.

[Ham Pork] replied: "I personally think that if Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry exists, it is obviously better than Nebula University.

Courses at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry include Potions, Divination, Arithmetic Divination, History of Magic, Herbology, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Flying, Protecting Magical Biology, Muggle Studies, Ancient Runes Studies.

In addition, the school has all kinds of magical magic props.

Broomsticks, Floo Powder, Knight Bus, Marauder's Map, Deathly Hallows, Invisibility Cloak, Resurrection Stone, Elder Wand, Time Turner, Philosopher's Stone, Pensieve, Roar Letter, Horcrux Black Magic and more.

Hogwarts is a school of magic.

And Nebula University is a realistic school, at most a science and technology school.

I still think Hogwarts is stronger!

The voice just fell.

Netizens protested.

"Who said that the magic department must be stronger than the technology department?"

"With the technological level of Nebula University in the past two years, it can do everything in the sky, can it completely kill Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?

"One thing to say, although Hogwarts is excellent, Nebula University is obviously the better one!"

"In front of the various black technologies of Nebula University, magic props such as broomsticks, invisibility cloaks, and magic stones are nothing!"

"The Nebula University is an invincible existence, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, don't touch the porcelain!

At this time, a netizen whose network id is [Spiritual Wind and Smoke] posted a long article.

[Spiritual Smoke] wrote: "First, let's assume that Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry really exists, otherwise there is no need to discuss this topic at all.

The first point, Nebula University campus vs Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry campus.

In Harry Potter, Hogwarts Castle can be reached from platform nine and three quarters.

On the other hand, the anti-gravity campus of Xingyun University stands above the East China Sea waters 10,000 meters above the sea, which is equivalent to the ancient heaven in myths and legends.

In terms of style and force, Nebula University wins!

The second point, magic props vs Nebula University technology.

Hogwarts has broomsticks, and Nebula University has anti-gravity levitating cars, which can also fly.

Hogwarts has a knight bus, and Nebula University has an anti-gravity levitation bus, which can do the same.

Hogwarts has an invisibility cloak, and Nebula University has quantum invisibility camouflage materials, which can also be invisible.

Hogwarts has Marauder's map, Nebula University has artificial intelligence and satellites, and can also find anyone in the area.

Hogwarts has a resurrection stone, and Nebula University has a biological gene center, which can also resurrect long-extinct prehistoric creatures.

Hogwarts has a magic wand, and Nebula University has holographic projection technology.

Hogwarts has Floo powder, and Nebula University has light-speed spacecraft.

Hogwarts has powerful magic, and Nebula University has laser weapons.

Hogwarts has the Mirror of Erised, and Nebula University has virtual reality technology.

Hogwarts has the Philosopher's Stone, which can turn a stone into gold and make an elixir of life.

The science and technology of Nebula University can change the molecular structure, and play the role of turning stone into gold.

Some time ago, the newly developed nano-robots can also make people immortal!

Of course, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry also has time converters, curses, Pensieves, Horcruxes, black magic, and more.

These magical magic props may not be able to be done by Nebula University.

But Nebula University also has high-tech technologies such as space-based laser weapons, intelligent robots, quantum computers, warp engines, virtual worlds, gene repair fluids, controllable nuclear fusion, artificial satellites, long-distance wireless charging, and long-distance wireless Internet access.

Overall, Nebula University is better!"

The post of [Spiritual Wind (Qian De's) Smoke] was well-founded and immediately received the second opinion of everyone.

"`" I agree very much, the technology of Nebula University has been called the pinnacle of human beings, and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is still far from it!

"The Nebula University has 28 scientific research institutions including the Nebula Quantum Center, the Nebula Antigravity Center, and the Nebula Science and Technology Center.

"The Nebula University has achieved epic feats such as landing on the moon, landing on Mars, space tourism, etc., making mankind enter the space age. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will definitely not be able to do it!"

"This is just the school itself. Nebula alumni have become the mainstay of all walks of life. Can Hogwarts do it?"

"In terms of education, I only serve Nebula University! Even if Hogwarts comes!"

"If I had an admission letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and an admission letter from Nebula University, I would choose Nebula University without hesitation!

"Choose Nebula University +1!" dragged.

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